
We've A New Life


07-07-2014, 10:59 PM

This was the right place to call home, he was sure of it. The male felt safe here, the willows and beauty of the place having a calming effect upon his soul. Kar felt happiness spreading back within his being, a new life shining in the lime green orbs that he bore. It seemed that things were moving forward again, and after his dream last night, reuniting with his best friends through the dream world, the male felt happier than ever. Tail was wagging as he returned to the den he had dug for himself and Nalyda. It had taken time, and with Nalyda's assistance they had made it spacious enough for themselves and then some. The woman's heat scent lingered in the air around the area, driving Kar's hormones wild, though he made sure to keep himself in check. He would not force Nalyda into having children before she was ready, not that he had brought the subject up yet.

Kar would arrive at the den with a chicken in his jaws, just as the sun was rising over the horizon. He had gotten up extra earlier to hunt for Nalyda, finding that keeping himself busy by doing small things for her, as well as simply spending his days with her were making him feel better about all that had happened. He was happy, in love, and had his life ahead of him with the most beautiful fae he had ever seen. The male would set the chicken down, near Nalyda's head before laying down next to her, gently nuzzling her cheek. The chicken, he figured, had come from the territory near the woods. The male's eyes were sparkling happily, tail wagging slightly as he breathed out his words. "Wake up my dear, I've brought you breakfast in bed."

Speech, Thought



8 Years
07-07-2014, 11:13 PM
The dame had felt happy being in the Weeping Woods with the one she had loved. Thanks to Kar they now had a happy place to call home and a really nice and spacious den they could use for their family. The heat that bore off the fae caught her attention and she soon became aware that Kar's hormones might affect him but at least he was trying to contain himself.

The smell of blood and chicken came to her attention as well as the gentle and harmonious tone of her mate. She could feel his body heat coming beside her as she opened her eyes as her lids vanished and her crimson orbs became visible. The dame smiled and licked his muzzle as she snapped down upon the chicken as the bones crunched underneath her canines. As she swallowed most of the meal, she pushed the rest over to Kar. "Eat, my love, I would have to go out and look for herbs anyway," she exclaimed as she stood upward and headed out of the den and went to find herbs.


07-10-2014, 06:39 PM

His loving mate would lick his muzzle, his lime green eyes reflecting happiness. The femme he loved would eat the meal he brought her, tearing into the flesh of the fowl. Where Kar had lived as a young wolf he had never seen such prey, though he had encountered ducks before. It was a bit strange coming across different animals that could be eaten, but he supposed that it wasn?t so bad, really. The brute would settle down, his tail wagging behind him slightly as he relaxed in this new life he had with his lover.

Nalyda would finish her meal, pushing the rest towards him to eat, and Kar would give a nod, his canines tearing at the remaining flesh. He ate quickly, so that he could rise and follow his dark colored mate out of the den. Paws would hit the ground in a way that wouldn?t be subtle, after all, he didn?t want to surprise her now did he? Kar would fall in place beside Nalyda, twitching his ears happily. ?I can come along with you... Then you carry more herbs.? He said softly.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
07-10-2014, 06:53 PM
Nalyda could hear his footsteps approaching her, paw pads making a soft thump as she could hear him approach her. A smile would rise on her maw once she had seen him come toward her, a sort of loving gesture for him to offer to come along with her. With a slight flick of her ears, she nodded and began to gather some leaves and sap. There had been an accident with paws a couple times while there were here in the land, so, perhaps it would be time to make sure that nothing is left out incase of emergency. "I know we're mates, Kar, but you do not have to go with me, I could have carried things in a banana leaf," she smiled as she began to drag herself up a tree branch, and with a loud snap of the leaf, the branch swayed as she brought the leaf down before them. "Though I do enjoy your company."

"Kar, have you thought about us having...pups?" Heat rose to the dame's cheek when she asked him the question. She was not sure if he would enjoy having pups, but, perhaps starting a family would be some kind of new adventure for the duo. Her crimson orbs would turn to look at his emerald colored ones, giving a slightly embarrassed smile. She would only like to know, for she knew they did not have to do anything right away.


