
Leera x Tyranis Pups for Adopt! [CLOSED]



5 Years
Extra small
01-15-2019, 10:04 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2019, 11:12 PM by Leera.)


1. Read the entirety of this post before applying.
2. Potentially three pups will be adopted out. Fen and I will be selecting who gets them on January 24th in order to allow time for winners to fill out profiles and ect. Pups will be born Feb. 10th!
3. Pups should fall somewhere between true neutral and the evil alignments. Please read parents' profiles if you need help with personality!
4. Size is up to you, just please keep in mind parents' sizes. Keep in mind what must be purchased when applying.
5. Winners must remain active with their pups. Fen and I reserve the right to take back any character that has fallen inactive.
6. Pups will be Erövrare seeing as both parents are.
7. Have fun and don't be scared to surprise us with something different! We're so excited to see what y'all come up with!

<b>OOC name:</b>
<b>Pup name:</b>
<b>Adult height/weight:</b>
<b>Appearance (at least 100 words):</b>
<b>Personality (at least 150 words):</b>
<b>RP sample:</b>
<b>Other:</b> anything you'd like for us to know?

Name suggestions:  Andile, Anogram, Artesia, Artemare, Attus, Axiom, Barometer, Bellan, Breeze, Brisk, Carmine, Cirrus, Closs, Cumulus, Daxus, Downpour, Drenched, Leonidas, Leviathan, Lye, Pileus, Maven, Nimbus, Slythe, Snowthe, Stratus, Thlayli, Tornadic, Torrent, Tythe, Tyto, Xenus. You are welcome to create your own as well, but Fen has expressed preference of weather-related names.

FEN'S LOVELY DESIGNS: please indicate which you are using!

[Image: leepup.png]
[Image: leepup2.png]
[Image: leepup3.png]
[Image: leepup4.png]
[Image: leepup5.png]

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



3 Years
01-15-2019, 10:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2019, 07:25 AM by Carthage.)

female - heterosexual - lawful evil
navigation & intellect


small - 25" - light
Like her father before her, even as a child she hold's herself with dignity and grace. She may be tiny, but don't let that fool you - she's just as tough as the rest of them, if not more. While she's young, she'll have the typical roundness of a puppy's body, however it won't be long before the pudginess turns into pure muscle. Her colors remind most of her father - the slate hue carrying over into his children and domination this one's pelt primarily. Although a good portion of her is sooty black, starting at her crown and reaching down her face to her underside, blues and greys take up the rest of her fine fur. From the black of her crown, it fades into silver at her nape and back into black as it moves towards and ends at her hips. A few scattered white hairs make two jagged stripes across her shoulders, pointing towards her hips. While the underside of her tail is black and the top side slate, there is a silver line that separates the two colors on her tail alone letting the slate on her body reach down on her shoulders and rear.  The rims of her ears are also slate, with the insides being black, however white overtakes her face in simple while eye liner, leaving her eyelids black, drawing attention to her face and eyes that burn like fire with lithium chloride; a single look will roast any who cross her.

As she ages into a young woman and then into an adult, her muscles will grow but she will retain a very feminine shape like her mother. A force to be reckon with, big things come in small packages. She's very lady-like and works hard to keep herself clean and proper, but she'll get dirty if she has to and litter herself with scars that (hopefully) remain hidden under her gorgeous pelt. Her voice, like velvet, is smooth and alluring to many but with a sharp bitterness when she's irritated... which is usually always.


protective - dominant - assertive - wildchild - intelligent - free spirit
Torrent was never meant to be frilly and all lady-like. She came from the womb fighting for her place at the top despite being the last born and runt of the litter. Never holding back, she's a wild child, ready to face any and everything as it comes to her. Maybe a little too brave for her own good, Torrent has many times over earned her name. A strong and fast-moving stream of water. Spitfire would only be a fitting name had she not been as loud and unruly as white water rapids and equally as fast. A restless thing, Torrent is constantly on the go, ready to fight in wars and go on great adventures that test her body and mind. Of course, while she's a child, exploration missions and great battles will stretch the confines of her parents reach, testing their patience with her lack of willingness to respond or return home.

Her parents will have a hard time controlling her over eager, almost aggressive behavior. While she's always ready to go on a mission or listen to great storys her family had to share, she does not do well in confined spaces with others. She belongs out in the wilds, exploring. Not trapped in a pack forced to live the daily routine of a pack wolf. Torrent will struggle with this desire to adventure as she ages and at some point, it will all come to a head. Until then, she's happy living at home, stretching the boundaries and being known for her attitude and for, of course, being the King's daughter. She takes that one simple fact and uses it in every way to her advantage, especially with respect. She expects it, demands it, forces it. All in all, it's a good day when Torrent's in a good mood and feels moderately respected. She may not be a dignified princess, but she certainly expects to be treated like one.

