
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle


01-10-2019, 02:24 PM

The castle was certainly a thing of interest. She couldn't recall ever stepping foot here, but now that her family claimed the land as their own, she was free to explore it to her hearts content. She wondered what all had happened while she'd been gone, and what better way to start poking around and reconnecting? Well, she decided to start with one of her siblings. Well...half sibling, but a sibling nonetheless. She sought out Typhon today, interested and curious about what he had been up to. Didn't he have a little lamb that followed him around? She was a pretty one if she remembered correctly, and wondered if he'd grown attached to the mortal woman. Yes, she had a feeling her brows would end up having a mind of her own after prodding her brother, but oh how she loved juicy gossip and love stories.
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7 Years
01-10-2019, 05:09 PM

It'd been a long while since Typhon had seen Kasdeya, but then again he didn't generally pry into the affairs of his family members - especially ones older than him. He was far more apt to keep to himself than stick his nose where it didn't necessarily belong, but that didn't mean he'd avoid the presence of a sibling when they trailed after him. No, definitely not. Genuine pleasure washed over his features in the form of a gentle smile as her scent touched his nose, and it wasn't long before she came into view.

The look on her face was unmistakable, and he found himself raising a brow as she drew closer, curiosity weaving itself onto his burly features. "Finally come to explore our new home?" His inquiry was a serious one, though a faint hint of amusement was audible in his voice. "Tell me that wicked look in your eyes has more to do with this castle than with.. whatever else." He had no idea what was stewing in that mind of hers, but knowing her mind he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know.

© argent 2017


01-21-2019, 04:23 AM

A chuckled rumbled in her throat, tail weaving to and fro like a cat. "Oh my dear Typhon, I just couldn't stay away. As beautiful as the world is out there, I was more interested in sticking my nose into things where it probably didn't belong. But you know, I do love me some gossip." She smiled sweetly as she stretched her limbs. Her gaze found his, an amused and playful look in her eyes. "You know me quite well. I wish I could say it was for this remarkable structure but I'd be lying."

Okay, lying was very much her strong suit, but she didn't ever really feel the need to lie with her family. She was genuinely honest with them, and this time would be no different. "Enlighten me, dear. How's life been treating you? Anything...interesting?" She quirked a brow as her gaze grew sly, "Anythiiing with that little lamb of yours, perhapsss?"
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7 Years
01-26-2019, 08:18 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2019, 08:18 PM by Typhon.)

"Our family certainly has... a draw, you could say," Typhon commented with a faint smile. He wasn't being sarcastic - it was true. He himself had been sent away in his youth - an embarrassment to his father, but he'd used that as fuel to grow strong and return to the Abraxas as someone to be proud of. He had no doubt that others would find it truly hard to leave, at least for long, without returning to the group. For a moment he wondered if Phenex might return soon as well, but worrying about that wouldn't help him any. No, for now he'd focus on Kasdeya and whatever she was teasing him about.

"If our family is good for anything, it's gossip." he commented with another faint grin. No, the Abraxas was worth much more than that and his own jesting tone made that clear. What he did know though is that their bloodline created headstrong wolves, ones who seemed capable of finding trouble wherever they went.

He raised a grow as she went on, asking how life was, and if he had anything interesting going on. Initially he shook his head - he was merely grateful to be among his family again, and he was pleased with the direction life had taken him, even without his brother by his side. He hadn't expected her to mention Zinnia, though, and he hesitated for a moment before speaking up. Sure, she hadn't used her name, but who else could she talking about? "Sounds a bit like you've been stalking me, sister. When did you say you returned again?" He was comfortable around her, perhaps moreso than the male members of his family, and he found himself able to let down his guard and joke around a bit. "I've been.. well, though. Enjoying the change of scenery, as well as my.. company here," he offered, his words intentionally deflecting what she'd been hinting at.

© argent 2017


01-29-2019, 03:06 PM

"Indeed," He was right about that. The Abraxas did have a certain air about them that drew others to them, both mortal and other wannabe 'gods' as well. It was interesting, really. Why, even now in the pack she had detected the scent of non-Abraxas wolves who had joined their ranks. It amused her, and she wondered what use they could get out of them. "If our family is good for anything, it's gossip." She didn't miss the grin and the humor in that. He was right about that as well. While she was traveling Boreas, she had come across others who had inevitably heard the Abraxas name. It pleased her to know they had made an impact when they took their first pack away from the paws of an unfit mortal. And the others seemed to fear it as well.

