
Canis Solus


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-24-2019, 12:30 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2019, 12:30 PM by Acere.)

He had a lot of emotions running through him, and despite how much he tried to busy himself with his duties, it just wasn't enough. He headed out to the battlefield to seek a potential fight so he could release what he'd been holding, and it would keep his mind focused on one thing. In a fight, you needed to concentrate, and that was his goal today. To focus on the one thing so he wouldn't have to think about anything else, at least just for a little while. On top of that, he wanted to fight another wolf. Not another goddamn tiger or cougar or pack of coyotes, no. While they satiated his reckless desires at times, it just wasn't the same as fighting someone of his own kind.

He bounded across the battlefield, snowfall heavy as it blanketed the earth and his coat. The sky was heavily overcast, hiding the sun and sending chills across the land.  The alabaster Male expected to encounter some difficulties with the onslaught of snow, like potential ice slicks or ground that would be hard to get traction on. Whatever he encountered, he would prepare for it. With that in mind, he stopped where he was and howled his song. Inviting someone to come and battle him.




5 Years
Extra small
01-28-2019, 09:15 PM

Leera picks her way through the snow, teacup paws stepping gingerly as she makes her own path toward the battlegrounds. She's let herself get lazy since joining Erövrare, keeping in one place and resting in her den of thickets, but she knows she needs to sharpen her fighting skills in order to fufill her agenda.

Before she reaches the area, she hears a familiar male's voice, his calling a sort of invitation that is custom to wolves seeking a spar. Leera wastes no time in answering the call, tilting her head back and answering before slipping through the snow-crusted bushes before appearing before the male. "Acere. It's good seeing you again," she crones easily, pausing. But, of course, she knows it isn't pleasantries he's seeking. She flattens her ears and raises her tail, a small rivalry smirk shadowing her lips. "You want a battle, hm? Do be careful what you wish for, dear -- you first."

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-29-2019, 12:59 AM
Crimson gaze fell on someone familiar. Someone he didn't fully expect to show, but here she was. Except this time, she smelled like a pack rat. And if course, she was his nephews pack rat. So, he had gotten his paws on her? And by the smell of it, he had gotten her pregnant, too. At least, he assumed it had been Tyranis. He didn't know for sure. She was willing to fight like that? He eyed her, wondering if this was some sort of trick. But no matter the case, it was her decision. He would not hold back against someone that pledged themselves to his enemies. "Leera, I'm surprised to see you here." He sort of was, in a way. But at the same time was he really? Their first encounter had been interesting enough. She seemed bold. Fearless. Perhaps even a bit too cocky for her own good, and yet here she was going as far as to risk her unborn pups in a fight. For what?

He couldn't say he cared much, so he didn't think much about it. She offered him the first move, and he wouldn't hesitate to take it. He smirked at her words, crimson gaze narrowing on her. "I think it's you who should be worried..." He growled. The titan began to settle into his defenses then. Hackles rose along his spine, eyes narrowing to crimson slits as his lips lifted to bare stained fangs. He spread his legs to hip and shoulder width apart, knees bending to lower himself closer to the ground. Leera was many times smaller than he was, and while she had advantages of her own, so too did he. He had been in many fights before, his victories marked his body in many places. He was a seasoned warrior, and she would learn that today.

He finished settling his defenses by rolling his neck and shoulders forward to bunch his scruff, head lowering over his throat and chin tucking as his tail flagged out to act as a rudder for balance. Claws dug into the earth and toes splayed across the ground.

He was ready.

They were more or less about ten or so feet from one another, and as soon as Ace got into position, he charged. He sought to close the distance between them, attempting to come at her head on. Paws pounded against the ground as he moved, and as he sought to get close, he thrust his chest forward and attempted to smash the bottom center of his chest straight into Leera's face while simultaneously lifting his left forepaw. He sought to bring it down hard upon her right forepaw, wanting to crush her toes to bruise or potentially fracture them as well as pin her in place. As he attempted to do this, his head snaked forward, jaws wide open as he aimed a bite at the very back of her neck where it met the base of her skull. He wanted to try and pierce her with his fangs, to seek a grip and get control of her head. If he could render her immobile, then it would be less work to do, later.

Acere VS Leera for SPAR
Round: 1/?
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy

 speech Thought Quote



5 Years
Extra small
01-30-2019, 08:43 PM
The femme smirks at his banter. Of course, this is only a friendly spar, a battle for sharpening their skills, and there's no malice behind the low growl that curls out of her throat. But just because it's practice doesn't mean she won't give it her all. "Careful, now," she snarls, but there's a still a sparkle of ease in her rose-tinted eyes.

When Acere begins to charge, Leera hunkers down. She plants her paws firmly into the soil and lowers her head, flattening her ears to meet the blow head-on and hopefully strike with a counterattack if she can. She attempts to duck out of the way of his chest, but he collides into her with great force, so much so that she's knocked backward. His forepaw also makes contact for a brief moment before she's jostled back, the brunt of the force causing a pain to scatter through her paw. Leera yelps angrily and attempts to duck out of the way of his open jaws, his teeth only barely grazing across her tuft as she throws herself out of the way.

