
Peeping Tom

Osiris I


4 Years
02-03-2019, 11:04 PM
The sunrise rose after hiding for the night as the young canine gave a small breath, taking in the cool morning air. He had decided to stay here and rest after hunting and fishing for a little bit, coming up with only a few fish and hare that he had buried not too long along by the creek. Oh Siri, he hoped that the day wasn't going to cause him any troubles. His eyes scanned the area for any specific dangers as he took some shelter in a nearby treeline just encase he had a way to hide if there was some form of undesirable that came his way.

He got up from his position, stretching his legs forward as he bent his back slightly. He was young enough to not experience any cracking limbs, but, he was certainly shorter than most wolves in these lands, that was for certain. Another reason why his brother loved to call him small fry, but he still hadn't heard any word from him so he let him go about his journey as well, and hopefully they would meet each other again soon.

As he ventured outward to find his breakfast and have some energy to start the day, he happened to stop within his tracks once he reached the creek. A femme of an ashen creme coloration happened to catch him off-guard for a bit. He had rarely ever spoken to females before, so this would be a whole new experience to him. But, perhaps she didn't wish to speak to someone, or maybe she didn't want to speak to someone of his...stature. He must have kept looking at her for quite some time, cause before he could get his bearings, he only heard the sound of water splashing.



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-14-2019, 09:38 PM

She had needed to get away for a bit. Her talk with Blaise had her feeling a little better but… her heart still ached for Naeva. The fact that she hadn’t been able to save her sister, the fact that she hadn’t been there for her like she should have killed her inside. For a little while at least she had to get away… just find something, or someone, in the lands outside of Lirim to distract herself with. She hadn’t really met others outside of her family… but was that really such a bad thing, Priscilla wondered? Family had those special ties… but in the end… what good had that done?

Her emotions were still conflicted on the matter. Part of her wanted to blame her mother… but she knew they were all at fault. Her mother, her siblings, and especially herself. ‘Cilla took her sister’s death hard…

Sitting by the water she breathed in and out slowly. She was at a loss. She didn’t want to return home just yet but she wasn’t really sure what else to do. Her heart felt heavy… and she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn’t notice a stranger approach.

But after a moment Priscilla happened to look up to see the young man staring at her. She gasped -- how long had he been sitting there? Immediately her body began to move, rising as she backpedaled to try and put some distance between herself and the other wolf.

The only problem was the creek was behind her.

“Ahh!” A short cry escaped her lips as she fell back into the water with a loud splash.

Well wasn’t this great...


Osiris I


4 Years
02-14-2019, 10:02 PM
What an idiot he was! He was in his own little world as well, he should have made his presence known right away then the woman before him wouldn't have fallen into the water. He quickly ran down towards the water, trying to help the woman up. He knew some serious apologizing would have to be done, showing her that he wasn't a pervert and he was just thinking. He helped her up the best he could since she was larger than he was, a look of embarrassment noticeable upon his facial features as he allowed her to use him for any sort of support to get up from the cold and slippery creek.

"I apologize immensely, Ma'am! Honestly I was staring off into space and didn't realize you were looking at me until it was too late," he spoke, his voice sympathetic and apologetic as there was no excuse for his behavior or that he didn't state his name and that he was around to her first. "You have every right to be upset with me, and if it makes you feel better you can attack me, but trust me I am normally not the one to eavesdrop on someone," he informed, trying his best to reassure her that he wasn't some male who wanted to have his way with her, it wasn't his beliefs at all. Once she got out he gave her some space, his head turned and his eyes looking away from her, being submissive. One would see him as a coward if he did this, but he didn't care, he hated hurting people or scaring them so having a situation like this happen was one he wasn't happy about, especially at himself.



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-14-2019, 10:25 PM

Embarrassment flooded through Priscilla and all her former thoughts were chased off. She felt heat rise to her cheeks as she started to try and get up, assisted by the man who had caused her to stumble into the water to begin with. He was apologizing, though it took ‘cilla moment to process his words. She wore a frown, perhaps the reason for his continued apology, but she wasn’t mad necessarily. Just surprised.

“Attack you?” ‘cilla’s ears flicked back at this suggestion. “You shouldn’t invite others to attack you, regardless of the reason… that’s not very safe nor smart. You could wind up in a really bad situation that way.” But if there was one thing his words suggested it was that he wasn’t some creep or bad guy at all.

Priscilla’s expression softened and a small smile appeared on her face.

“It’s alright though. I’m not mad… just… you surprised me. I’m not used to anyone looking at me, thinking or not.” The female explained, still feeling a bit embarrassed.

