
scream queen



8 Years
01-15-2019, 12:05 PM

The behemoth moved his pale form through the forest with ease. The Soulless Forest had been his home for quite some time at this point and he knew his way around rather well. His den was located near the water that separated the two Erovrare territories. A large Fox hole that had been dug out a bit. A tree's roots held the enclosure together and it was big enough to fit up to three Wolves if you squish a bit. But, two quite cozily. It had a beautiful view of the river but was far enough away to avoid any danger from rising water levels. For tonight he would allow his servant to sleep in his den but she would be tasked with finding her own within the next few days, preferably near by.

As he reached the den the male stopped his steps to turn his attention towards the woman. Hannibal flicked his nose towards the den ever so slightly before his luxurious vocals came forth. "This is my den. You may sleep in it tonight but you must find a den for yourself in this forest within the next few nights." The male then moved towards the tree and began to paw at the earth. A thin layer of dirt covered a dead Hare he had caught the previous day. It wasn't fresh but it should still be edible enough to give her a proper meal. The cold weather helped preserve the meat as well. Hannibal took the Hare into his jaws before moving to plop it down near Eulogy. "Regain your strength, Eulogy." He then looked tot he river, "You may want to get some water as well before the it gets too cold."

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
01-15-2019, 11:14 PM
She followed hannibal obediently. She had been betrayed by the man in front of her and it hurt. Why did it hurt? Because for the first time she had thought someone was being nice to her and turned out he just wanted to enslave a lost naive girl. He had raped her trust in him. Honestly she didn't even understand what he wanted of her other than to probably mother pups for him. Or at least that was the only thing she could think of that he wanted. He stopped and she had to catch herself before she walked into his hindquarters.

She had her ears pressed back. She had escaped slavery only to become a slave once more. She sat as he started speaking. Honestly her paws and stomach were hurting. She really just wanted to sleep. He was going to make her find her own den? That was strange. She'd never had her own den before. She usually had to share it with other slaves or a master. She wasnt sure about it. Was he testing her? She was sure she could run once she figured out the territory. If she could. He dropped a rabbit in front of her and she leaned away from him for a moment. Fear in her eyes as she watched his paws. She did not like his proximity to her. She stood once again her head dropping and her tail tucked. She gingerly took hold of the long cold rabbit and started to strip its flesh. He was feeding her for now. His order about the water was not unheard but first was food. She'd learned to always eat everything she was offered. She was starved and it showed in the way she ate the hare. Everything was being devoured, bones, organs, flesh, and even the fur. Likely she would get sick from eating so much but she had learned to eat even that. One could not get picky when they were starved by their masters.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



8 Years
01-16-2019, 11:00 AM

Hannibal figured the babe had ran away from slavers once therefore she would be capable of doing it again. But, did she know the area? Did she know the Wolves that roam these lands? The male had a few ways of keeping her within Erovrare before he would inflict any brutalities. He was not against injuring her for the sake of keeping her within the forest. But, if he could make her life not so horrible would she choose to stay? Providing food, shelter, and water in return for he undying loyalty was all he asked. Hannibal would not starve her or rape her unless Eulogy did something to beckon forth punishment.

The male watched her with a raised brow, observing her feast upon the cold hare. It wasn't something he would eat but it did just fine for the slave girl. "Eulogy you have the choice to make your life here good or bad." His mis match gaze with cruel as it washed over her earthy toned form. "If you leave these borders you will have an entire pack of blood thirsty beasts after you in an instant." There were numerous Wolves here that would rip someone like Eulogy to shreds. "Though, if you are so ignorant as to think we are the only slavers in these lands you are horribly mistaken." A pause. "You are lucky." The male moved to sit at the mouth of his den as he observed her for a few moments. That two toned tail tucked against his massive form. "If you follow orders your life will be pleasant. I will ask little of you and if you fail to do those simple tasks you will receive punishment. As one of the first Bondservants in the pack you are to set an example for others to come." He looked of to the river now, "Your first task is to find a den close by, within ear shot of me." Hannibal rolled his shoulders, "I am nocturnal due to my albinism. You will greet me here with prey from the food storage when I wake up, just as the sun is setting. Make this a routine for I expect this of you each and every day." The male sneered ever so slightly, "Go get water." She was taking far too long to pluck meat from the cold Hare.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
01-17-2019, 06:17 AM
His words were typical of someone who owned ones soul. He believed her luck to be under his thumb, she couldn't say she thought the same. She'd been too abused to be optimistic about him or this pack. His threats were nothing new. Death was what she woke on a daily basis knowing she would greet with a smile. She would greet it like an old friend. For it was the only true freedom she would have. She was a prisoner in life. Meant for very little but to mother and do what she was told.