She narrowed her eyes at Typhon when he seemed to deflect away from her prying curiosity. Tail playfully lashing as she let an exaggerated sigh slip past her lips. "Geez, you've had quite the interesting life, haven't you?" She teased, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "I've certainly had quite the interesting life while out and about. For one...expect to see some new faces who will soon be calling you uncle." A sly grin crossed her features, her trademark mischievous look appearing. "So, when are you going to finally make me an aunt, hmmm?" Oh how she liked to tease.

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7 Years
02-05-2019, 07:25 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 07:25 PM by Typhon.)

While he would've chalked up his more laid-back demeanor to Kasdeya's own rather unthreatening one (at least in comparison to how he felt around Malleus, for example), the truth was.. Typhon had grown more comfortable in his own skin. Growing used to living within the Empire again had certainly calmed his restless soul, and much of the nervousness he'd once been plagued with had grown softer. It was never completely gone, but it had softened significantly, enough so that he felt like - for once in his life - he actually belonged somewhere. Jesting about his family gossiping was proof of that.

"I'm perfectly okay with uninteresting. It sure beats natural disasters sent from the gods to spite us, no, sister?" That slightly playful grin remained, only wilting slightly. While he knew the Abraxas family didn't shy away from excitement if necessarily, he really didn't like to be on their God's bad side, and he hoped the relativity peaceful state they'd found themselves in was proof they were in his favor was again.. or at least moving into it. The flood, and almost losing Zinnia, had been enough excitement for him for awhile.

Apparently Kasdeya had been experiencing something exciting in an entirely different way. "Uncle, eh? Congrats, Kasdeya," he offered her a slow, but genuine, smile. He'd never fully understood the appeal of parenthood until recently, though Malleus's ideas had been stewing in his head for quite awhile now, and he was warming up to the idea. He was wildly unsure of it, but had been considering it nonetheless. "You're already an aunt," he quipped lightly, referring to their younger nieces and nephews, though he knew very well that wasn't what she was talking about. "I jest. I know very well what you mean, and I'm working on it, if you must know." He felt his face grow hot, and thanked himself for the fur that covered his cheeks.

© argent 2017


02-11-2019, 12:06 AM

"Hmm..." She feigned a thoughtful look, head tilting slightly away. "I suppose you're right, but you're here and that's all that matters," She had almost forgotten about the flood that had taken out her nephew's pack. Luckily, she didn't have to worry much about it. Nearly everyone had been accounted for and were safe within the Empire, and fretting about one or two members of their family did little to help anyone. For all she knew, they could have returned to the homeland with Amon, or died. She preferred to think of the former thought. Her brother congratulated her, and she nodded in acceptance. "Yes, I know. But not an aunt to your spawn yet," She winked at him, but her grin would begin to spread wider when he mentioned that he was working on it.

While she knew that some of her siblings had children she could dote over already and that she had her own on the way, there was just something about wanting Typhon to have kids. Luckily, (and hopefully), he was working on it. Her tail wagged as she approached, the woman seeking to touch her nose to the side of his muzzle if he allowed it. Then she cocked her head to the side as that trademark grin of hers remained present. "Have I ever told you that you are my favorite?" She chuckled, "You've come a long way, dear brother, I expect you and that little lamb of yours will have a grand time," While she was happy for them, a small part of her was jealous. Sure, she always played it off like she didn't need anyone. And sure she was finally having pups of her own, but it was from a one-night stand sort of thing. Not with someone that she could be happy with, let alone spend her life with. And while she didn't mention it, she imagined that's why Typhon stayed with his little lamb.

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7 Years
02-23-2019, 10:38 AM

Typhon's comment about her already being an aunt seemed to be taken well by her, and he felt himself grinning slightly in response. Feigning new understanding, he hummed softly.  "Ah, I see," he murmured, though his grin had widened as well. He hadn't anticipated such a response to more openly admitting that he was 'working on it,' so to speak, and he was marginally surprised when she moved forward to touch his muzzle gently. He wasn't the best at physical affection, especially when it came to family, but he didn't flinch away from her touch. "Your favorite?" He echoed curiously. He didn't remember much from his youth, though he certainly remembered not being anyone's favorite back then, in the limited time he'd even remained with his family.

Of course, he knew time changed things. He hadn't been certain he'd even be welcomed back within the group but apparently he'd made progress in the long stretch of time he'd been sent away, and luckily no one had questioned his absence, other than a few comments about thinking he'd been dead. But hearing he was someone's favorite now, even if only in jest, made his spirits quietly sore. At least he was valuable enough to keep around, to converse with so openly and with such mirth.  "I do hope it will be a grant time. Isn't that the entire point?" He was just being playful; his feelings for Zinnia, though still confusing to him, were about far more than just having a good time. He'd grown to care for her since he'd rescued her and time was only deepening those feelings.

© argent 2017