07-12-2014, 05:50 PM

Kar would feel heat rise to his cheeks when Nalyda spoke, and he would gaze at her with a bit of a taken-aback look. "I know... I just wanted to spend some more time with you... I... I guess I'm feeling more protective of you right now." The male would look at her with lime green eyes. He meant because of her heat, which he was sure the woman would understand. She was intelligent after all. Oh how Kar feared that someone might try and take advantage of her, force her into certain acts. If that ever happened he would shed his generally peaceful nature and tear them apart. No one, no one would ever hurt Nalyda and get away unscathed if he could do something about it. His own scar, of his right eye, was a reminder of that.

Her next question was one that both caught him off guard and was something he had been hoping to hear. Have pups. Children. The two of them. He could feel his heart start to race some, heat coming to his own cheeks as words fell from his mouth. "Of course I have! I mean... I mean of course I have. Having a family... has been a bit of a dream of mine. I've always wanted a little daughter especially." Kar would gently press against Nalyda's her side, nuzzling her cheek. "But never before you are ready... and only if you truly want too... which... I'm guessing might have been why you asked? At least someday?" How things were moving fast for them, but young love was such a beautiful thing. There was no reason to ashamed of it, after all.

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8 Years
07-12-2014, 10:18 PM
Nalyda smiled when she saw him, a kind smile on her face when she had seen him. Her crown nudged his shoulder as her salmon tongue licked his cheek in a passionate and tender way. The sound of crows caught her attention, and in her pack, that meant trouble. A loud snarl broke through the foliage as a male wolf approached the duo. He was not from any pack, and they had not seen him before around Alicritia. He was a rogue, and he seemed to be looking for trouble.

"I smell the blood of an in heat she-wolf," the rogue, his tone serious yet demanding. His coat was a silver colored, and had golden colored orbs to match. His nostrils twitched when he could smell Nalyda and began to approach her. He met her eyes and sniffed her, giving a gentleman like smile and nudged her cheek. Nalyda gave a warning growl to the brute.

"Leave me and my mate alone!" She growled, crimson orbs showing rage, meaning she would not be afraid to fight him if she had to. The male chuckled and looked to Kar, getting in a battle stance as Nalyda backed away. "This she-wolf will be mine when this is all over."


07-12-2014, 10:52 PM

As if it wasn't bad enough that Nalyda's old caretaker had given them a certainly unwelcome visit, things were about to get ugly yet again. Kar would flick his ears back when he heard the cawing of crows. Any happiness, any peace of that moment was gone. Just when he thought they were somewhere safe, somewhere alone, here comes some other brute. Such agitation would well up in Kar, hackles raising as lime green orbs shot daggers at this other man. This damn silver brute, who dared come up to Nalyda, playing the part of a man seeking attention, flashing such a gentleman like smile when he surely was not. He would not act for Nalyda, but when this man did not back down there was no way in hell Kar himself would not act.

The male had his head and tail align with his spine, ears laying flat against his skull, eyes narrowing, brow furrowing, and lips pulling back in a snarl. Chin would tip forward, neck scrunching as he prepared himself. He would roll his shoulders forward, knees bent and ready. His core was tightened, weight distributed and even. "Over my dead body, brute." Kar would act, not wasting any more time. He would aim to slam his left side of his body against the left side of his foe, jaws snapping towards the other's face to discourage him using his fangs to aim low, and perhaps flinch away instead. He was not going to lose Nalyda. Not now.

Not ever.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
07-12-2014, 11:05 PM
Nalyda could sense the tension emanating from her mate's form. When the brute touched her, she backed away and went behind Kar, but, he was going to take that male down and she knew it. The male was smacked in the side, eyes full of rage when Kar snapped at his maw, trying to make him run away. Nalya smiled and knew Kar would be alright in this fight for it seemed the male opponent was young and inexperienced.

