
poisoned hearts



8 Years
01-28-2019, 09:10 PM

With all that was happening in his daily life the male had little time for riddled thoughts. His unneeded lust and desire for adventure had mostly fled his cranium but upon this chilly morning the thoughts of Spider came forth. Spider was his first lusty encounter in Boreas and it was something that had tugged at his brain since. The night did not lead to pups nor drama. It was a beautiful encounter of warmth and fluttering hearts. A quiver flowed through his muscles as he thought over the skittish male. Something about the greyscale oddball had made the normally harsh Hannibal tingly. But, these thoughts were not as positive as one may wish. Tyranis gave the Taskmaster a quest to find him a personal healer. With how submissive Spider is and his knowledge of herbs.. he may be the best bet. Perhaps the albino serpentine could lure the beautiful boy to the depths of Erovrare without using force. After all he did not want a war.

Hefty pad falls filled the brisk evening air as the male slithered through the East. His demeanor was mild but still radiating dominance. A slightly erect tail and perked ears showed his true self. Hannibal's two-toned eyes flicked through the land with a great thirst. The plants seemed to glow ever so slightly and the moon only helped the shine. The illustrious beast moved quietly through the mangrove before settling at the base of a large tree. His pale rump fell upon dirt, avoiding the peppering of snow towards the open clearings. His black and wait tail curled around large paws as his head shot up into the air. A powerful baritone howl filled the air. Hannibal was summoning Spider and idly hoped the boy would show at such an indecent time. The last two times they met it was late so he hoped there would no contest for the third. As his head lowered he settled in with easy breaths.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



6 Years
01-29-2019, 07:01 PM

Spider had been lonely without Hannibal, and felt lonelier still in Abaven where  he seemed to have earned everyone’s indifference. They were all far too concerned with the sudden influx of children, and the threat of slavers, and the potential rise of a threat, he had simply slipped through the craks. He suspected Shaye had simply gotten bored of him, or had been driven too far away from him by what Rhyme had most likely told her.

When Hannibal called for him however his mood instantly lifted. It had felt like so long since he had seen the male he began to worry that he had simply gotten his hopes up and could add the beautiful phantasm to an ever growing list of those who had abandoned him.

He raced from the border with no concern for who saw him and with no intention of casting doubt that he was answering his lover’s call. In some way he wanted Shaye to know that she wasn’t the only one to cast someone as insignificant. He had a lover, and he no longer needed to care what she thought of him.

He greeted Hannibal with his usual joyful amble and moved to press his head against his throat in a loving caress. “I was afraid you had forgotten about me.” He muttered huskily, his tail waving in a wide, euphoric arch as he lifted his head to kiss the man’s chin.

"Talk" You   Toad



8 Years
01-29-2019, 10:22 PM

Hannibal meant no ill will towards Spider but his selfish ways got the better of him. The phantom would not force claim the male but merely attempt to lure him to Erovrare with unending promises. The male was already submissive in nature so it should not be too hard, plus the thought of having Spider so close brought flutters of joy to Hannibal. The hellhound truly felt something for the oddball that no one else pulled from him. No one else made his lips curl into a genuine smile or his heart thrum when hearing that masculine voice. Surely the strange male will feel pain when finding out Hannibal had slept and knocked up a female but perhaps they could work past that. The Taskmaster was in no way monogamous and could juggle his pup's mother and the love he felt for Spider.

The demon hardly had time to react as the familiar male fell into his embrace. Spider's scent filled his dapped nose and the opposing male stuck his muzzle into Hannibal's thick neck fur. A growl of excitement filled the air as it slowly rumbled within the behemoth's throat. He leaned into the touch and listened to those masculine vocals with hunger. "You never escape my mind." A breathy pause as he attempted to move his tongue across Spider's lips. "I have a dreadfully busy life as of late.." Hannibal's haunting eyes sought to meet Spider's own. His words held complete truth as with the promotion and coming of spawn the male was riddled with endless duties. "This may sound horribly selfish." With a tilt of his head Hannibal spoke with a much more serious tone. "I want you to be with me.." He left it at that for now and allowed Spider to lull the thought over in order for Hannibal to read the reaction.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.