
To you I will always return

Daemon I


3 Years
01-02-2019, 08:23 PM
The day wore on and Daemon was aware of winter's start. He moved towards his den where he had left Nova. He had left about mid autumn to see if he could find nabis or any other females to join them. He had also been looking for makani, but today he returned. He refused to leave nova alone any longer. She would be in heat and he refused to leave her unguarded when his children could seat themselves in her womb.

He stopped outside the den and sniffed a out for if she was still here, luckily it smelled like it was recently used. And with night approaching it meant she would be coming back to bed down soon. He decided to move into the den and wait, as impatient as he was to be with her once more. He knew she wanted his children as much as he wanted her to have them. He laid in the den entrance with his eyes watching the slowly falling snow outside the den.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


01-10-2019, 02:40 PM

Autumn into winter had been a bit rough on Nova… and she felt guilty in meeting another male during that time. Not that she loved him, mind you, but still Nova found the act of interacting with other men who were not her husband or her siblings awkward. But at least that man was gone now… and the pale rainbow woman had gone about her days waiting for her husband’s return. She was worried though with her heat’s arrival… and with it Nova had tried to be even more careful with interacting with anyone. She hadn’t seen her sister, her husband’s other mate, in some time… or any of her real family for that matter.

She admittedly missed them.

Nova had been out getting a drink, one of her shorter trips, on the day that Dae returned. Her heat was washing over her full force now… and she wanted nothing more than to rest in the den until she saw her husband again.

As she saw the pawprints outside the den she slowed though. Some of those weren’t hers. She tested the scents in the air and then soon her tail was wagging back and forth excitedly. “Dae!” His name fell from her mouth with excitement and the young woman practically dove into the den, nearly bowling into him as she whined with happiness.

He was back!


Daemon I


3 Years
01-11-2019, 12:36 AM
It didn't take long and he was being assaulted by her affections. He lay there allowing it. Her scent told him of her body's condition. She was in estrus, her body ready to bear him child. "I assume you missed me then?" he pulled her into him with a sweep of his paw. His proximity promised affection to her. His tongue latched at her head and in between he gave nips to her ears.

"It seems Makani and Nabis have abandoned us. It is fine though, we will just have to build our empire without them." his words about what they would do were left with a hint of the activities to come. He was definitely in the mood for this. And he was right. "From your womb will come the heirs to my kingdom, you will be the matriarch. None will contest your claim to the throne." he was definitely going to rank her above any other female, no matter if it pissed someone off or not. She would be the queen. She had been taught well enough to understand the responsibility of the position. She would bear offspring to him and they would in turn be the heirs.

He gave her shoulder a cleansing lick. He didn't miss the faint odor of another on her. It wasnt a sexual scent though only another Male. He trusted that nova would tell him of anything he needed to know.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


01-16-2019, 12:00 AM

Nova had missed him terribly… words alone couldn’t express how much she had needed him. But now that Dae was back she felt at ease again. Safe. A part of her recognized it was wrong... how much she relied on Daemon. But she loved him… whether it was wrong or right how it started. She trusted the man with her life… and she would remain loyally by his side.

“More than you know.” Nova confessed softly. His touch was appreciated… the only touch she actually desired. She knew she could trust him… he was gentle. He wouldn’t hurt her. The female rested her head against his body and listened to the words that came from his maw as a thoughtful frown found its way to her face. So the rest of their family had abandoned them…

“I’m sorry…” They were bloodkin to Dae… and Nova gave him a nuzzle. She wasn’t sure he needed it but she wanted to comfort him. “Know this… I won’t abandon you Daemon.” The female promised. “We’ll make our family, our empire…” The female nodded. “I’ll need to become even stronger… after what happened… I… I don’t know what I’d do if you hadn’t come to my aid then.”

“There was another male I met a little while back as well. Passing through our territory…” Her red eyes shifted to his. “We interacted a little… but there is only one man I ever want to be with as my husband. No other man will touch me like that again… save for you.” Nova gave a soft whine.

“My father is undoubtedly still out there…” The female continued. “As I said… I’m going to have to get stronger… to be a proper wife at your side. I can’t hide behind you anymore… I have to learn to stand beside you.” It was clear that the young woman had done a lot of thinking the past season.
“But enough of that for now… I just want to be with you... and feel your body against my own.” Nova licked at his muzzle lovingly. “...and those above willing… We’ll have a family by the end of the season.”


Daemon I


3 Years
01-16-2019, 11:40 AM
He listened to her every word. Seemed she had thought alot and missed him alot during the fall when he had gone. It was a good thing that she had thought about how she wanted to one day cease to hide behind him, but he was happy to be her meat shield for now. Though then she moved onto the stale scent on her pelt. His eyes met hers in that moment. So she had thought of that as well. Had this other man made her question her marriage to him? He'd slaughter the man if he thought to come between them. There was few things a spartan would not stand for and adulterous acts were one of them.

She then moved onto matters of procreation and he was all to happy to oblige her. Her scent was heady and shouted out her readiness to bear the future generation of Spartans. He wrapped a paw around her and pulled her into his side. He was going to take his time with this though. His tongue lavished her head and neck. Her heat was to be ignored for as long as he could hold out. "I must agree my love. The gods willing you will have a litter of strong and powerful Spartans within your womb when I have finished with you. A litter as large as your body can nurture. And then next winter we will breed even more." he was serious and he  proved his point with a nip to her neck. He had missed the feeling of her in his bed, ready and willing whenever he wanted. He was going to draw this out though until she was begging for him to fulfill her desires.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


01-30-2019, 05:17 PM

Further gentle caresses and kisses we're laid on her skin. Nova welcomed the closeness of her beloved, clinging to him as she drank in his scent. He didn't seem too annoyed at the fact she had interacted with the other man and for that Nova was thankful. Nothing problematic had happened during that time anyway.  She was able to handle that time at least…

She knew Daemon would keep her safe anyway. Make sure no one hurt her as she found her strength.  The woman knew that it would be a learning experience for her… as would being a mother. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she craved more from her mate, but she wouldn't rush into that. He just got home… though sooner rather than later they'd be working on bringing more Spartans as he called them into the world.

Their children.

Nova licked the bottom of Dae's chin as she felt the warmth in her body grow, desire mingling with her thoughts. “Is there a particular way we name them?” She asked, curious about his culture once more. To think that, possibly soon, a litter of needy pups would be at her side craving attention… it made he heart race all the more thinking about it.


Daemon I


3 Years
01-31-2019, 09:51 AM
He was all too happy to be close to his bride. To be able to touch her as he pleased. His dual toned eyes were on her bodice as he started nipping at her shoulders and neck. She'd done well to stay fit and trim enough that this year their attempts to create children should be successful. He would finally have an heir and her a family that didnt disappoint. He did expect their children to be perfect though or else he may have to purge them to keep them from ruining his namesake.

Her question brought forth an answer he felt was a given though he didn't speak like she was stupid. It wasnt like she was born into their culture so she wouldn't know. "We use Greek. Then they are given my namesake. Though I must warn you, it is our way to purge the weak or those that would disgrace our name. Children have until they are two seasons to prove themselves acceptable." he was a king so it should come as no surprise that he wanted strong heirs.

He also left it out that if his daughters were without children and a mate by their second heat he would take them to preserve the purity of their blood. There was no need to thrust too much upon her about his culture at once. "Boys will be taught to be hunters and warriors, girls diplomats and healers. You control the most power in the kingdom though. I bend to your needs and do as needed to protect you. If I must die so you may live then that is wat I shall do." he placed a kiss between her ears.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.