
Ancora Adoptions 2.0



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-05-2019, 12:31 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 05:48 AM by Dragon.)

Trying this again to see if there's any interest! So I have several Ancora's (and relatives) up for adoption! The only thing I ask is that they be kept active, and if set inactive then I reserve the right to reclaim them.


-I would strongly prefer these adopts be kept away from rape plots! They're not rapists, however, if you decide that's the route you want to go, then you acknowledge the fact that relatives of these adopts will seek vengeance on those that have wronged and/or been wronged. Keep in mind the Ancora's are a tight-knit family (or try to be) so someone will find out one way or another if this sort of thing has happened. They will not tolerate that kind of stuff. Sure the Ancora's have their own family drama, but when it comes down to it, they will retaliate against those who have hurt their own (outside of pack raids and shizz).

-I will provide designs to be used, however, you can also use your own. Just run them by me first for approval since certain Ancora's may have certain markings pertaining to whatever branch of the family they're from. If you choose to use a design provided by me, that design is to remain on Ardent and you are not to claim it as your own.

-It is encouraged that these adopts reunite with the family that are on site or at least try to rekindle relationships between each other. I'm not 100% sure anymore if Dragon will still try for his pack again as I'm not sure where his muse is at at the moment. Whether the Ancora pack comes back or not, I'd still like for these to find their place in Ardent and live a full, (hopefully happy) life.

-I suppose at this point, several of them have been MIA long enough that they can be any alignment, and even personality changes though be warned that if they've fallen in the evil spectrum and they seek to harm other family members just out of vengeance or something along those lines, or for no good reason, then expect retaliation. The Ancora's have been generally raised as good characters, meaning lawful good-true neutral (though I may allow Chaotic neutral as well).

-Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the character you're applying for, especially the ones that have been heavily involved with family drama. I will also add some brief descriptions for each character if they've had some involvement with key things.

Now on to the fun part!

Adoption #1: Dragon x Anamalech

Ardat Lili Abraxas
Ardat was born in the Risen Empire, however, she has been missing for quite some time. She doesn't know her father and barely knows her mother since Ana left not long after they were born. Since she only had 4 posts, her personality and stuff can be changed. I imagine she'd return to the Empire to reunite with her sister Proserpina and the rest of the Abraxas (if you're not familiar with them, I encourage you to contact Fox & Laz for more info.)
-Name, design, & gender can be changed. Keep in mind that the theme for this particular adopt should be Abraxas themed (demonic, fallen angel, god-like, etc.)
-Would love if this adopt came across their father or another Ancora family member to discover their Ancora lineage.

Adoption #2: Avalon x Vereux

Afrit Ancora is the daughter of Avalon Ancora & Vereux Armada. She was born and raised in her family's pack and was generally outgoing and tomboyish. She loved her family and always did what she could to cheer them up. Generally wasn't one to be in a bad/depressing mood. She doesn't have many posts and is also assumed to have been gone long enough to where her personality and whatnot could have changed as well.
-Name & design can be changed (Avalon's theme for the litter was of war, strength, values, or mythical creatures.)

Adoption #3: Avalon x Vereux

Arke Ancora Born in the same litter as Afrit. Not much to say, sadly. He was nice, kind, interested in healing, loves his family, etc.
-Name, design, and gender can be changed.

Adoption #4: Avalon x Newol

Dragon's littermate #1 Formerly known as Lykos Ancora,  basically estranged from the family. He's always butted heads with them (with the exception of Gryphon). Lykos always kind of seemed to be stand offish and never really seemed to interact with the family much without getting in some sort of fight. He was considered to be kind of cold (or at least that's how he seemed to be portrayed. Honestly his personality has room for change be it good or bad considering he's technically been MIA for a good while. Plots with him and the fam could be pretty good. Avalon & Dragon have both gotten past certain things and wish to rekindle their relationship with him. Whether or not that happens is up to the new player!
-New name and design required.

Adoption #5: Avalon x Newol

Dragon's littermate #2 Formerly known as Kharnage Ancora. Kharnage has always been pretty brash towards Lykos and has even shunned him from his life pretty much. He gets along great with Dragon and the two were often close. Definitely has a mouth on him and isn't afraid of anything, I encourage you to read his threads! Will more than likely rejoin with Dragon. Joined in on the Raid against Celestial and got blinded in one eye (I forget which one, I'll get back to you on that) hasn't been seen since the pack challenge for Talis.
-Name & design should be changed.

Adoption #6: Aures x Elias pup

We currently have one Pup from Aures Ancora & Elias Praetor for adoption. Must be in the large sized range (36"+). This litter lived with Aures their entire puphood, but this one hadn't been played much and had gone missing for a while. Aures was set inactive, so he could have found her and stayed with her out there or maybe was on his own. A completely blank slate to work with here. Same name requirements as Avalon's litter, (was originally named Bellum. Brothers are Legion & Reinhardt).

