
Practically Brothers


07-08-2014, 04:17 PM

A dark pup would leave his den, his mother taking a snooze inside but he wanted to go out and adventure. He would look to Koray, who was cuddled beside their mother, nestled to keep himself warm. Amarant would wonder why he was so tired all the time, but he himself was always ready to get out and go. He would take one last look at the only family he knew before quietly escaping their grasp.

It was afternoon, but still hours before dark. The male would only go out in the morning before the sun came up, but he would never stay out late at night. So he was quick on his feat to reach the structure that was the main point of The Range.

His tiny body would leap to stacked and cracked stone, needing to pull himself up from the edge. When he stood on top of the line of stone, he would look around, but he was too low to the ground and decided he would find a way up more. He would pad slowly, making sure he kept balance across the beam and come to higher stacked stone on the other side. His front paws pounced to the side of the stone, raising his head to see if anything were on top of it. He would tilt his head wondering if he could make the leap, but he was fearless either way.

Walk "Talk" Think

Eirik I


3 Years
07-09-2014, 08:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Eirik had still been shying away from the other wolves of Covari, venturing into quiet places that they were either less likely to be or where they had already been and left. Eventually it would be expected of him to mingle, to join them in hunts, fights, training exercises, but for the time being he was more comfortable skirting around the edges of where they were and watching. They still intimidated him to a certain degree, still made him feel a little uncertain of himself and what he was about, but he could feel a new confidence, a desire to fit in and be known, growing the longer he stayed apart. Sooner rather than later he was going to venture out into the midst of them, for better or worse.

But today was not that day.

Today, he was still allowing himself time to get his bearings despite the fact he was probably well versed enough in this area to begin learning of places beyond. The pale grey boy was very lax on himself though, very much more so than his family, and he did not push further than he absolutely needed to. Which meant his dark paws walked a familiar path, his black-tipped ears listened to familiar sounds, and his rosy pink eyes stared off at sights he had already seen a few times before. Everything smelled distinctly of Covari, birds called faintly from the trees that grew beyond the fence line, and the strange, foreign structures of the Range jutted out of the ground in unnatural formations.

There was something unusual though. A little something, spotted, climbing around on stuff that Eirik thought, though he really did not know for certain, was not the sort of thing someone so young should be climbing around on. His paws slowed and then stopped, his head tilting curiously to one side as he watched and considered what he ought to do. Maybe letting the kid go on unsupervised would have been irresponsible, especially knowing that the kid's mother was his aunt - which also somehow made him his responsibility by relation. Eirik sighed, resigned, and then hurried forward calling out, "Sure you want to go that way?"


07-09-2014, 09:24 PM

The sound of a pup would ring at his ears, and to his surprise it was someone he knew. "Heya Eirik!" His voice would shout as he put his balance back on the first beam and looked down at him. He could only tell Eirik by his eyes, though they may have seemed girly to other wolves it was Amarant's way of identifying him.

He hadn't seen Eirik in a long time, only a few weeks after he was born maybe. But he knew enough to know that he was family, he was uncle Rune's son. "Yeah I'm sure!" He would demand, "I wanna get to the tippy top and look all around Covari!" His body flopped down on the stone, his paws curling around the edge. He tilted his head at the grey boy, his tail wagging glad that he wasn't here by himself.

He was focused on the pup before him, but his mind still lingered at the towering structures he wanted to climb. He had wished Koray was here too, but Amarant knew he would be happier snoozing away in the den next to mother. Now he could spend some time with Eirik, a family member he hadn't actually gotten any time with.

Walk "Talk" Think

Eirik I


3 Years
07-24-2014, 10:51 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The pale grey boy continued to walk over to where his cousin was playing, glad at least that the boy had the sense enough to stop what he was doing to answer his loudly voiced question. Eirik's pink eyes watched him closely, surveying the structure that he stood on. It looked sturdy enough, but he had yet to fully come to trust any of the odd shapes and forms of this territory, put off by their misshapen quality compared to what he was used to seeing out on the mountain that was his old home. He had none of his sister Warja's bravery and fearlessness when it came to things like this, and from what he was able to determine already it did not seem like a trait that was going to help the situation at hand.

Hearing what his young cousin intended to do did not make him feel any better about it either. Climb to the very top just to get a look around? Eirik's eyes traveled up to that point - only after watching to make sure as Amarant plopped down that he would not fall - and tried to gauge just how much of a view was likely to be had up there. "You'd probably see more if you actually walked around," he commented in a somewhat dry tone as he came to a stop beside the structure the young boy lay upon.

Actually...maybe that was his ticket to keeping the pup safe. If he could keep an eye on him and show him the territory, there was no need to climb and no chance of Amar hurting himself. "You sure you wouldn't rather see it all first hand?" he asked, angling his head to the side as he lifted his brow curiously. If Amarant was anything like his sister he doubted his words would have any effect - Warja had a strong determination once she set her mind to something - but if they did manage to work at least Eirik had the perfect excuse to see the place himself.


07-24-2014, 07:53 PM

The corner of his maw would pull back, almost in a frown but only on the left side. His chin dipped downward a bit before speaking, "I guess so."

He desperately wanted to climb the towering structure, but seeing as Eirik was willing to show him around he wouldn't turn it down. If it made Eirik happy than Amarant would be satisfied.

His back legs pushed against the stone, his belly being scratched but not hurt as he slid across and planted his front paws to the ground, his back paws wobbling after them. Once he regained balance he would turn to the boy, giving a friendly smile. He shook his thin fur out and took a step closer. "What else is there besides this..." Only his head would turn to the tower, body still facing Eirik but quickly he would come back to his face, "Thing...?"

Walk "Talk" Think