The more she ages, the more she turns into halves of her parents, sprinkled with a little bit of her wildchild ways. She learns that she's protective of whatever she calls hers, whether it's her pack and family or what little possessions she may have should she take her own course of life. It was clear since birth she was dominant, asserting herself from birth to be certain she'd grow equally strong as the rest of them. Training or adventures will teach her things that she'll never forget, such a quick learner it'll be easy for her to learn how to survive on her own or how to do a job in a pack and do it well. Torrent is easily influenced by those around her, so things may and will probably change at least a million times as she ages and finally not settle until she's a bit too old to have finally decided. Refusing to grow up once she gets to a certain point and find her place in the adult life, her parents will definitely have their work cut out with this one and I wish them the best of luck.


recently turned two




Wind coursed through her pelt like the grasses on a cool, spring day; legs carrying her as fast as they could over the borders and through the wood (/cough), away from home and the things that bound her, crowded her and forced her to act close to the other members of Erovrare and her family. She loved them, and she told herself that at least a hundred times a day, but the ever present need for adventure and freedom now that she was grown enough to make her own decisions made it difficult to stay home during her free time. Today, she'd have the whole day. She planned it out too - promising herself that she'd make it just far enough away that it would be difficult to travel back while it was dark having just wildly ran temporarily away from home without looking back. She hadn't told a soul she was leaving, but by now it was to be expected. No one could ever find her when she had free time, always off exploring and having some great adventure.

"You're an adult Torrent, settle into a job already." She'd heard it time and time again, but they were at least right about one thing.

"I am an adult. I can do what I want!" Panting, she came to a stop at a small riverbed, pausing for a drink. Seeing her reflection in the water, she thought of her father and could've sworn she'd actually seen him there, a look of disappointment on his face that hit home a little. Quick to disturb the image with her tongue, the reflection faded back to herself. Torrent then bolted from the stream, afraid to see her fathers reflectiom yet again.

"I bet I can just rest here and head back in the morning." Coming up on a small cluster of trees and shrubs, Torrent settled in the overgrowth and watched between the tiny brances and twigs until sleep eventually came over her. Dreams of her parents and siblings flooded her memory, complete with happy memories of when she was a pup mixed with a little bit of imaginative exploring. Settling into the brush once and for all, she would sleep soundly the rest of the night.



Amun Ra


2 Years
01-16-2019, 02:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2019, 02:28 PM by Amun Ra.)
OOC name: Slash-GNR
Pup name: Slythe, Tyto, or Tythe
Design: #4
Gender: Female
Adult height/weight:
Appearance (at least 100 words):
Personality (at least 150 words):
RP sample:
Other: anything you'd like for us to know?


01-18-2019, 09:29 PM
OOC name: Alex
Pup name: Thlayli
Design: #5
Gender: Female
Adult height/weight: 30 inches
Alignment: Lawful evil
Appearance (at least 100 words): Thlayli Praetor was never destined to be a small, frail, or slight creature. She wasn't a monster or anything - she wasn't even bigger than average - but her 30 inches and lean, muscular body was nothing to underestimate. She also sported somewhat long, fluffy fur, making her look bigger than she was. Her overall colouring was on the grey spectrum, with a regular grey back and flanks, deep, brownish grey face, neck, and legs, pale grey cheeks and front paws, dark ears, and a two toned tail of both the brownish and pale grey. Her nose was the colour of charcoal, and her eyes were pinkish purple.

Personality (at least 150 words): If one word had to  be used to describe Thayli, it would be dedication. When she's committed to something, she's completing it, any other conflicting idea, issue, or task be damned. Nobody can deny that she has a will of steel, and it's yet to be wavered by an outside force. She's especially fond of traditional ideas, probably due to her discomfort with change and opposing ideas, and she follows the law to a T...though she's not above bending it to suit her own needs. Most of the time, she's very honesty and direct: if she doesn't like someone, she'll spell it out. This can be a great vice, however, because she's also very harsh and judgemental, finding tiny flaws to single out and mock others for [assuming she can get away with it.] While she inherited her mother's cold nature, she is loyal to her family to a fault. They could torture here to near insanity, and she would still follow them in the end, simply because she's too fearful of change to accept anything else. Not only is she desperate for the approval of her parents, but she lusts for power and social status as well, always dreaming of obtaining a higher rank than whatever she currently has.

Overall, Thayli is brutally efficient. She purposefully keep her emotions reserved, believing them to be weak and a detriment to getting work down. But while she is an excellent worker and organizer, she has a hard time emotionally connecting to others, and almost never relaxes - she only sleeps a couple of hours a day.

RP sample: The adolescent wolf jumped up onto the rock perched on the top of the hill. After a few moments of attempting to steady herself on the uneven stone, she sat down, muzzle raised slightly, eyes wide, and ears perked up. Nobody else was awake, not even her parents, which was no rare event for her. She went to sleep long after her family and woke up long before them.

