
Rallying the Troops



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-04-2019, 06:57 PM

Today was the day. Through Jupiter, Valentine had already gotten word to the various rogues and mercenaries outside of Boreas who had pledged to his cause (either in pursuit of vengeance or profit) and instructed them to gather and wait at the designated place. All that was left for him to do was round up the rogues and pack wolves of Boreas and lead them to the rest of the war party.

The little pointy-eared woman had proven very insightful and Valentine had no doubt that the information she had provided would aid their efforts. Using it, Valentine was confident they would be able to weed out the entire slaver horde; root, stalk and fruit. He expected them to put up quite a fight, but with surprise and numbers on their side, Valentine had no doubt his band would walk away the victors.

He hadn’t gotten everything squared away like he wanted to, but after seeing to the majority of his challenges he felt at peace enough to move forward with the plan. Rhythm would be well taken care of in his absence, Shaye had been benched because of her newborns and Rhyme, well...

Valentine had made enough peace with his son’s mistakes to allow Rhyme to come along even though his first inclination had been to tell him to stay home since he couldn’t be trusted to make good decisions. The old king’s temper had cooled enough that he thought he could spare Rhyme his ire long enough to complete the raid. It would be waiting for him when they returned, though, and Valentine had already made up his mind on that front. His solution didn’t give him peace, but he took solace from the fact that he would be doing his name justice. If Rhyme had to be made an example of to keep the rest of the Imperialis family in line, so be it. He didn’t think any of his kids would give him too much pushback over his decision, but as for his mate... He could only hope Rhythm could forgive him one day.

After throwing back his head Valentine called together all those who had agreed to aid him. Those of Legion, of Abaven and of the rogue lands. He was careful not to say why he was howling, only that he requested their presence. They would know why they were being summoned. As for those who didn’t know of his scheme, they would no doubt hear his voice and think he was howling on behalf of his pack. Any unsavory elements would remain oblivious to his intent.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
02-05-2019, 01:47 PM
Ashmedai had been filled in on the details and had been excited and antsy ever since. He just couldn't find it in himself to get sloshed when he was planning for a good, old fashioned bloodbath. He hadn't really had the courage to leave the orchard without the influence of alcohol because he was too scared of having actual feelings and didn't really want to address them.

Killing a bunch of slavers was a good way to address feelings, however. And being cooped up in the orchard gave Ash time to get himself back in order for the day his father called them together.

That day happened to be today.

Fur groomed and ready for messing up? Check. Belly somewhat full? Check. Spring in step? Check. Thirst for vengeance? Well, maybe not for the right reasons, but check anyway. Ashmedai was ready.

He approached the meeting spot and his father. Not that he'd ever say it, but he was a little worried about his father's age in the fight. Valentine was basically anxious and, while capable, Ashmedai wasn't sure he should be going into battle.

But if his father wanted to die in a valiant battle for his damsel in perpetual distress, well, that was his prerogative.

Ashmedai gave his father a short, confident head nod.

"You ready?"
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
02-05-2019, 08:23 PM

Aerndis lay stretched out on her back enjoying the warm sun on her belly. She'd finished polishing off her leftovers and after a hard morning's hunt she decided to spend the afternoon napping. There would be the evening hunt to tend to and she needed her energy. Rudolph was somewhere near her head, picking meat off a bone but she didn't bother to open her eyes to confirm. The bird could keep a look out while she dozed. Aerndis yawned. She was about to drift back to sleep when her grandfather's howl sang out. Her brow furrowed as her eyes opened.

Rolling to her feet she swiftly stood and shook herself. "Come on, Rudy." She trotted toward the call, her companion flying overhead. Aerndis wasn't sure what this was about but she had an inclination. Valentine had told her of the slavers and their crimes against the Imperialis family and she'd been eager to help. There was something exciting about the idea of a giant family reunion with the goal of obtaining justice. She'd mostly spent time with Valentine and of course her brothers but she knew of a few uncles and she was sure there was only more family to meet. She hoped she was ready for the battle. Aerndis had spent time training with her brother Jupiter as well as her grandfather. Merging their battle sensibilities with her own killer instincts as a hunter she was feeling pretty good. However, deep down she could still feel nervous energy churning in her gut. This would be dangerous. She would do this for her family.