"Give up while you can, my mate has more skill than yourself," Nalyda hollered as she tried to cheer on the brute whom she loved so much. Her crimson optics watched the fight in astonishment and wished she could help, but she knew Kar would not wish for her to get hurt. Going by his wishes, she stayed put.

The male snarled and lunged forward, knocking Kar to the side of if he were nothing more than a pebble. His golden eyes showing rage as he went to give Kar a cut to the chest.

He would not leave without a good fight and showing his skills, he was stubborn, and he did not like to admit defeat.


07-12-2014, 11:41 PM

His slam hit, though ended up being more on the male's side than he originally intended. Still, Kar was not one who was going to give up, especially not with such high stakes. Nalyda needed him and he would not, by the great goddess Siri would not fail her. His opponent seemed less experienced, not countering his move, but this also made the older male more wary. Those who seemed as dumb as a rock were normally strong as the hounds that stood guard for the hellgates. Unfortunately for Kar, he was right to think this way.

His opponent lunged at him while he was in mid turn, hitting him in the side and knocking him onto his back. The silver male would approach, seeking to hurt, to tear into his flesh and take the woman he loved by force. Fangs bared, Kar would snarl out, even from this position. "Not a chance in Hell, boy!" Kar may have only been four, but his aggression in protecting his loved one sparked the cold, sharp side of his personality. As soon as his opponent neared Kar would flail out all four legs, aiming to claw the other male anywhere. His face, his legs. He was going to tear this little punk to pieces if that was what it took... or more if necessary. Kar had never before killed another wolf... but for Nalyda's safety he would take on the world.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
07-12-2014, 11:55 PM
The young male would swerve to the side, but not without getting a gash on the side of his right leg. His paws hit the earth as the sound of rain began to hit the earth and drench his coat, as well as the sound of thunder rumbling in the dark sky. A lightning strike illuminated the sky, making the male's coat seem white than anything else. His golden eyes shimmered as the strike shone upon them.

Nalyda smiled and wagged her tail when she had seen her mate was doing so well. Her eyes shown happiness, but, she was also worried that the young male would find some way to win this fight, and for that she prayed for Kar's safety and that he would win.

The brute soon began to run toward Kar, bares fanged as he ran over to the older male and went to snap upon his paw, trying to break it even though he had not reached the male that he was trying to beat. He wanted a mate, and he was willing to do anything to get one.


07-13-2014, 12:12 AM

His claws would mark the male, cutting the side of his right foreleg. It served the male right, and Kar was beginning to wonder if, perhaps, this could very well end up being a deathmatch. The brute would keep what defenses he could, trying to ignore the sudden rain that began to fall from the gray skies. He hadn't even noticed it get so dark, and yet it had. A fitting scene, especially when he saw the lightning flash, and the wild look of danger in the other male's eyes. The other started to run towards him again with bared fangs. But Kar was rolling, getting to his paws, and kicking off the ground quick and hard, he would hop out of reach of the male's jaws, whether the bite was aimed or not.

'Goddess Siri, I beg of you now, give me the strength I need to protect my mate.' The thought would roll in the back of his mind, a silent prayer to the entity he believed in. Kar was no killer, not really, and he truly hoped that it wouldn't come to that. But the other was so determined to take Nalyda. Did he not know that this was no such way to gain a mate? Kar would lash out with back paws, hoping to catch the other somewhere, though that put his back end at risk too. Miscalculating could leave on of those paws in the jaws of his enemy.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
07-13-2014, 08:21 PM
Nalyda could sense that the male was starting to get agitated. As if the male could control the weather, the rain began to pour down even harder and faster, for it felt like her eyes were being stung by a thousand bees. Her grey pelt was starting to become drenched as cold began to hit the skin that was underneath as she shook some of the water, but, it still hung there making it impossible to get released from the cold. She would just have to wait.

The male's golden orbs looked into the lime green of Kars. He dashed over to the side of Kar and was prepared to snap down on one of his paws, eyes showing rage as he had managed to somehow. He had somehow managed to evade the older male's paws by stepping back and then moving forward when the paws weren't moving anymore. His canines dug into the paw's flesh, pulling hard.

