
drowning in hatred



8 Years
01-15-2019, 02:11 PM
neph post first then any other members are allow to join in!

Hannibal led the pregnant vixen through the South to his home. They had fought and bickered to no end until compromise was met. It seemed despite their dark nature they both had a soft spot for the promise of life. Offspring that would bring forth the reckoning. A generation of strong individuals in order to fulfill the Klein bloodline. An Egyptian Goddess and Ivory Prince collided to form apocalyptic pups. They had to put aside their own personal agenda to properly nurture and raise their spawn to be the heirs to their mighty paw prints. Thus, as the phantom marched through the south a strong smirk tainted his two toned lips.

A bite mark still remained on his neck, as well as the scrape below his eye. The majority of the blood had washed away when they swam from the island but such movement reopened the neck wound enough to emit a crimson hue. His alabaster fur showed all tales. There was no hiding his dirty work with such a white pelt. Though, it seemed the male had left her with the scar of pregnancy. She left him with the scars of tooth and claw. A snake to match his own putrid venom. Hannibal hadn't a clue what to think of his companion or what the future would hold for them. Would they become mates? Or would they merely put up with one another until the pups were a year old?

The hellhound made his way to the border of the pack. The Shrine was through the thick of woods but he would remain just outside the territory. Despite his promotion the male wished to inform his Alpha of their newest member of the pack. Also, the soon to be members. As a pack they would have to prepare for pups and especially through winter. Thus, as he stopped his steps the male looked towards Thys before throwing his head into the air. A strong howl came forth. A summon for the High Lord but loose enough to allow others to come as well. Hannibal only assumed others would be curious to meet their newest Court Member. As the call ended his eyes flicked towards the woman again. "Sit if you would like. We may be here a while and you need rest." His tail was raised slightly and his teeth bared to expose his dominance. He knew she would recognize the severity of his orders. Not only was he a high rank in the pack but their Alpha was coming. Neither Tyranis or Hannibal would accept any sort of mis conduct from Neph. Even while being pregnant.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



7 Years
01-16-2019, 02:51 AM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2019, 02:53 AM by Nephthys.)
Frigid air whipped across the earth, stirring up the fine granules of white powder that coated the earthen floor. Wintry breath lifted and flowed through silken, golden tendrils, sending a chill down the spine of the mortuary goddess. Before her eyes lay a vast, icy expanse of land that shimmered and glistened in the light. Breathtaking and stunning, it was ethereal and peaceful - the type of place she wished to make her abode. A long traverse along side her spawns patriarchal figure had led her here, to the lands of ice and snow and cold, to what she were to call home. Mile-long limbs carried her gracefully upon the frozen terrian, breath curling up from nares in wispy, frosted tendrils, the babe took in the wonderful wonderland that spread out before her and her, hopefully, soon to be home. Yet, there was much left to be discovered and after a few silent moments, she turned her crown, her egyptian silk pelt swaying delicately with the gentle sway of her hips as she pressed forward, maintaing a steady pace along the brute, intent focused on the crimson liquid decorating his ivory theads. Plush, warm; a gentle tongue uncurled from her succulent, ebon lips only to lean towards him and groom it away; it was a delicious blasphemy to observe his pure pelt being blemished by her own tooth and claw.

She did not know what the future hold but one thing was certain, the two hellhounds decided to leave aside their hatred for one another, their arguments and pride for a common goal: the spawns that the temptress carried. There was no doubt in her mind that they were his, who else would the Gods and Goddesses above deemed fit to leave his seed inside of their astral daughter but the Ice King himself. A muscular and strong barbarian at times, an eloquent gentleman at most but most certainly, a dominant male that will be able to assure their spawns protection. Will they be betrothed? Will she be able to abandon her own heathens once the time has come like they have discussed? Time shall offer her such answers.

The woodland seemed ominously quiet. They paused, now that even the sound of their own pads was silent, all that could be heard was the susurration of the snowflakes in the gusty wind. Looking up, the mortuary goddess was transfixed by the ivory vines, making a living roof above them, almost blocking the sunlight as if they were forming a cage around them. Gold and orange specs mixed into a pool of violet, such was the babe gaze as she was brought into focus by the deep baritones of the man. His howl pierced the skies above, calling forth to his Ruler, to his Lord and she could not help but display a mocking smirk upon her beautiful visage. Someone above the Ice King, could be entertaining to observe how this ivory man will carry himself before someone surperior. He seems as confident as one of her Gods but was that about to change? Grace filled audits rotated towards the sound of his voice as he commanded rather than asked. If you would like what a load of bovine feces. Temper, temper, love. she purred seductively, batting her long, ebon eyelashes at the ivory man, acting as a widows veil; playing innocently with the man, she was thirsty for him that was true and she was michevious but she was first and foremost a Lady, a Goddess in her right with ichor flowing through her veins. She understood diplomacy and she could tell just by observing Hannibal that it was as important for him as it was for her for this meeting to proceed well, without disturbances. Luxurious, braided tail would brush along the Ice King back limb, after she sat on her haunches with a roll of her curvaceous hips, a sign of comfort meant to ease his mind yet she was not any better. Their spawns were meant to leave their mark upon this hellish Earth; to rebel and conquer. They were meant to be royals, kings and queens born to rule over others, dominance present in their very bones from birth. They were meant to make their parents proud and follow into their pawsteps yet what if they will not be welcomed? They did came to a mutual agreement but now this was above them. The decision, ultimately, fell upon Hannibal' superior.

