
Theory Imperialis



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-26-2019, 02:14 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2020, 05:59 PM by Theory.)
can't smell the roses

Helping the thicket heal was an all hands on deck operation. Now that her injuries from the fire had healed, Theory had been assisting with hauling seed and soil between her other duties. Lessons had come to a halt for now in light of the disaster, and she was sorely missing her diplomat training. Since the fire and Tana's death, her life felt like it had been completely derailed. Autumn was turning the leaves, though, reminding her that time passed whether she was ready or not. Soon it would be winter and she would be a year old.

She huffed softly as she spread the last of the seed she'd managed to bring by piling it on a large lilypad. Theory took a step back and surveyed her work, still a bit dusty from working in the soil. She gave her coat a thorough shake, sneezed, and turned to continue spreading it evenly on the still-bare patches of ground. There were some tender shoots of new growth, but she was certain they wouldn't survive the first frost. This autumn was bitterly cold. What was the point of the planting if it would all die anyway?

"theory speaks!"

when they wilt in my hands

<div align=center><link href='|Abril+Fatface|Rajdhani:300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="width:600px; border-radius: 0px 0px 80px 80px; background:#69a09a url(''); background-position: top;background-repeat: no-repeat;"><tr><td>
<div align=justify style="font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; color:#353f3e; line-height:14px;letter-spacing:1px;word-spacing:2px; padding:0 10px 0 10px;margin:380px 20px 20px 20px;opacity:0.90;filter:alpha(opacity=30);">
<center><div style=" font-family: 'Abril Fatface'; font-size:28px; color:#c3beb6; text-shadow: -1px -1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.1), 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.5);letter-spacing:1px; text-align:center;  padding-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 14px; "> <i>can't smell the roses </I></div></center>
Helping the thicket heal was an all hands on deck operation. Now that her injuries from the fire had healed, Theory had been assisting with hauling seed and soil between her other duties. Lessons had come to a halt for now in light of the disaster, and she was sorely missing her diplomat training. Since the fire and Tana's death, her life felt like it had been completely derailed. Autumn was turning the leaves, though, reminding her that time passed whether she was ready or not. Soon it would be winter and she would be a year old.

She huffed softly as she spread the last of the seed she'd managed to bring by piling it on a large lilypad. Theory took a step back and surveyed her work, still a bit dusty from working in the soil. She gave her coat a thorough shake, sneezed, and turned to continue spreading it evenly on the still-bare patches of ground. There were some tender shoots of new growth, but she was certain they wouldn't survive the first frost. This autumn was bitterly cold. What was the point of the planting if it would all die anyway?<P>
[align=right]<b><font color=c3beb6>"theory speaks!"</font></b>[/align]
<center><div style=" font-family: 'Abril Fatface'; font-size:28px; color:#c3beb6; text-shadow: -1px -1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.1), 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.5);letter-spacing:1px; text-align:center;  padding-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 14px; "><i>when they wilt in my hands</i></center></div</td></tr></table></div>

break me like a promise


"theory speaks!"

<div align=center><link href='|Abril+Fatface|Rajdhani:300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><center><style="padding:5px;">
<table background="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:650px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #011c1d; border-radius: 350px 350px 40px 40px; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#140f20"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:50px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-top:550px;"><div style="background-color: rgba(75, 21, 41, 0.6);  background-color: rgb(75, 21, 41, 1); padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:30px; padding-right:30px; padding-top:20px; border-radius: 40px; border: px solid #000000; box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #000000;"><font color="#e2e2e2" style="font-family:arial; font-size:12px; line-height:20px;"><center><div style="font-family: 'Abril Fatface'; font-size:28px; color:#2b2b60; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000; text-align:center;  padding-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 14px;"> <i>break me like a promise</I></div></center>


[align=right][color=#3f6f8e][b]"theory speaks!"[/b][/color][/align]


The plains were choked out from the ashes that had rained from the sky for two entire seasons. Everywhere she went, she tracked pawprints through the silt. Was this really the home they had longed for? She hoped wherever Shaye was that her mentor was at least happy with her decision. How could the pack hope to thrive when everything around them was dead or dying? It wasn't so long ago that they has rebuilt the thicket after it had been razed to the ground, although it seemed like a lifetime away. A familiar scent caught her attention and she pushed her worries aside. The imitable mask of "alpha" slid over her features with some effort before she padded after Octave's trail.