More relatives are available from offsite chars:

Aures Ancora x Rincavornon Armada
*3 pups available (Rogue pup pass required as they'd be born in Winter, Year 12)
*Names would probably be Elvish themed or Ancora themed. (Rincavornon & Aures are Elvish, if you need name sites hmu).
*No evil chars in this litter, would likely be neutral to lawful good
-If there's interest, I'll bring back Rin to come in with them.

Roc Ancora x unknown
*1-2yrs old
*Should have eye/face markings resembling Roc's line (Creed & Cross' side of the fam)
*Heterochromia would be a strong trait from both parents but not required.
*Neutral to lawful good alignment
*Name theme is similar to Avalon's (Values, mythical creatures, strength, war, etc)

Denahi Qilaq-Ancora x Unknown (2 Available)
*1-2yrs old
*Names should be Inuit
*Eye markings from Denahi's/creeds line preferred though not required
*Coat colors should be white, cream, grey, slate blue, auburn, reddish-brown, black (Husky-like colors/markings or colors that would help blend in the snow)


<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Which Ancora?:</b>
<b>Name:</b> Keeping the name or changing it? Avalon's  kids follow a theme of war, strength, values, or mythical creatures. Ardat's is demonic or god-like themed names. Aures' kids can follow Avalon's theme or be Latin.
<b>Appearance:</b> site minimum
<b>Personality:</b> 200+ words
<b>Alignment</b> Shouldn't go below chaotic neutral, though I might make exceptions depending on the app.
<b>Plans?:</b> What are you planning with this character? Potential plots? (It's okay if you don't have much here, I understand most people prefer to play it out, but if there is an idea you'd like to shoot for then by all means, tell me :D)
<b>Other:</b> Miscellaneous shizz
<b>RP Sample:</b> I wanna see how you'd portray this character! Maybe even write about their return/adventure coming home, etc.
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
01-05-2019, 09:22 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2019, 06:27 PM by Clementine.)



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-10-2019, 04:52 AM
Updated to add off-site character options :)
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



7 Years
01-10-2019, 05:56 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 02:41 PM by Nephthys.)
Taking this down for now. ;c
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
01-10-2019, 02:10 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2019, 02:56 PM by Tyranis.)
OOC Name: FenBen
Which Ancora?: Ardat Lil Abraxas
Name: Valac Abraxas
Appearance: Valac is unassuming with his lightly colored fur and average size. His coat his various shades of cream with a light brown blaze that runs from his nose, over his head, and down the back of his neck to blend into a faintly ticked saddle. The scars on his face are by far his most jarring feature making an otherwise comely and handsome wolf a sore sight for anyone unprepared for it. One large scar crosses over his left eye, leaving him partially blind, a condition that is expected to worsen with time. Although he bears two heavy scars on his throat the man is thankfully still able to speak although his voice is soft and jaded.

The man's fur is long and silky to the touch with a glossy shine to it that speaks of long hours of grooming. His eyes are blue although a cloudy cataract is plainly visible in his left eye. His right ear is cocked slightly; a result from the same attack that left him so heavily scarred. His legs are just slightly longer than his torso, giving him a runner's build, although his wide chest speaks more of a fighter.
Although his light pelt and scarred face may beguile a gentle and calming wolf Valac's personality is anything but. His mind is a vast network of information interwoven with details and spiteful intent. It's hard to say what goes through his mind at any given time as his expression is always carefully neutral.

Some days Valac lays in his den, leaving only to eat and drink while others he insists on participating in as many pack affairs as he can and committing to gathering and spars that he rarely follows through on or simply abandons partway through. The prospect of losing his littermate again terrifies him and he often becomes paranoid when he goes even a few hours without seeing Prosperina, however it is very possible that when he does see her he may lash out violently at her.

Relationships with Valac are in a word; chaotic. His relationship with others will largely be based on his first impression of them. Those he becomes attached to could be prone to his catastrophic thoughts and his often violent and hateful outbursts of anger, as well as his paranoid delusions.He demand constant affirmation that he isn't hated by whoever else is in the relationship with him. At the same time however he'll feel the need to test the limits of his bond with them
Alignment Neutral Evil
Plans?: Nothing set in stone just yet other than getting him to the empire
Other: Going to make this guy navigation/ fighter
RP Sample: I wanna see how you'd portray this character! Maybe even write about their return/adventure coming home, etc.

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-30-2019, 11:21 AM
Congrats Fen, you get Valac! Can't wait to see him around ^^



1 Year
Dire wolf
01-30-2019, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2019, 06:33 PM by Gunther.)
This here is a huge wip plz dm me if u see something that needs fixing

OOC Name: Asena
Which Ancora?: Bellum
Name: Bellum "War" Ancora
Design: his original when I played him aka the pretty one
Appearance: site minimum
Personality: To call Bellum a blockhead would be the understatement of the year. Sure he's a mass of muscle that could make anyone think twice about starting a fight with him, but he's not the smartest guy. But what he does lack in brains he more than makes up for in heart and muscle. He is loving and loyal to a fault. It shows best with his brother Reinhardt who is the brains for him. Though he's not so simpleminded that he would be easily entertained like an infant, but he is simpleminded enough that he could be easily swayed or something like that. It most prevalent with the voices in his head, though thanks to his mother he does his best to ignore them. Sometimes though they are so loud he can barely think for himself.