It's in her instict to duck and dodge, but now it's her time to counterstrike. She whips around, facing her opponent, and shoots forward in an attmept to lock her teeth into Acere's right hind ankle. She keeps her ears flat, out of reach in case he favors a cheapshot, and tucks her tail between her legs.

Leera vs Acere for SPAR
Round: 1/3
Height: 21''
Build: Light
Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-03-2019, 06:14 PM
The brunt of his attacks appeared to be successful as he collided into her. Likewise his foot stomp had made some form of contact, but not quite what he wanted. He replanted his foot, defenses still in place. Hackles were raised, ears pressed against his skull. Jaws parted in a snarl, head lowered over his throat with his chin tucked. He decided to tuck his tail as well considering she was smaller and he didn't want to chance her getting under him attack his more precious bits. He kept his body lowered, legs spread as toes remained splayed and claws biting the earth. He managed to knock her back, but she dove past him shortly after.

He couldn't twist around fast enough before he felt teeth bite his right hind ankle. The titan growled, but the adrenaline soon blocked out the stinging pain. He sought to turn his body around to face her, though if she didn't let go then he aimed to jostle her fast enough to make her dizzy as he sought to spin around. Simultaneously he lifted his left hind leg and aimed a vicious kick at her head, claws aiming to scrape over her eyes in an effort to force her to relinquish her grip and hopefully blind her and irritate her eyes if only for a moment.

Acere VS Leera for SPAR
Round: 2/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy

 speech Thought Quote



5 Years
Extra small
02-05-2019, 10:30 PM

Tiny, needlepoint teeth embedded successfully in Acere's hind leg, but Leera does not maintain her grip for long before he jostles her loose and she's knocked back. She scrambles to her paws and bares her teeth, but just as she opens her jowls again for another strike, Acere's kick lands against the side of her left cheek, claws grazing across her squeezed-shut eyes but still irritating them greatly. Against the force of the blow, Leera is sent back again, but she regains her footing and shakes the dizziness from her head, blinking away the stinging that his kick has caused.

Seeing red now, Leera flattens her ears and lets out a gutteral snarl. She tucks in her chin to block any throat strikes and digs her claws into the earth. Every muscle in her body clenches up before releasing, throwing her light-as-a-feather body into a lunging leap. She projects herself through the air towards Acere, seeking to land on his back and sink her teeth into the tender folds of flesh on the back of his nape between his shoulder blades.

Leera vs Acere for SPAR
Round: 2/3
Height: 21''
Build: Light

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-11-2019, 01:19 AM
He felt her teeth release their grip on his right ankle. He felt his kick hit his target behind him. He was growing slightly frustrated fighting someone much, much smaller than him, but to every disadvantage there was an advantage, right? Hers was the fact that she was a lot smaller and potentially faster, but what he lacked in speed compared to her, he made up for it with brute strength and the potential of being more experienced.

Even as the titan moved, he made sure to keep his defenses in place. Ears pinned to his skull, crimson gaze narrowed, hackles were raised along his spine. Tail flagged back out for balance as he managed to complete his turn to face her once more. Toes splayed over the ground, limbs were equidistant apart after he replanted both hind feet again. Joints bent, lowering his body closer to the ground while his teeth were bared, muzzle and face scrunching up into a fierce snarl. Just as Leera launched herself at him, Ace took the opportunity to attack. In the moment Leera was airborne, Acere lifted his front end off the ground with hindlegs spread hip-width apart to take his weight. He thrust his chest forward, forelegs reaching to grasp the woman in midair.

He sought to practically catch her, instead of allowing her to land on his back, he wanted her to metaphorically fall into his arms. With his chest thrust up and forward, he hoped her momentum would force her to slam into his broad chest, and in a bid to assist her in that, Acere reached for her. His right foreleg sought to come across her left shoulder and his left foreleg sought to come over her right shoulder. He aimed to grasp the fur of her scruff with both of his paws, and should he get her in his grasp then he would seek to throw her to the ground with as much force as he could. Simultaneously, jaws gaped open as he also sought to land a bite on the right sider of her neck, the alabaster mail seeking to attain a grip there. Top fangs aimed to pierce the flesh just beneath her right ear while bottom fangs sought to pierce just below the hinge of her bottom jaw on the same side.

While he initially hadn't wished to cause much harm to her, he had detected the same pack scent on her that Tyranis had. Which meant that she was part of his flock, and that alone was enough to make her an enemy.

Acere VS Leera for SPAR
Round: 3/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy

 speech Thought Quote

Head Judges


03-08-2019, 02:20 PM

And the winner is...

ACERE! Due to Leera not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Acere's favor. Leera must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.