There were only two wolves when she arrived. Her grandfather and another man. She grinned. "Hey, Valentine. Please tell me we're going to be kicking some tail today." The flutter of wings caught her attention as Rudolph landed next to her. "Oh, this is Rudolph. He'll be assisting me and is at your disposal." The bird squinted at her. "I'm happy to assist but I have no intention of being disposed of." She stuck her tongue out at him. So, a poor choice of words, whatever!



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-07-2019, 01:41 PM
With sure and languid steps Odysseus made his way towards the caller. It was his understanding that their mission was to avenge members of Rhyme’s family and to free the captives who were still being held by the slavers. He didn’t relish the task ahead, but went to it dutifully. It would be a good day when wolves like Epitaph didn’t have to live in fear of their former captors and Odysseus was convinced that day was near.

He made short work of the distance between Abaven and Rhyme’s father and in no time at all laid eyes on the old man. Like his son, the wizened old timer shared a predominately slate coat and peculiar facial markings. Unlike his son, the man had an arrogant glint in his eye that didn’t bode well.

Reaching the man and the two wolves before him, Odysseus gave a respectful dip of his head to the leader and then turned his attention to their surroundings. He had no idea how many were joining the war party, but he was hoping for a large turnout.
Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-07-2019, 03:01 PM
Rhyme felt the tension between himself and Valentine if only subconsciously. He hadn’t been able to really relax since the night he had run to confess to the old king. There had been a promise that his actions would be dealt with eventually, and he hadn’t known how close he had been to being booted from the raiding party. He had already vowed to himself to be better, he hadn’t tasted alcohol since his night with Tana despite how much he craved it. Rhyme had focused himself on his pack and his kids, his main priorities and his whole world.

At Valentine’s call the slate alpha had followed closely behind Odysseus as he made his way south. Acere would likely be right behind them. Rhyme had said his goodbyes to his young children, hoping that they would not be his last. He wanted to see them again, but he would gladly give his life to see the end of the band that had held him and his mother for so long. The pale raven Solitude accompanied him, Imperia remained with their eggs. They would be hatching any day and he hoped he’d be back to meet the new little ravens.

He shook his head and let his confidence return to his stride. He wasn’t afraid. This was what he had been born to do. Rhyme would bring about justice and taste his revenge. As he approached the growing group he offered a quick nod to his father and half brother. He hadn’t met the young she wolf before, but he had to guess she was a niece. He nodded to her as well before returning his gaze to Valentine. Surely this was not the whole of their army.



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-11-2019, 11:01 PM
The sound of his father's call on this particular winter's day had exactly the sort of bloodthirsty quality that Chaos could wish for it. It was a bloodthirstiness entirely matched by that in Chaos' toothy grin as he threw up his head to listen. Ah, the orchard, that made sense. Many of the wolves going along wouldn't be Legion's and so it made sense to gather outside of the pack's boundaries. Chaos had decided some time ago not to bring most of Legion's warriors anyway, rather tasking them to guard Rhythm in the pack's borders and to secure the way home for the Imperialis wolves to return from the slaughter. Chaos opened his own jaws, sounding out a howl of his own to the Legion wolves who would be staying behind to see to alert them to see to their duties in his absence. He trusted Valdis to be a competent warrior, and Enrico he had himself tested. Though the other former Niente wolves were untried, he was satisfied that his father's mate and his own pack were safe.

He loped into Valentine's rally with his mind entirely at ease, and so able to look forward to the coming battle. His fangs were already bared in an expression that was as much gleeful snarl as it was a grin, and he flashed it at his gathered family members before he eyed the Abaven wolf who'd accompanied Rhyme. If looks meant anything in a fight, that wolf would be a warrior for certain. Big brawly type. Of course he could be picked simply for that and have no real skill. Well, they'd see soon enough, wouldn't they? And if it turned out that Abaven had been mistaken in the big male's skill, Abaven couldn't blame anyone but themselves for him dying.