"Octave," she greeted, dipping her head towards the healer as she approached. Her short tail was flicked upwards but her general demeanor was easygoing and genial. It was good to know that they had healers back in their ranks and willing to work; they needed them now more than ever, that was for sure. "Are you searching for some life underneath these ashes?" Theo asked, unable to keep a hint of bitterness out of her joke.

So many of their members were tormented by the mental scars left behind by the eruption and the recent losses they'd endured. They may have been lucky in the physical wounds department, but Theory was deeply concerned about Rhyme's current mental state, as well as Vail's suffering litter. To lose their parents so young was horribly unfair. Octave's sister had been scarce as well -  ever since she'd been burned in the fire, Novel had remained out of the way. Was she doing alright? There was so much to keep of, so many lives intricately intertwined. "I actually wanted to pick your brain about some of our pack members. Everyone is hurting, some more than others. Their pain is difficult to understand. I tried to speaking with Rhyme, but..." Theory rolled her shoulders and looked away. She didn't want anyone to think their beta wasn't in top form, but it was just so painfully obvious that Rhyme was suffering. It would be foolish not to acknowledge it. He had been so close with Shaye, it was no wonder that her death had rocked him to his core.
wc: 384
twc: 685/1500

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="|Indie+Flower"><center><style="padding:5px;">
<table background="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:650px; border-radius: 350px 350px 50px 50px; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#2b3743"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:30px; padding-left:30px; padding-right:30px; padding-top:730px;"><br /><div style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);  background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 1); padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:50px; padding-right:50px; padding-top:30px; border-radius: 40px; border: px solid #000000;"><font color="#ffffff" style="font-family:times; font-size:12px; line-height:20px;">

The plains were choked out from the ashes that had rained from the sky for two entire seasons. Everywhere she went, she tracked pawprints through the silt. Was this really the home they had longed for? She hoped wherever Shaye was that her mentor was at least happy with her decision. How could the pack hope to thrive when everything around them was dead or dying? It wasn't so long ago that they has rebuilt the thicket after it had been razed to the ground, although it seemed like a lifetime away. A familiar scent caught her attention and she pushed her worries aside. The imitable mask of "alpha" slid over her features with some effort before she padded after Octave's trail.

[color=#468eae][b]"Octave,"[/b][/color] she greeted, dipping her head towards the healer as she approached. Her short tail was flicked upwards but her general demeanor was easygoing and genial. It was good to know that they had healers back in their ranks and willing to work; they needed them now more than ever, that was for sure. [color=#468eae][b]"Are you searching for some life underneath these ashes?"[/b][/color] Theo asked, unable to keep a hint of bitterness out of her joke.

So many of their members were tormented by the mental scars left behind by the eruption and the recent losses they'd endured. They may have been lucky in the physical wounds department, but Theory was deeply concerned about Rhyme's current mental state, as well as Vail's suffering litter. To lose their parents so young was horribly unfair. Octave's sister had been scarce as well -  ever since she'd been burned in the fire, Novel had remained out of the way. Was she doing alright? There was so much to keep of, so many lives intricately intertwined. [color=#468eae][b]"I actually wanted to pick your brain about some of our pack members. Everyone is hurting, some more than others. Their pain is difficult to understand. I tried to speaking with Rhyme, but..."[/b][/color] Theory rolled her shoulders and looked away. She didn't want anyone to think their beta wasn't in top form, but it was just so painfully obvious that Rhyme was suffering. It would be foolish not to acknowledge it. He had been so close with Shaye, it was no wonder that her death had rocked him to his core.
wc: 384
twc: 685/1500</center>




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-26-2019, 02:14 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2019, 03:13 PM by Theory.)


<table background="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:600px; border: 3px solid #25a0cc; border-radius:50px; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#506d4f"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:30px; padding-left:30px; padding-right:30px; padding-top:410px;"><div style="background-color: rgba(37, 160, 204, 0.5);  background-color: rgb(37, 160, 204, 1); padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:30px; padding-right:30px; padding-top:10px; border-radius: 40px;"><font color="#ffffff" style="font-family:times; font-size:12px; line-height:20px;">



<center><table background="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:500px; border:1px solid #000; background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#000000; border-radius: 2px;"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-top:0px; padding-left:0px; padding-right:0px; padding-bottom:490px;"><font color="#4a5a65" style="font-family:times; font-size:14px; line-height:13px;text-shadow: #000 0px 1px 1px;">
<font color="#20d8f7" style="text-shadow: #79a8ca 1px 1px 1px">""</font>


<center><div style="border:1px solid #; width:600px; height:400px; background-image:url(''); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover; position:relative; border: 3px solid #acc8e1; border-radius:50px">
<div style="width:200px; height:300px; color:#bfdaf2; text-align:justify; font-size:13px; line-height:14px; font-family:times; overflow:auto; margin:0 auto;position:absolute; top: 50%; left: 77%; transform:translate(-50%, -50%);">

[Image: rhyme-babs-flat.png?width=1294&height=943]
<span style="Font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; color: #361725; text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px; font-variant: normal;"><I></i></span>[/align]



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-25-2020, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2021, 06:03 PM by Theory. Edited 3 times in total.)

