
Heavenly Grace



7 Years
01-01-2019, 04:40 PM
Skill Prompt - Winter Year 12 - Navigation

Winter-scape realm muted with silence, not a sound of a beating heart would thrum through what once upon a time would pulse with life. Ears would twitch, brushing against what felt to be a blanket of snow. It was cold – yet it did not freeze as it though it should. Dark ebon lashes, acting like a veil,  would slowly flutter, open to reveal amethyst eyes with the purest of gold and oranges specs mixed to offer their radiance. Vision blurred just for a moment, with the strain to make out object and location. Bushy long tail lazed behind, gold decorated throughout the the vampiric succubus supple, feline body; it was burning, close to it, that is how cold the accessories became while she was out cold. Where am I.. soft soprano-bass hum crooned from evon, voluptous lips. Her crown would slowly raise finally. It was a slowing process-steady to regain composure and to find feeling in her mile-long limbs; like a young babe, learning to walk on its own. When she was able to, after many attempt and failures, the artistocratic woman was finally on all fours. Elongated tail, painted in a plethoria of russets and browns, rested at her side, as if too large to curl upon her back; caulculating position and grace being one of her guilty pleasure yet she was in no such mood now. Body shook loose snow which had fallen upon her back, heavens knowing how long she'd actually been there – it was not amnesia – but how did she got here? The sirens movements were slow and unstable, walking through the blanket of snow that surrounded the valley. Dusk comes to bring her the moonlight, to the time of reflection upon the day passed and awaiting day to be renewed by the light of the sun and each hue deepens in noble solemnity, finding unity in the night. She should feel fortunate but such events, it was not the first time the siren had to navigate her way using the stars and she waas sure it won't be the last either. Brows would furrow in concentration as the young maiden gazed to the heavens. Teacup paw would step and a childish splash followed after, stepping into a small puddle of melted ice. The siren blinked rapidly as she took two steps back, ears flicked as she tilted her crown to her right. Rapid flashes of images burned through closed eyelids and slowly it came back to her; the cliff, the fall, it all made sense now. She had a nasty fall and she must've hit something on the way down for her to wake up without remembering it. A sharp, growling hiss slipped from dark ebon lips before she attempted once more to regain her composure and remain calm. Concern would paint along her beautiful visage as she stared blankly at the sky.Where are you, damned-- she whispered to herself, annoyance clear in her hisses. Dissapointment grew within her as time passed; it took her a while, possibly more than that, but she was finally able to locate the star that shone the brightest upon the night sky, the north star, the one that was going to help her find her way back home. If I knew a scavenger hunt for herbs would end in this I would have remained-- were the soft syllables of the siren, as dulcet as they started they slowly became inaudible as the woman was left speechless. Right before her eyes, there were lights dancing across the dark sky, each color slowly fading into another. Mixing and painting a beautiful serene scenery. The frosty winter air bit into her isabelline-white skin, and her neck was aching from tilting her crown back to see the auroras, she might have even stepped into another puddle again, but she could care less. The lights were beautiful, swaying and changing and illuminating the world. They could make the grinch's heart melt. Their glow, their shine, everything about them was like a miracle, forming and changing at the same time. What is this devilry? the question fell upon deaf ears; her pretty maw hang agape before the illussion of the night. Hanging in the sky above the siren was the actual aurora borealis yet she could not have known anything of it, as she came from the Desert. Yet there it was, before her own eyes, illuminating like a brilliant pink road, it snaked through the air and disappeared behind the hills, a darker purple aura clinging to one side of it. The lights shimmered and stretched, growing and receding, striving and shrinking. One moment the light was a singular thing, a path to heaven, the next moment it was a collection of many, an army made of light marching ever northward. The siren never witnessed so much beauty in one place, if you of course, excluse herself. A few more steps forward would have her movements lead her towards the hills, she had to do something to get closer, she had to discover what these lights where and where did they come from.

Words Count: 849


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together