There is a problem where he does have blackouts. He can do bad things but so far thanks to his mom and brother he's been saved from the worst he could do. Not that he would remember doing them. Though neither voice or personality could drive him to do something unless this happens. It does scare him that it might happen more and more, or that he could hurt his younger siblings or his brother during an episode. Cain can be volatile and nasty towards anyone, but usually theres a recognizable speech difference when he takes over. Cain likes to treat Bellum's person like an experiment, often referring to him as 'this one' or 'the subject'. He is much unlike Astaroth. Astaroth is a very much more unpredictable personality. He is extremely violent and has more of a love of pain, in a sense being a masochistic sadistic being. He can drive the worst events. He is undistinguishable from Bellum though, so Bellum can be easily blamed for his wrongdoings.

Bellum himself is a loving guy, but like his nickname he is a warrior. He would destroy whoever crosses his family wrong or die trying. He doesn't like to let others suffer though so he would rather get the job done the first time than maim and let the victim live with such a thing.
Alignment chaotic good with a tendency to be lawful evil if one of his voices drive him to it
Plans?: bring him back let him make his own choices and let him decide things himself might see how he feels about starting a pack and go from there. Might also let some darker plots go down with him, where I can only guess he would go running to Reinhardt after his black out.
Other: blackouts are intended to be rare but they will happen now and again
RP Sample: I wanna see how you'd portray this character! Maybe even write about their return/adventure coming home, etc.

Walk, "Bellum", 'Cain', 'Astaroth', Think


01-31-2019, 09:26 PM
OOC Name: Bluetick
Which Ancora?: Rin x Aures pup
Name: -- Ancora-Armanda (Daeron, Calanon, Dûrion, Amarok (mythical wolf in Inuit), Rougarou)
Design: Approved by Drag already

37 inches & Medium Build

-- takes after his father more then he does his mother when it comes to his coloration. Rich colored browns, grey, black, and white undersides. Though the pattern of his coat really doesn't match either parent he has been told he looks more on the Armada side of the family. The grey-black markings are mostly along the top part of his body and the top part of his tail. The white is mostly on the underside of his body and up the backside of his legs. White also covers the lower half of his face. He has a bit of a dark mask on his face that goes around his eyes and down his nose, along with this mask he had an odd slash of black part way up his muzzle. His eyes are a redish-brown color and at times can look hazel.

As far as Height a build compared to his parents he hangs within the middle. At thirty seven inches he is slightly bigger then his mother, but smaller then his father. He also remains at a healthy medium build which is in between his parents as well. He is built more for endurance rather then having a bunch of muscle and weight to throw around. He tries to keep himself quicker and more swift in his actions. Keeping himself trained to be swift and reactive. He will grow to keep himself fit looking towards being a strong asset where he can. He wants to fight and he wants to hunt and he will train himself to be that way.

Being a pup he has a lot of room to grow an adapt, but right now in his earlier years he tries his hardest to remain right in the Lawful Neutral range. He works hard to listen to his father. No matter how hard it is to listen and to obey by their rules, he will obey. He's an obedient pup and doesn't let his siblings coax him into disobeying rules. He strives to do his absolute best because he feels that is the right thing to do.

He likes to also be communal, to share things with others, and to work together with others. Right now he doesn't like doing things alone. He also has a need to learn and seems to have endless amount of energy at this age. At this age he is reliable when he is counted on, or called by his father. If he is expected to be somewhere at a certain time he will be there no matter what. He is a social pup who likes to get to know others and make friends. He also is a pup that feels protective over his siblings and his friends.

He will have no problem stepping up to protect others. He likes to be optimistic and always keep himself busy. There is something missing in this young boys life. His mother had passed a few weeks after he was born and he never had the chance for a mother to be in his life. He loves his father to death, but there is some key things he needs to learn from a female that will help him shape for adulthood. Being that his father is a little more on the quiet side has helped him from becoming to brash of a child.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Plans?: Only one so far is Rin coming back with him. Kinda depends if anyone adopts his siblings, because he would wanna stick with them. I do want him to find Avalon and Dragon to meet them. Maybe finding a mother figure for him? especially for when Rin does pass. Pack wise idk yet lol
Other: Miscellaneous shizz
RP Sample:

"Come on Dad!" he called excitedly as he rushed ahead of him.

He wanted to move faster because they were almost there. He had heard Rin talk about the lands of Ardent and he was super excited to get there. He wanted to rush forward, but he didn't go to far ahead of him before stopping and bouncing in place. His bright eyes looked back at the tall lumbering figure of his father waiting for him to catch up. He was excited and ready to reach the place his father had talked about.

It was a new chapter in life and he was so hopeful for what was to come for the future. He didn't know what all was in store, but his mind was soaring at the different possibilities. He was curious to know what his father had planned for when they got there, what all he could learn about these new lands.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-19-2019, 01:24 AM
Congrats Bluetick! If you still want it, your puppy is approved! <3