

Kane I


Dire wolf
01-13-2019, 03:00 PM

Another violent shiver caused his muscles to ripple beneath his half-frozen pelt, still damp from his plummet beneath the ice. His teeth were at a constant chatter now, ice frosting his lips, nose, and eyes and causing them to reflect what little of the sun rays managed to illuminate the North. He didn't have long now, and if this pack denied him refuge.. he wasn't sure what else he could manage to do to save his life.

He was thankful for the woman at his side, though he'd yet to discover her name or her business in the North at all. He'd yet to even thank her for saving his life and pulling him out of the ice, but there wasn't much on his mind other than the incredible need to find shelter.

At the entrance of the Gale Gorge, just as he suspected, laid the strong scent of the pack. He tried to lift his head and summon their wolves, but his voice was hoarse and his jaw far too tense to do as he tried to command it to. A short sound barely worthy of being called a howl left him, though was broken by another strong and overpowering shiver. He wasn't even sure if it would reach the pack wolves, but he couldn't stay idle for long and find out. His lone ruby found the stranger with him once again as he nodded to her, hoping she would understand and ring for them while he could not.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



4 Years
01-16-2019, 11:24 AM

It had been a long and tough journey to the pack's borders. Clementine was still struck with worry as she witnessed the freezing male. The winds were blistering and even her limbs were stiff from traveling through the snow. It was rough on her joints but her discomfort did not reach the same levels as his. Clementine eyed him over with those pale silver eyes before moved to press her own form against his. Perhaps the fur to fur contact would result in any sort of warmth. Or maybe even a tiny bit of relief from standing on numb legs for the male. She witnessed as he attempted to howl and only a soft song came forth. It was instantly engulfed by the wind and she understood what she had to do. Her own head shot up into the air and an urgent summons came forth. A loud howl to ensure anyone in the surrounding area would hear. But, it was directed towards any sort of leadership this pack may offer.

Her tail was low but flicked with worry. As her head lowered her eyes washed over him, "My name is Clementine Wreckage." She spoke close to his ear due to standing shoulder to shoulder with him. Otherwise her voice would have been swallowed by the wind as was his howl. "We will find you warmth and sanctuary. Do not worry." Her head then flicked towards the entrance to the Kingdom. Hopefully the Alpha or really anyone with authority would arrive with haste. There was no time for idle standing and she feared her new companion didn't have much more time to spare.

speech action



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
01-16-2019, 02:12 PM

The latest project Ignatius had decided to focus on after ensuring they had a reasonable amount of food stored was to collect the things needed to make fires. Not having crackling flames to return to after a lengthy patrol had been strange, the sounds of roaring fires had been with him since birth. Ignatius was all too eager to rekindle another source of familiarity and comfort from his past, especially since it would benefit all of the pack members to have somewhere warm to congregate between tasks as the snow continued to fall regularly.

Gathering and drying some wood, tinder and kindling had been the easy part really. Once he'd picked a sizeable cave that got minimal wind in the side of the gorge, it was really only a matter of getting the fire going. Paws weren't the ideal tools for fire starting, and with no cheats like lava or lightning-created fires he'd ended up needing to enlist a few shaggy northern primates to help him out, offering them shelter in the harshest parts of winter and protection in exchange for their help. Once the fire was started it was only a matter of keeping it going, a duty he'd share with several other pack members.

He was lounging before this fire, enjoying the result of his hard work, when a sound caused his ears to twitch and him to question whether he'd heard it or not. Reluctantly the  flame-pelted wolf rose to his paws, taking a few moments to begrudgingly admit his rest would be cut short. It had been a stranger's call, but it was urgent nonetheless. Stepping away from the warmth of the crackling flames, he ventured out into the snow towards the caller to see what they might need.

When he arrived with the wind blowing in forceful gusts, buffeting his thick pelt, Ignatius eyed the strangers through the haze of snow that was kicked up with every merciless bout of wind the gorge sent rolling along it's walls. "Greetings, friends. My name is Ignatius. What business have you with Fýri this day?" he asked, forced by the wind to stand closer than he normally might in the interest of being able to hear the new arrivals when they spoke. It was only when he'd gotten close enough to speak with the pair that he noted that the black furred male looked like he'd just gotten mauled by a blizzard somehow, his coat looked like he'd been soaked at some point.

Ignatius felt a sharp pang of fear for the stranger in that moment. It was a wonder the other was able to travel to his borders if he'd been soaked as he appeared to be. For a moment he hesitated, unsure what to do with the wolves at his border. Normally he'd prefer to speak with them a moment, get to know them before he made any decisions about whether or not he ought to trust them, but with the weather the way it was... "Forget introductions," he said at last, turning to walk back into the pack lands and beckoning for the pair of wolves to follow, "I will not let anyone freeze on my doorstep, follow me." With that he would lead the way to the warmth of the fire-lit cave, already debating whether he ought to summon Drifa. Whether the wolf was hurt or not, he figured the northern woman would be better at dealing with someone he suspected was a hairs breath from dealing with a case of hypothermia.


Kane I


Dire wolf
01-16-2019, 03:30 PM

The steady sound of his own heartbeat had become a persistent presence in the giant's ears, which were now pinned back against his head for fear that they might freeze off. He tried to listen for an answer to Clementine's call, but silence only made him more aware of the slowing beat of his heart... he was growing more and more concerned, though energy was beginning to leave him now that they were standing in place. He was losing the ability to fight against the cold with every passing second that they waited.

Clementine kept his mind occupied as she introduced herself finally and even in the fog of his current state of mind, he listened carefully. She was named after a fruit and he couldn't help but think it fit her sweet disposition.