She breathed in, noticing that there was no pack scent on his coat. “You… you’re a loner, huh?” She asked, trying to get the conversation going in a new direction.


Osiris I


4 Years
02-14-2019, 11:37 PM
At least the dame seemed rather understanding, even though the brute could easily tell by the way she was looking and talking that she was both startled and embarrassed. Her comment about asking to be hurt was right, he wasn't thinking when he said that and thought that perhaps it would make her feel better since he was in the wrong. She was at least a kind-nature wolfess and seemed to be alright with it regardless. The dark-colored brute felt extremely guilty for scaring her still. Normally he was always so kind and focused, that when he just happened to see her he blanked out and didn't think she would want to talk to someone like him, especially due to their size difference. Most males were always tough and ready to fight anyone for a girl, and what was he? A thought to be pervert by two people now, and that made him feel sick to his stomach thinking about that.

"Again I do apologize, I have barely talked to any girl wolves before, and I thought that someone like you might not be interested in speaking with me. I've had a few incidences where someone has thought of me as a pervert, for I usually wait and see how people think of me before I say anything so...probably need to work on my people skills," he informed, trying to lighten the mood as best he could due to their less than pleasing encounter with one another. Her comment about not being a part of a back was true as he nodded, "I'm not part of a pack, yes. I have always considered pack wolves higher than someone like me, I don't know my mother always thought of it the same way. Also where are my manners? My name is Osiris Savvil, may I have the honor of knowing your name, Ma'am?" He asked, giving a gentle and reassuring smile to her, his tail gently swaying against the ground.



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-14-2019, 11:44 PM
Priscilla shook her head. “Don’t sweat it. I haven’t really interacted with guys yet either, to be honest. Well… outside of my family.” She frowned a bit. “Seems like they were pretty quick to judge you. I wouldn’t say you’re a pervert just because you were staring. A bit odd, maybe, but that’s not always a bad thing.” Priscilla said in a soft voice. She shifted on her paws, finally moving away from the creek so that the pale sun could do what it would to dry her fur. Go figure she had to fall in the water during winter… it was too cold, even here in the south, for her liking.

He introduced himself and Priscilla found her smile again. “A pleasure. I’m Priscilla Adravendi.”
She paused for a moment before speaking again. “Though I don’t think pack wolves are above anyone. Just because you are a loner, either born into it or the life you’ve chosen, doesn’t make you any less.” She shivered a little… hopefully she wouldn’t catch a cold from this ordeal. “Besides! You always have the chance of joining a pack if you so choose anyway. Just like they have the choice of turning into loners… In the end we’re all no different from each other. We’re just wolves.”

Priscilla smiled a bit more. “My pack definitely wouldn’t think you’re less anyway. I’m part of Lirim… my uncle Torin is the alpha. Trust me when I say he’d accept you for you are, no judgement.”

Osiris I


4 Years
02-14-2019, 11:55 PM
Osiris smiled and nodded his cranium. Her words did speak truth, he should have lived by those words instead of thinking that pack wolves were higher than he was. Just like loners, they can have a family unit as well, just like he had his brother whom he still had yet to see after some time being here. His dual colored orbs happened to see the dame shivering a bit.

"You have a very nice name, Priscilla, it is an honor to meet you," he informed, keeping his usual smile upon his face as his tail continued to sway. He couldn't help but think of her as a possible friend. "Well...I have considered possibly joining a pack. I just don't want to disappoint anyone considering I've been a loner for a long time and I'm starting to grasp the basics of hunting and trying to learn more about herbs as much as I can." He thought back to when he was with his mother, her open wounds and her pained breathing. He wished he had the abilities to save her, but alas it was too late to do so. "I want to help others. I couldn't save my Mother when she was hurt, so I want to give back to as many wolves as I can regardless of their alignment," he explained, "So I appreciate you bringing up your pack name. Hopefully I'll come back and see about joining once I'm more familiar with these lands."

He didn't want to make the dame uncomfortable, but he was the cause of her falling into water so he had to pay her back somehow. He walked closer, making sure to stop a little distance to let her know what he was doing as he stayed close to her, giving her as much warmth as his smaller form could give her. It wouldn't be much, but at least she wouldn't be too cold. "I'm the reason you're cold so...let me pay you back for my stupid move," he grinned, an embarrassed expression on his face as well.



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-15-2019, 12:07 AM
‘Cilla didn’t realize it yet but she didn’t mind the company of this young man. In fact it was serving as a nice distraction to her previously dark thoughts. Maybe, just maybe, she might be able to make this male into a friend. His next words had her glancing at the ground though, admitting something she hadn’t really told anyone. “I’m not really good at hunting either… or healing or even fighting. So uhh… you’d basically be about the same as me, probably. I don’t think it’d be disappointing either. Just a chance to get better, you know?” The girl frowned deeply as he continued.

