
Band of the Deliverance



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-29-2018, 05:06 PM
Welcome, welcome!

So if you're reading this page my guess is you're interested in Philomena and her plots to some degree, are you not? Good! I love knowing people are interested in my little brain baby.

So let's get down to why you're here... Philomena is making a band! Eventually, as a note, this band will be formed into a full fledged pack! The main goal of this band and it's pack is to take it's stepping stones into forming a pack to fight the Abraxas.

They are a band that wants to stand for the things they believe and for their freedoms as living creatures. They view their own values as right and will stand against what they deem as "evil". Which is mainly the Abraxas at this point due to the fall of Dragoste / treatment of one of their members. Please keep in mind this is all IC! I do not personally hate the Abraxas {once having one myself <3} and that this is IC drama only. I will not tolerate those joining my pack to cause drama OOC with the members. But hey, we're all down for some IC drama, right?

So if fighting against the Abraxas is your character's goal why not have them join the Band of the Deliverance?

We need five members including Philomena! And threads for those baes! <3

Band Name: Band of the Deliverance
Alpha Name: Philomena Hellstrom-Lore
Link to Leader's Account: Here

Member Name: Pegasus Beaufort
Link to Recruitment Thread: We'll Be Heroes

Member Name: Name
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name: Name
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Member Name:
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Band Description:

The Band of the Deliverance is a band that stands against those deemed evil by the world. Their primary enemy is that of the Abraxas family. Their uniting cause is to fight the Abraxas and any pack or family that threatens the safety and freedom of their members of those they care about.


1. Bide Your Time, The Chance Will Come To Strike -- While this band is planning on becoming a pack to fight the Abraxas {and possibly others!} they will not be rushing headlong into battle just yet. Don't run face first into an attack -- there will come a time when you and your fellows will unite for the proper attack.

2. Respect and No In-Fighting -- Respect is a must. While there is no official ranking system for the Band Philomena and Pegasus are viewed as the top two wolves within it. All wolves in the band should be shown respect, however, as a living creature. Help and love one another... we've united for a cause so lets show our unity, shall we? Fighting among the band is strictly forbidden and is punishable. Also keep in mind your fellows come from different cultures and backgrounds! Everyone's ways should be tolerated so long as they are not things such as rape, murder, etc.

3. Love -- Love who you like but please keep in mind we're a band! Large families will be discouraged since we'll only have a maximum of twelve members in the band officially. But please do not let that stop you from finding and taking a mate! Hopefully we'll move to pack status quickly to gain more members slots.

4. Be There -- Attendance for things, especially once we become a pack, is a must. We're planning for something big, a fight against a good standing pack, so we need all hands on deck. That said don't start something you can't finish! I understand not everyone is a master fighter, but at least give us your all!

5. Got Your Back -- Protect one another. That's not to say that you should be weak and not try and defend yourself, but if you're in a spot a band member should be willing to help you out of it. We've all gotta work together!

  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!