He would not be forgiven for taking her as his slave. She would not forget his two toned face. His two faced lie that had lead her here wasn't to be forgiven. She was not ignorant or so stupid to think the world was free of the evil that had been her beginning, she just had hoped he was truly nice, only to be sorely disappointed. And here he was doing so once again. His orders were no problem. But then he took what she wanting with one order. Get water. She was less thirsty than she was hungry. But she obediently lifted her head and looked towards the water. Water. Horrible things had once come from the substance. She remembered being held beneath it until she almost lost consciousness only to be ripped out of the water. Her ears pressed at the memory. He didn't know but he was like them, like toxic, in her mind. Her own father had used her as his toy. She had once bore his weight and his punishment after for not satisfying him. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Then she moved, slowly towards the water. Too many times she had been touched negatively by another.

She stopped at the water's edge. Her baby blues were on the surface of the water, her reflection looking back at her. She took her drink slowly. As soon as she had taken a good enough drink to hopefully satisfy him she moved back to her spot. She wouldn't even give the hare another glance. It was half ate anyways, and he had not given her the okay to finish it.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



8 Years
01-19-2019, 12:57 PM

Hannibal sat tall with a tense formation. His slender frame observed her flimsy one trail towards the water. The servant did not speak but only act. This did not bother the male in the slightest. Was it not evident yet that Hannibal enjoyed hearing his own voice? Perhaps that was the reason he enjoyed the concept of servants. To have a creature to do your dirty work and listen to all of your 'problems.' Though, it seemed as of yet the beast had not been met with much drama. Life had been handing him everything he needed. An escaped servant from a far away land happened to pop up in random. He was able to get a promotion out of the sheer chance of her appearance and now he was one of the highest ranking Wolves in the pack. He held no blood ties to the King nor did he stoop so low as to flattery or fucking. The beast had made his way to the top out of manipulation and some work.

As the woman returned his harsh gaze settled back on her chestnut bodice. "I will only tell you this once." Hannibal spoke with venom dripping from each cruel word. "You do not leave the Erovrare borders. You are not to speak to anyone that is not a member of this pack. You will respect each and every member of this pack, but if anyone of lesser rank then myself puts a paw on you.. you will report to me instantly." The male had control of Eulogy and expected the members of Erovrare to respect that. She was his property and no one else had the right to touch her. Other then Tyranis and his court, of course. "You will obey each and every command from myself or a higher ranking Wolf. Do not embarrass me or you will be punished accordingly. The last thing he needed was for her to misbehave in front of Tyranis or one of his kin. Hannibal was in a fragile position with his rank due to being another dominant male. "Do not speak unless spoken to. Also, maintain your vanity. I do not want my servant looking like some sort of hellish ghoul." The beast looked her over before standing at the mouth of his den. He flicked his nose towards the entrance, "Sleep now, Eulogy. You must be exhausted." As if he cared.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
01-30-2019, 01:53 PM
She could of laughed if she weren't a submissive girl. He acted like she was about to actually be anything but a girl ready to roll over at the faintest hint of a growl. Nothing about her should of even said she was about to go around making trouble for herself. Nor was she about to fight either. Shed been born into servitude so she knew better than to test how cruel someone could be. The venom in his voice had her pressing her ears back and lowering herself. By the time he was done speaking she was on her back with her eyes closed and her vitals fully exposed to him.

His dominance was not questioned. She almost hoped that he was going to be happy enough to leave her be. No such luck. He was barking more orders again. Sleep. She doubted she could do that. She wasnt comfortable enough with his proximity or this place. These woods were too quiet and it was eerie. Without rhyme here to add some sort of protection for her she was scared to death. And there was no Rhythm to reassure her or make her feel like everything was going to be okay. Maintain her vanity? She already knew she was worthless here what else could he think her appearance would be? She stayed low to the ground and quickly moved with her tail between her legs. She dared not eye him. She scurried quickly into his den and looked quickly for a spot for herself. Definitely not in his bed. She knew that was against the rules from before.

Even though her masters had used her she was not allowed to remain in their bed after they were done. She spotted a spot well enough away from the bed he obviously occupied and curled up there. She faced the corner she had placed herself in. Cold would reach her less that way. How she missed being allowed to lay with Rhyme and Rhythm for warmth on cold nights. Aria was even missed now. Sleep wouldn't come tonight she knew. But she would lay there quietly at least.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]