"Kane," cold choked him, preventing him from giving her his full name.. but he wanted to give her something. He made a mental note to tell her of his full name again in the future if he had the chance to. The grim truth of the situation made him rethink that decision, and he furrowed his brows and focused on fighting the cold just long enough to state his full name... if only because this might be the last wolf to ever share his company and learn of it.

"Aindréas Kane Adravendi."

His attention was stolen from Clementine as he thought he saw fire in the distance at first, a flickering flame on their horizon as it passed through the shroud of trees. His lone red ruby drifted toward the apparition to discover not a fire, but a wolf. As the stranger, who he assumed to be the land's alpha, neared... he struggled to hear his voice but knew what the male probably wanted to know. Business.

Teeth clattered in response to Kane's attempt to communicate something verbally, to ask for shelter and warmth.. but.. his struggle seemed to end short by Ignatius, as he fully came to understand how dire the situation was for Kane. Relief hit him with a bit of energy when the male instructed them to follow him.

All doubt that might have riddled Kane when normally entering another pack's borders was absent, it's void filled solely with the hope that he might just the dangerous cold he was experiencing with the help of this man. The barrel of a wolf chased forward after the wolf, the glow of fire illuminating a cave up ahead only fueling him with more security that refuge wasn't far away at all.

He followed Ignatius into the cave with haste and neared the crackling of the flames, both concern for the unruly nature of fire and need for its strength to combat the cold chilling him from the core creating an interesting mix of emotions inside of him. At least, however, he was starting to feel alive once again with the promise of sanctum.

Lone ruby flashed to the reigning Alpha with seriousness as he shook visibly next to the open flame.

"If I live through the night, I owe both of you my life. Ignatius - Clementine Wreckage. I will not forget this." He shook violently as his eye closed, trying his best to fight off the chill in his core and embrace the healing heat from the fire.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



4 Years
01-18-2019, 10:46 AM

Clementine stood next to her new companion still as ever. The fear in the air hung high over their heads and her eyes stared down the Gorge with an intensity she had never endured before. Each moment felt like hours as her icy bodice pressed against Kane's. She assumed even the tiny bit of contact between their forms would provide stability and slightest amount of warmth. Every little bit would help him. Some tension was cut as he responded with his own name. His chattering voice made its way into her ear with difficulty and the babe offered him a gentle nod. Aindréas Kane Adravendi. A powerful name she would never forget. How could she forget the Wolf who saved her life? Kane risked his own life in order to rescue her and now he suffered for it. Clementine silently vowed to not leave his side until he was back to full health.

Suddenly her eyes widened as the form of an orange an crimson Wolf fell into her vision. The being quickly made his way towards the duo and she let forth a big sigh of relief. A worrisome tail flicked as he closed the distance with formalities. But, before she could respond with an explanation the Alpha seemed to suss out the situation himself. Another breath came from Clementine as she immediately follow Kane and Ignatius down towards the warm cave. Her pace was quick and her eyes remained on Kane the whole time. She knew his legs were likely giving him trouble and would be on alert in case he needed help walking down the slope. But, as they got to the cave safely the woman settled in a tail length to the right of Kane, seating herself with a tiny huff. Silver eyes were glossy with worry as she took in her companion's words. "We are even, Kane." A pause. "There are no ifs and or buts allowed here. You will survive, I believe in you."

Clementine looked towards the Alpha with a worried gaze, assuming he would desire some sort of explanation now. Her inky black tail tucked in along her front paws as she swallowed nervously. "Ignatius, I am so grateful for your generosity." The babe did not want to speak on behalf of Kane but from what he said earlier it went unsaid that he would agree with her words. "I am Clementine Wreckage of Kesali and this is Kane." She paused before nodding to herself. "I was on a bit of an adventure up north wandering the submerged woods when a Bird flew into my face.. I was shocked and slipped on the ice. I fell on my belly and the force of the fall made the ice crack around me. Thankfully Kane was nearby and helped me get to safety. But, he was so occupied assisting me that he fell behind and the ice shattered around him. He fell into the water and I had to pull him out." She looked down at her paws for a few moments. "It was a freak accident.. that I caused. I do hope we you would allow is to spend the night here in order to regain our strength." Clem looked down to the frozen Wolf with a significant frown.

speech action



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
02-03-2019, 04:24 PM
As the small group settled into the warm space around the fire there was a vague sense of tension. Kane was obviously very cold, and Ignatius wondered if he ought to provide more than just the warmth of the fire to get the half-frozen wolf heated up sooner. Time was clearly a factor. He was contemplating some options when Kane would speak up and express his gratitude to Ignatius and Clementine. Clementine insisted he owed her nothing.

"I second her assertion; no guests in my pack will be allowed to perish. Consider it my repayment if you must," Ignatius said seriously. The decision to help the others had been remarkably easy, and in all honesty Ig was quite content to receive nothing at all in return.

He would cast a warm smile Clementine's way as she went on to thank him as well and explain the events that had led them to his border. Listening intently until she was finished, Ig counted them lucky to have made it here alright. "Sounds like you've had a hell of a time," he mused, "I'm glad you were able to make it here. Consider Fyri a temporary home until you're fit to go on your way. However long you need, you will have the time, so do not rush unnecessarily." his words were a sworn promise, a commitment to continue to aid the visitors as much as they needed.

Clicking his tongue softly, Ignatius rose to his paws, glancing at the two and hesitating a moment before asking, "I think I have some things to make this a bit more comfortable. Clementine, would you help me carry them over? It's just some food and hides but I don't think I can gather them all in one trip."