Since she had little else to do, the ashen wolf chose to do something that would be both easy and helpful for her family - guard duty. Of course, she was still only about 9 months, and if a threat did appear, it was highly unlikely she'd stance a chance against it if it was anything above a yearling coyote, but she didn't care. She was going to serve her family any way she could, every waking moment.

Seconds became minutes, minutes became an hour. Other wolves would have become bored, but not her, and the only difference between her posture and behaviour now and an hour ago was that she was blinking more. Keeping your eyes open and strained in wind had a tendency to dry your eyes out, after all.

Other: She'll have fighting and intellect skills


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-22-2019, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2019, 10:10 PM by Acere.)

OOC name: Dragon
Pup name: Tyto
Design: 2
Gender: Male
Adult height/weight: 40-42" (depending on if I can afford more than 40")
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Appearance (at least 100 words):
Tyto is no weakling nor an abomination. The darkest of blacks wraps around most of his frame, only broken by muted gold and grays. Black envelopes the man from head to tail, masking his face and underside. Black marks his back like a saddle, fading into muted gray towards his shoulders as it also -crawls up the back of his neck. Perfectly proportioned ears bear the muted gold and gray color, his inner ear fur painted a soft cream. The beast also bears some cream markings on the back of his shoulders, and it frames his eyes as well, a contrast to ebony face. He takes after his mother in eye color, a piercing shade of magenta gazing at the world with impunity.

He is a tall male, likely to stand as tall as his father if not more. His frame is neither bulky nor slim, but right in between. A powerhouse of perfectly placed muscle, well proportioned and quite handsome. He is chiseled perfection, regality rolling off him in waves. A broad chest houses powerful lungs, legs well muscled and strong. He strives to keep himself in top shape at all times, constantly training himself to be the best of the best. One might say he holds himself rather arrogantly, and perhaps he does. Does he care? No. He's the son of the Lightning King after all, and doesn't care what anyone thinks.

Personality (at least 150 words):
Absolute Devotion
Tyto is first and foremost, devoted to his father. His pack. His training. He wants to be the best of the best, so he views his father as someone to look up to. Others might even say he puts him on a gold pedestal, even if what his father does is wrong in the eyes of others, Tyto doesn't care. He stands behind his father, supporting him in whatever it may be. Tyto is a soldier through and through, though he dreams of leading one day and following in his fathers footsteps, for now he is content with being a soldier for his pack. He devotes himself completely, blindly following orders and doing whatever is asked of him. While yes, he can think for himself, he doesn't question his father. He trains rigorously, wanting to make his father proud and to prove himself.

He is known to be aggressive in his actions. Being the son of the Lightning King, he expects to be respected by those he comes across, and very much dislikes if someone disrespects him. He can get quite aggressive in his actions and he will react accordingly. It's not always clear what might set him off, but if he feels he has been disrespected or if someone pissed him off, he will often challenge others to a fight or use force against those who are lower ranking. Hell, he's even known to challenge higher authority, all in the name of demanding respect. He believes he deserves it no matter what, but when it comes to him respecting others? Pft. Dream on. To him it's mostly one sided unless you're his parents. He respects them, of course. But that's about it.

Tyto is an individual who simply will not change his mind about things. He won't ever really compromise for others, no matter what it is. It's his way or the high way, and he won't budge from that. He's known to do things his way, whether it's wrong or right, and this coincides with his aggressive tendencies. He hates when someone challenges his authority (whether he's in a position of power or not) and loathes when others challenge his ideas as well.

Power hungry
He seems to be born with this, the boy constantly seeking to make himself the best in everything. He craves power, higher positions, and will work hard to get it. He looks up to his dad first and foremost and wants to someday lead beside him, or challenge for his own pack so he can help his father take down their enemies. An enemy of his father means an enemy of his and it doesn't matter who. He thirsts for the position of alpha, to rule those beneath him with an iron grip.

Tyto never knows fear. He'll fight anything and everything with grim determination, no matter the odds. He's a thrill seeker, often throwing himself into fights and danger without thought of consequences. He believes he's the best of the best, and even if he gets knocked down, he'll stand back up and fight again twice as hard until his foes blood is spilled. He does not fear dying or getting injured, because thoughts like that get you hurt or killed in the first place.

Tyto is loyal to his family above all. Even if they're in the wrong, he'll stand by them no matter what. He'll fight tooth and nail to protect his family, often putting himself between them and whomever seeks to harm. He does his best for them no matter what. While he is also loyal to the pack, he doesn't particularly care about its occupants unless they're blood related. But even then he'll fight his own blood if ordered to by his family.
RP sample:
Other: anything you'd like for us to know?


01-23-2019, 08:44 PM
accidental reply, ignore this



5 Years
Extra small
01-26-2019, 02:39 PM
Fen and I have come to the decision that Rasta's Torrent, Alex's Thlayli, and Dragon's Tyto are accepted! Thanks for applying and feel free to start their profiles so we can all be ready when they are born February 10th! Congratulations and we're excited to write with you all!
Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!