speech action

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



5 Years
Extra small
01-16-2019, 01:27 PM

Leera comes when she hears Hannibal's howl. Curiosity or boredom -- or perhaps both -- have drawn her from the dark, warm den she's made among a tangle of thick thistles, ears erect as she navigates the territory with silent ease. She's found that the people of Erövrare are rather private beings, almost reclusive, but with the wolfcall in the wind she anticipates at least some sort of entertaintment, whatever it may be.

The pitch of Hannibal's call tells her that he's summoning the High Lord, but it isn't so urgent for Leera to believe he'd send her away. Besides, she carries the blood of the High Lord in her growing womb; she'll allow herself to stick her nose wherever she so desires.

When she reaches the area, she spots Hannibal quickly. Strong, bi-colored man with a rather intense expression... and he's brought a friend. As Leera slinks closer, not attempting to shield her presence, she notices the familiar scent in the air and her eyes lock on the bronzed figure that follows Hannibal closely. "Nephthys!" she can't help herself from calling out, approaching both of the wolves. She closes her eyes endearingly and dips her chin to her friend, remembering their last tender encounter. However, Hannibal's displays of dominance are not overlooked. What've you gotten yourself into, flower... Leera smoothes the recognition from her face and drops into a sit, turning her attention to Hannibal. "Hannibal, it's good to see you again. And you've brought a friend..." she says, small pink eyes floating back to Nephthys. She wants to reach out and embrace her, tell her everything that's been happening, but she needs to know why she's here first.

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
01-16-2019, 06:24 PM
Her master must be furious with her. By the time she had returned to his den from looking for her own he was already gone. The prey she had been to deliver to him was in her mouth as she managed to move through the territory to try to find him. She was having little luck but she did know that in the snow right now she would be the easiest thing to track. Her paw pad had busted open now and she was limping slightly but once she found him she'd be able to drop off the fish and then she might be allowed to go to her new den. His howl had her pausing before turning towards him and moving to find him.

As soon as she did her ears fell flat. She slowly limped towards him and then sat with her eyes on the ground. She was waiting for him to acknowledge that she was there. Though she did place the fish on the ground as she waited. Her jaw was sore from holding it for so long. She knew one of the ladies here but the other she was unfamiliar with. She really wasn't sure what she was doing here right now but she did hope that he would dismiss her and she would be free to go before the one she did know started in on her. Her tail was tucked and head lowered. She was hoping his anger wasnt too great. After all she had found her own den, which wasnt far from his and had a nice view next to it. One she could watch the free things from. She longed for that freedom back but knew it likely would never be hers again.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



4 Years
01-29-2019, 10:43 AM

The raven once again heralded the arrival of the king as he skulked out of the woods like a shadow. The black serpent hung around his neck like a great collar as he moved closer to his Taskmaster and the gathered cluster of females. He took one look at the ornate woman then looked away from her with disinterest to address Hannibal.

“Is this the healer I requested?” He asked with the venomous touch of a rhetorical question. She lacked the scent of medicinal herbs that he knew clung to a healer’s pelt. What he could scent on her was the heady aroma of an occupied womb and he narrowed his golden eyes pointedly at Hannibal.

Hannibal had obeyed his laws, the pups would be of Erövrare, but he wasn’t sure he enjoyed the thought of his own get competing with the ghostly male’s. He withheld all emotion from his features as he awaited an answer, but managed to reassure himself that all would be well, now that he had an oracle and a chancellor that would be devoted to maintaining order within his pack.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
01-29-2019, 11:45 AM

Hannibal had been a loyal subject to his King. He blissfully ignored the lazy members of the pack, even those that sat within thrones, and did his duties mindlessly. The hellhound patrolled, hunted, and even brought forth a servant to the ranks with more to come. Perhaps he had been a bit lust hungry lately with all the femme's seemingly being in heat at once but he had only bedded one. Whom he brought to the borders as soon as he found out she was with child. Despite the vicious nature of the albino beast he had all of his little ducks in a row for the High Lord and expected nothing but smiles in return.