“That’s a good goal… There are healers in Lirim, you know? Those who can help you learn about herbs and how to properly treat wounds and stuff. I… I can relate to not being able to save someone though.”
The girl felt her heart clench in her chest. “My… sister passed recently. I should have been more observant, should have just been there for her… but I wasn’t… It’s my fault she’s gone.” She averted her gaze. “But… I’m not going to lose anyone again. I’m going to get better… I’ll be the shield that protects them all...”

The female was surprised as Osiris came closer, sharing his warmth with her. Instantly her cheeks began to heat up again. Being this close to a boy… was strange. Her heart felt weird too… like it was suddenly beating too fast. Why did she feel like that? Was it normal when you were this close to someone? “T-Thanks…” She said softly, surprised at his gesture. “You’re pretty nice Osiris.” The female glanced back to him and smiled again, those dark thoughts being pushed back again.

“I’m not too familiar with Boreas but… maybe we could explore together a little? At least til I have to check back in at Lirim.” Goodness knew she didn’t want her family worrying about her.

Osiris I


4 Years
02-15-2019, 12:16 AM
Osiris listened to her words as she spoke about not being able to treat her sister. He didn't mean to bring the mood down such as he did, but at least they had something they could relate to when it came to a family member's passing. He had blamed himself for not being there for his mother, so it seemed as if this was all coming back in one fell swoop. His eyes focused on her own, giving a reassuring expression to her. "I'm sorry I brought my mother's passing up, and I apologize about your sister as well, but I'm sure she wouldn't want you blaming yourself. I used to blame myself when it came to my mother, but she told me before she passed was to keep helping others and always remember the good times; as well as to always keep moving forward," he reassured her, a warm smile spreading across his maw.

"I know a little about hunting, but what I excel at is fishing. I know it's not much, but I can teach you a quick way on how to catch fish so you can feed your pack," he stated, his tail swaying. He wanted her to at least warm up a little bit before he even tried to take her fishing, especially since they would need to go to a deeper part of the creek or find a much larger body of water. "And, about your question about exploring, I'm always open to go places and we can be traveling companions for a while. At least we both can look after each other and it won't be so lonely," he grinned.



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-15-2019, 12:23 AM
Priscilla gave a small nod at Osiris’ words. Remember the good times… that was a good idea. Sure there had been some rough patches… but she had some memories of their days as puppies playing… at least she had those memories. Those were something she could keep with her and try to keep pressing forward with. She didn’t want to forget Naeva… forget her warm smile. Her sister had been a beacon of hope for Priscilla as a pup… keeping her alive in her memory was the least she could do.

“You can fish?” Priscilla asked, surprised. “I’ve always found fishing kind of hard… I always cast too much of a shadow or make too much noise when I try and get them.” The female frowned a little. “But if you can teach me I’d glad learn! Just… maybe not yet.” She actually found herself leaning into him a little, grateful for the warmth and comfort.

“That’d be perfect! I’ve wanted to explore outside Lirim for a while but… It was kind of frowned upon to leave the pack alone. I guess cause we’re not really ready for dangers that might be lurking outside the pack… but…” Priscilla shook her head. “With you I’d be fine! We’d have each other’s back, like you said!” The female’s tail began to wag. “We can just pack a direction… my pack lies in the West… so maybe we’ll go a bit further south or even east first!” She was starting to feel excited. “Does that sound good?”

Osiris I


4 Years
02-15-2019, 12:30 AM
Osiris chuckled about her not wanting to learn how to fish right away. It was certainly true that they had a size difference and due to his smaller stature he would be able to fish much more easier, but, a bear despite their size has a unique way of fishing, one his mother had taught him from her father. Though it was totally different it got the job done as he nodded his cranium. A small blush formed upon his cheeks when he felt the femme move a bit closer to him, his smile widening a little more. He had never thought of having a friend and possible companion before, but, he wondered if he would run into his brother on their possible journey. His eyes looked to the creek for a couple moments before he looked back to her.

"You know more about these lands than I do, but perhaps the East might be best. I have seen quite a bit of the South and want to know more about what these lands have to offer if that is sufficient with you? Maybe then I can show you my unique ways of fishing," he explained, soon moving away once she was dry enough and wasn't shaking. To be honest, he wished he didn't leave her side right away, just how he warmed her body she did the same for him. "But, I am ready to leave whenever you are, we will learn together."