Helping the thicket heal was an all hands on deck operation. Now that her injuries from the fire had healed, Theory had been assisting with hauling seed and soil between her other duties. Lessons had come to a halt for now in light of the disaster, and she was sorely missing her diplomat training. Since the fire and Tana's death, her life felt like it had been completely derailed. Autumn was turning the leaves, though, reminding her that time passed whether she was ready or not. Soon it would be winter and she would be a year old.

She huffed softly as she spread the last of the seed she'd managed to bring by piling it on a large lilypad. Theory took a step back and surveyed her work, still a bit dusty from working in the soil. She gave her coat a thorough shake, sneezed, and turned to continue spreading it evenly on the still-bare patches of ground. There were some tender shoots of new growth, but she was certain they wouldn't survive the first frost. This autumn was bitterly cold. What was the point of the planting if it would all die anyway? "hello hello hello"

"theory speaks!"

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><center><table background="" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="40" style="width:650px; border:0px solid #; background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:340px; padding-left:150px; padding-right:0px; padding-top:0px;"><style="font-family:Baloo Bhaina 2; font-size:13px; line-height:12px;">

Helping the thicket heal was an all hands on deck operation. Now that her injuries from the fire had healed, Theory had been assisting with hauling seed and soil between her other duties. Lessons had come to a halt for now in light of the disaster, and she was sorely missing her diplomat training. Since the fire and Tana's death, her life felt like it had been completely derailed. Autumn was turning the leaves, though, reminding her that time passed whether she was ready or not. Soon it would be winter and she would be a year old.

She huffed softly as she spread the last of the seed she'd managed to bring by piling it on a large lilypad. Theory took a step back and surveyed her work, still a bit dusty from working in the soil. She gave her coat a thorough shake, sneezed, and turned to continue spreading it evenly on the still-bare patches of ground. There were some tender shoots of new growth, but she was certain they wouldn't survive the first frost. This autumn was bitterly cold. What was the point of the planting if it would all die anyway? <span style="font-size: 11px; color: #468eae; font-variant: bold;">[b]"hello hello hello"[/b]</span>

<span style="font-size: 11px; color: #468eae; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #111111; font-variant: bold;">[b]"theory speaks!"[/b]</span>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum. Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. "Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.
"Consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum."

Duis nec pharetra leo. Vestibulum viverra nisl magna, quis lacinia sem tincidunt sit amet. Vestibulum tempus euismod lacus, sed sollicitudin metus convallis quis. Donec tristique, est sit amet accumsan dignissim, nibh nibh suscipit mauris, sed suscipit purus magna at turpis. Morbi dapibus dictum elit a tempor. Nulla condimentum neque urna, pellentesque accumsan felis pharetra nec. Curabitur eu interdum purus.

Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="|Indie+Flower"><center><style="padding:5px;">
<table background="" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:800px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 13px #45c3ee; border: 0px solid #01423a; border-radius: 80px 80px 100px 100px; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#020508"><tr><td><div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:30px; padding-left:30px; padding-right:20px; padding-top:360px;"><span style="float:left; width: 360px; height: 290px;"></span><br /><div style="background-color: rgba();  background-color: rgb(); padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px; padding-top:38px; border-radius: 40px; border: 0px solid #202020;"><font color="#c2c2c2" style="font-family:times; font-size:12px; line-height:20px;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum. Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. "Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.
[color=#5c9be2][b]"Consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum." [/b][/color]

Duis nec pharetra leo. Vestibulum viverra nisl magna, quis lacinia sem tincidunt sit amet. Vestibulum tempus euismod lacus, sed sollicitudin metus convallis quis. Donec tristique, est sit amet accumsan dignissim, nibh nibh suscipit mauris, sed suscipit purus magna at turpis. Morbi dapibus dictum elit a tempor. Nulla condimentum neque urna, pellentesque accumsan felis pharetra nec. Curabitur eu interdum purus.

Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.