Nalyda could see this as she snarled and dashed over to help him, crimson orbs shimmering with rage. It made her feel like she was a monster about ready to destroy anything or anyone that moved, but, she only had one target: the silver male. She bolted over to the male and tackled him to the side as he fell to the side with a loud thud. When he stood up, he dashed over to Nalyda for he was close to her and tackled her down, canines digging into her neck as she let out a pleading whimper, but the male did not move.


07-22-2014, 04:22 PM

The rain fell harder, crashing down upon them. His narrowed eyes managed to keep most of it away from the orbs, but what did get in blurred his vision. His coat was getting drenched, even with it?s natural thickness that came from being born in this mountains. The other male was relentless, moving to attack and somehow evading all of his swipes with his paws this time. If only his head wasn?t facing the sky he might have been able to see the other?s attack coming better.

Jaws would clamp down upon haw paw, breaking the flesh of the pad. Kar would let out a howl of pain, blood dripping from the wound. His jaws would snap at the air, missing the male?s face. Dammit he couldn?t see! It didn?t help the other was pulling his leg either. But Nalyda was there, trying to aid him.

She would knock the silver male away, sending him sprawling to the earth. Kar would shakily get to his paws, blinking the water from his eyes as he balanced on three legs, favoring the injured one. When he checked for them the male was already on top of his mate, digging his fangs into her neck. He was focused on her... And seeing how he was hurting her... It made Kar merciless.

The male would move towards the other?s back end, dropping lower as he tried to sneak his head underneath the other. Jaws would open wide, aiming for that special manly bit. This male was about to get a true lesson in pain, especially if Kar had anything to do about it.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
07-22-2014, 04:37 PM
Nalyda could feel the blood drip from an opening in her neck, at least showing that it was not too deep. A long strip of fur was missing from her neck, but she knew it would heal soon. Her crimson orbs shimmered when she saw that Kar had aided her, especially when he was aiming for that special area that would surely bring that male pain. She lied down, waiting to see if her mate needed any assistance.

The male snarled and leaped to the side, but what he didn't know was that even Kar was injured, he was more experienced as the male began to feel pain. How howled out and tried his best to swipe the older brute's face, missing horribly. He took the pain and waited for him to release.

Nalyda wanted her mate safe. She didn't like killing, but this would be the only way she could stop the male. She ran over and snapped her neck around the male's windpipe, snapping harder as crimson sprayed from the rogue's throat. With a long and painful cough, the male soon lay limp and Nalyda walked away, blood staining her mouth. She made sure the male was really dead and was not faking, but so far no signs were shown.


07-23-2014, 05:24 PM

Kar?s attack would succeed, snatching and damaging that sensitive flesh. It wasn?t exactly a choice attack, and he was certainly going to have to clean out his mouth later. Perhaps see if Nalyda knew where he could find some mint to clear this tainted blood out of his mouth. His left paw dripped blood upon the ground, but he would not let go of his hold. As the other swiped towards him he would do a side hop to the right, releasing his grip and took a few steps back. Balancing on three legs was not easy... But he was trying his best. For Nalyda?s sake moreso than his own. He saw himself as expendable... So that he could make sure she was safe.

The other would jump to the side as he released, and Kar would try his best to reset some of his defenses, bracing for another go. But Nalyda, bless her heart, would move to assist him again. She fought for him as hard as she could, even going so far as to make a killing move. He wished it hadn?t come to that... But it was necessary for their safety. Kar would look down at the male for a long moment before hobbling over to Nalyda?s side, holding his injured left forepaw up above the ground. He would lick her cheek, a whine leaving him. ?Are you okay...?? His voice betrayed his worried emotion, and such reflected in those lime green orbs.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
07-23-2014, 05:46 PM
Nalyda would look to her mate, staying focused on his emerald orbs. Her crimson gaze stayed focused upon him again. She didn't care about her injury. She would care about her mate's paw and moved to find a went leaf that was big enough to stop the bleeding. She wrapped the greenery around his paw and used a little bit of sap that she had placed on the leaf to hold it to the limb. She looked to Kar when he asked if she was ok, a nod was her reply.