The first to arrive was Leera who was a little snake he had met at the spider cavern. A twinge of a grin slipped across pale lips as he nodded towards the seemingly pregnant woman. Either the lithe girl had gotten knocked up or put on some pounds. But, it was news to him of her standing within Erovrare. Who's pups do you carry? It seemed Hannibal wasn't the only one getting busy. Sweet tones were emitted, first towards Thys but lastly towards Hannibal himself. It also seemed the two knew each other and his grin grew. Two venomous gals getting along and becoming friends.. If the beats had a heart it would have been warmed. "Greetings, Leera." His attention was taken by the silent entrance of his servant. Piercing cold eyes overcame her submissive form before his baritone voice filled the brisk air. "Eulogy prepare my den with a meal for our new arrival." He assumed this meeting would not take long once Tyranis showed so Thys should have some food waiting for her once they were free to cross the borders.

Soon the Wolf they had all been waiting for sauntered forth from the territory with a melanistic Cobra around his neck. Fancy. Hannibal flashed a smirk Tyr's way before dipping his head into a bow of regality. Though, the words his High Lord bestowed upon him caused his pleasant smirk to die down rather quickly. It was obvious with one glance to Thys that she was no healer and very much with child so the question as a whole was ignorant. The Taskmaster allowed for his dominance to die down as his Alpha came forth in order to show his respect. "This is Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel, soon to be mother of my offspring." Hannibal got right to it, avoiding the question as a whole. It was cold and the beast wanted nothing more but to sleep for the next seven hours. "I bring Nephthys here to join our ranks. I firmly believe she would make a fine Sister but I will leave that up to your own discretion, High Lord." His eyes never left the Alpha as his illustrious tones were emitted.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



7 Years
02-02-2019, 04:29 PM
There was no tire in her gait as she tramped towards the ivory queen, her teacup footfalls silent and deaf amongst the crumbling of winter blanket. The abyss of her fiery orange eyes consumed her silhouette, every ounce of color shadowed behind her narrowed expression. Life was crumbling around them, their wolrld falling apart but that did not concern her for her mentality was not of mortal frets or worry. What consumed her was the loss of Leera. Her blessing was nothing but a binding chain to the gods, damning her for eternity as their slave and yet before her she appeared like a mirage, a phantasm. I cannot seem to get away from you, love. her purrs were dulcet as they encountered the cold air of mother winter. The autumn babe was situated between the two of them when another figure decided to crash their party. Loo and behold, another yet familiar encounter. How surprising. The babe could hardly maintain her emotionlesss, cold facade any longer as she noticed Eulogy approached them with the piece of meat in her jaws. Hannibal got his claws tightly into a experienced servant, how lovely. A smirk creeped upon her beautiful visage, one that could make Satan crawl with inferiority and it was for the slave eyes alone.

The momment of truth was upon them, the bronze Goddess understood such diplomacy meetings fore she was was so much more than royal. Upon the arrival of the High lord the babe registered his apperance, his potent cologne all present through the air as he made its arrival imminent with the fancy cobra around his neck. Charmed, I am sure. came the honeied vocals of the woman as the beast that brought her introduced herself before the other man. The ghost of a smile remained ever present on her beautiful visage. Only did it falter when she learned that there was a posibility she could become a "Sister"; fact was, she did not know what it was and yet that did not sat right in the deep corner of her mind.  

speech action

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



5 Years
Extra small
02-05-2019, 10:55 PM

The petite female nods warmly in return to Hannibal's greeting, but of course her attention is on Nephthys. The bronzed goddess she's spent many hours with outside of these boundaries. Leera's tail sways but she goes still when the raven announces the High Lord's arrival, at which Leera takes several steps back to let the males talk. After all, she's only here to observe.

She finds herself next to Eulogy, but she offers the bondservant no more than a short, studying glance before her attention fixes on Tyranis, curious to see what he will make of Nephthys. Listening silently to the exchange, Leera gives her cinnamon-hued friend a reassuring nod.

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-06-2019, 01:24 PM

she was ignored mostly, thankfully. Though hannibal and Nephthys did notice. Hannibal snapped an order and the noseblind servant nodded. She already had a meal in her mouth so she assumed it would be well enough to stop and grab one more thing of meat. Surely they both were hungry. She stood and dipped her head to Hannibal, keeping his meal in her jowls. Nephthys smirk was unnoticed to her, since she kept her eyes on the ground. Tyranis was next to arrive and the servant kept her eyes off him. She almost felt the tension between the two men. Both were so dominant and it was thick in the air, eventually she felt like it would come to a head and they would have to battle it out to see which was the dominant Male here. She didn't want to be there when it went down either.

She slunk off, moving towards the fresh kill pile. Now she had double the work it seemed. She caught the words exchanged as she moved away, so nephthys was pregnant with her master's spawn. Just grand. More evil creatures in the world. She kept her thoughts to herself though. She was quick to move away though. There would be a meal waiting for both of them when they got to his den, but she would make herself scarce.

-exit Eulogy-


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]