
Head Hunting



7 Years

07-09-2014, 12:29 AM

The time had come, it was time to teach little Mira to hunt snakes. The brute smirked as he left his den, shaking his fur of the moss that had settled there. Easily padding closer into the plain he lifted his muzzle and let out a quick howl for Mirabelle. She would come, he knew that she would. He also needed to tell her something, he had a gift that he wanted to offer her. Not only would he teach her to hunt snakes, but he had something else to offer her. He was excited, he wanted to see how she would react.

While Bass waited, he sat his rump on the earth and waited for the dame to come. He did not know where everyone had made their dens, but he would soon ask and keep track of where everyone laid their heads at night. It would make it much easier to find them. The pale brute watched the sun rise lazily, it was early morning but he wanted to start before the snakes come into the sun to bask. They had not yet woken up, so it would be a lot easier to teach her first, and then put her new skills to the test. Plus, it would take time for her surprise to be accepted, he was sure that there would be a large reaction.



3 Years
07-10-2014, 11:59 AM

Mira heard that call, the call for her, blearily through the filters of sleep. Her jaws cracked in a yawn as she crawled out of the stump she made get den, shaking bits of fort and bark off. Forelegs reaching out in a luxurious stretch, the femme was soon trotting towards Bass. It didn't take much time; soon she was past Bass's den from the smell of it. She started following his scent, creeping as quietly as she could downwind of him so he would not scent her. Hopefully. Unfortunately, though, the plain's grasses soon were to short to hide her rather large frame, and she let out a huff of annoyance, standing and trotting the rest of the way.

"Azat," she greeted, panting slightly. Not from a lack of breath, but because it was so hot out. Her tail wagged and she grinned at her alpha. "So snake hunting?" For once, she didn't do the formalities... More as in a test, to see if they were required.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



7 Years

07-11-2014, 04:00 AM

When the dame arrived, she offered him no signs of a traditional greeting. He narrowed his eyes at her, but said nothing. Its not like she raised her hackles and growled at him, plus it was o ly the two of them. Bass knew that Mira respected him and she was usually so formal, so he let it slide. Plus, it was pretty early in the morning, he himself wouldn't even feel like being super formal. "Hey there Mira, are you ready to learn how to kill snakes?" He asked. He knew that it had been a little bit since she had asked him to teach her, but he had been caught up with the death of Hajime. His gaze grew somber at the thought, bit he tried not to dwell on it. Hr needed to let go, to allow thoughts of Haji to lay in rest with him.

Shaking out of his strange funk, he allowed all of his attention,to focus on the wolf before him. He had nearly forgotten that he had asked her here early for a reason. He grinned, all sad thoughts put on hold for what was to come. "Mira, you have been a very proactive part of Abaven since you joined. I am aware of the spars you have fought to further increase your ability as a fighter. I am quite proud of your actions, which is why I asked you here so early. From now on Mira, you are now a Bjundi of Abaven, until you can further increase your training and prove yourself once more the the next ranking. He paused, his tail thumping happily on the earth. He was pleases at his delivery, it was all formal even though he still wasn't fully awake.

Bass wished to assign Harmony to Mirabelle, but he knew that he would need to talk to his sister first. He had a feeling that she would not be very happy with him if he shoved a guard at her. He only wished for her protection, since she needed to leave pack lands for so long. "As a Bjundj, you are able to be assigned wolves. I wish to assign you to Harmony, although I still need to speak yo her. This would mean that you would be in charge of her safety, as well as accompanying her when she leaves pack lands to gather herbs." If Harmony refused, she had a few other wolves in mind got the new Bjundi to be assigned too. He was thinking that each healer should have a guard, since the needed to leave the safety of the territory for herbs.

OOC : Late night phone post, so sorry if there are any errors.



3 Years
07-11-2014, 08:35 PM

Mira winced at the glare her alpha gave her. Yep. Formality was necessary. She didn't know his thoughts, but if she did that thought would be reaffirmed. Formality. Got it. "Well, I'm as ready as I ever can be," she replied in answer to his question. Her ears twitched slightly, a tongue lolling out as she looked at the larger male. Ay, she was ready. Ready to learn how to deal with the threats in her territory so she could better guard those who needed it. She was determined to be the best guard she could be, so she could protect those in need and also rise to the ranks, hopefully to one day be the master guard below Bass.

The wolf watched her Azat carefully, as his expression moved from the glare to something sad. Her head tipped to the side, so very slightly, wondering at what caused the momentarily sad look. Perhaps... Hajime's death? That was the only thing she could think of. The only sad thing she was aware of. OF course, it could be something else entirely, something she would never know about.Oh well. It didn't even matter anymore, since Bass's expression soon moved to one that Mira could only classify as.. joy. And what followed, she couldn't believe. Her jaw dropped and pink tongue fell to the side of her mouth, giving her a wholly ridiculous look. As a drop of saliva rolled off her tongue, she closed her mouth, first forgetting to put her tongue back in, so she was sitting there with her tongue sticking out. As she realized her tongue was still sticking out, she slurped it back in, glancing down at the ground. Had she been human, her face would have been a bright red in embarrassment. As it was, her ears flicked back and she glanced away. Courtesy quickly reasserted herself, so she murmured, still looking away, "Thank you, Azat. You do me great honor."

The embarrassment didn't last for long, not with the more important matters being mentioned. Her ears quickly swiveled back around as he continued speaking. Nodding slowly, she replied, "I'd love to be in charge of guarding Harmony." Her eyes rose to meet his, if he allowed it. Sincerity showed in the depths of her eyes. She truly liked the playful sister of Bass, and she would be perfectly willing to protect her with her life... and when not protecting her, she'd most certainly be playing with her. The pure joyfulness of Harmony just made Mira so happy. "I can talk to her as well," she added, a smile creeping back onto her face. Harmony wouldn't like the idea of a guard. But a companion? She'd probably love that. Mira liked to assume that Harmony and Mira were close; that they got along. They certainly did the other day, when Mira and Harmony raced together and just fooled around and had fun. She decided to say as much to Bass. "I don't think Harmony would like the idea of a guard. But the idea of a companion that will also be there just in case might appeal more to her."

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]