She would look to the brute that had injured her. He seemed to be limp and deceased now, making sure he was before she did something about the body. The rain soon stopped and the clouds spread apart, revealing the sun that shone upon them, causing their pelts to be lighter as the heat began to dry them.

Nalyda began to paw at the ground, digging a big enough hole and burying the male. He would at least need a proper burial before they left, and when he was buried, she gave her mate a soft lick on the cheek.

"Don't worry about me, for even though if I ever die, I know I will not be afraid and will be with you always," she smiled and touched her nose to his as she began to walk back to their den.


07-25-2014, 02:54 PM

For now Nalyda was quiet, looking into his orbs with her own. Even with no words spoken, the nod was enough to know she was okay. He understood that she probably did not care about the injury she had taken... Though he would try his best to care for it. He did not wish to see her in pain, to know that she was hurting. Kar would ease into a sitting position, his tongue licking at the bleeding pawpad from the puncture wounds that the brute had put in them. It hurt... But it was not a life threatening wound. Things could have been much worse if the two of them did not work together. He would remain still as she gathered what she needed to treat his paw first, then take care of the brute that attacked them.

As Nalyda began to dig the rain would stop, the sun breaking through the clouds again. The storm was a strange one... But one they stood strong through together. He would cast an apologetic glance at her, feeling bad that she had to dig the grave alone. At least the soil here was soft from the streams that ran through the territory. It could have been worse, so much worse. But thank Siri it wasn?t. He would look down at his injured, letting his mate go about giving the male a proper burial... Even if Kar didn?t feel he truly deserved it.

Then his Nalyda would come to his side, licking his cheek. The gray and white brute would gently press his nose to hers, getting up carefully and following her back to the den. ?Siri forbid that either of us die any time soon, my love. For even if death is nothing to fear the planes are not such an easy thing to see across... And what would I do if I could not see your beautiful face each day?? They were sincere words. Kar loved her... Nalyda was his world. She was his everything... And even if it cost him his life... He would fight to protect her.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
07-25-2014, 04:13 PM
Nalyda would look to Kar and smiled with her kind smile. Her crimson optics looking to her mate's emerald orbs as she could not help but smile continuously. She had easily finished burying the rogue that had hurt Kar, but, even though he had hurt them, everything needed to be treated with kindness despite someone's personality.

She would listen to Kar's speech and she couldn't help but lick his cheek. She loved him dearly. Nalyda nudged him under his chin as her eyes shimmered from the sun shining brightly on her orbs. A smile continued to be on her face, and she began to speak as well.

"I will always love you, Kar. Ever since I met you, I knew you would be the one for me. And, I would even die for you as well, for I am not afraid to lose my life for someone I love so dear." She meant every word that she had told him, and soon, they made it back to their den and she lied down, placing her crown upon her forepaws and listened to the sounds of nature before her, soon placing her right front paw on top of Kar's paw.


07-26-2014, 11:33 AM

Her words were so sincere, so gentle upon his ears. Kar thanked Siri that she had lead Nalyda to him, or perhaps him to her. Did this mean that he didn?t miss Zanire? Of course not. The bear had become a big part of his life as well, and losing her still hurt terribly. The coming of spring just reminded Kar of that loss, but he was trying to push through it. But, on the plus side, he wasn?t alone. He had Nalyda here with him, ready to come to his aid if need be. She would support him with her love, just as he would support her, through things thick and thin. ?Oh my love...? He would say softly, brushing his fur against hers.

The gray, white, and black male would follow his mate into the den, wanting nothing more than to rest with her for a while after the days events. It had hardly begun, yet so much had happened. It made his head spin, no, ache. He would carefully lay down, shifting the injured paw so he would not cause it more irritation. Lime green eyes would shift to Nalyda, lowering his head so that he could nuzzle her nose. ?No matter what happens, my Nalyda, never forget that I love you.?

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