Beneath the battle-readiness and the righteous rage that was already coursing through him, his heart ached for the one body that would have most loved to be there among them and would not be here to witness the slaughter. Well, Cascade couldn't be here, but her blood would be, and that mattered. He lifted his gaze from the rest of the few gathered to send a fierce grin to his father. A bit of madness in that grin, maybe, but if so he came by it honestly enough - it was his mother's. "Bet I kill more of them than you do, old man," he laughed, though there was a bubbling growl to the words and a faint wildness to the chuckle.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
02-16-2019, 03:30 AM
He was lying by his den, chewing at a bone from a kill he had made earlier that day. But honestly, he hadn't even eaten it. He pretty much tore off a leg and peeled it apart for the femur, and left the rest there for whoever wanted it. Ever since the talk with his father about the raid, he had been too excited about it. Sure the reason behind it was pretty dark, but Ares was eager to prove himself and get revenge on those that wronged his blood. The anticipation had been building up in him with each day, the boy never really knowing when that day would come.

But today would be that day.

When his grandfather's call pierced the air, Ares' head shot up as he listened. The message behind the call was vague, and since he had never really been called before except by his dad, he wasn't entirely sure if it was the call to arms. But when Chaos' howl cried out shortly after, Ares' fur stood up as chills sent shivers down his spine. Now that definitely made it clear that this was the call to arms. He jumped to his feet, the splintered bone gripped in his teeth as he raced off towards the orchard. He didn't know who else was joining, so he was quite surprised when he saw a bunch of wolves he didn't know, and seemingly from a different pack. Or lack thereof (Lookin' at you Ash). With the bone still clenched in his teeth, he puffed out his chest and moved towards his father's side. "We finally doin' this?" He spoke past the bone, a grin that mirrored his father's splitting his maw.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-16-2019, 04:32 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2019, 04:33 AM by Acere.)

He wasn't far behind Rhyme and Odysseus after that call rang out. Though he didn't know the man behind the howl, he knew its purpose. He had been waiting for this particular call since the day he had been informed of it. Vlad had been handed over to the male they were to raid with, and for a brief moment he was almost curious to know how they were treating him. The way a slaver should be treated, I hope. He didn't like Vlad. Didn't like the arrogant son of a bitch and the way he thought he was all that, staring at him and his former guards like they were idiots when really, he was the idiot for letting himself even get into that situation. He smirked for a moment as he followed behind Rhyme, though as the group came into view he scrapped it and bore a more serious look.

He didn't recognize any of the other faces here, save for one. His gaze zeroed in on the young Aerndis, surprised to see her again. It would seem they would keep crossing paths, and he had wondered from time to time what had become of her. It seemed she had allied herself with the old king and his kin by the looks of it, and he was glad she was doing so well for herself. He remembered when he taught her how to hunt flamingoes, and felt a small pang of regret that he hadn't taught her more when they lived in Dauntless...but he supposed it wasn't really his fault. Ty's incompetence had brought the pack down far too quickly. Like father, like son. It made him wonder how long his current pack would stand.

He stood with Rhyme and Odysseus, nodding to each of the others with respect as he looked them over. They all seemed like formidable warriors. Perhaps with the exception of the gangly toothy yearling, but who knew. Perhaps that kid would surprise him when they got there.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-16-2019, 04:48 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2019, 04:49 AM by Avalon.)

Avalon had been closer to the South this time of year, especially with Winter being so rough. The Northlands would have made it harder for her with her age, but in the warmer climates, she was pretty well off. She had sent Tanaraq off across the lands some time ago to find what remained of her family, and her companion had eventually found Gryphon's location along with a few others. After talking to Valentine about his plan, she had informed the others and let them know that she fully intended to join in Valentine's efforts, with or without them. While she knew Dragon wanted to join, she wouldn't allow it. He had two children to look after and care for, and she'd be damned if he went and got himself killed for something that he didn't really need to partake in. Drake and Wyvern needed him more than she did. Her own children were already grown, and despite her age, she wasn't too worried. Sure she slowed down a bit in the winter months and as the seasons passed, but she hadn't lost her fire nor her will to keep going. She continued to train her body and refused to let old age take her so easily.

When Valentine called, Avalon answered. She cast her head back and howled her own song, calling forth those that she had informed. If Valentine was calling, then she felt it was time. Or close to it, anyway. The call was a bit vague, simply summoning those he had spoken to, she was sure. But knowing him, there was no doubt they'd be marching soon enough. She made her way across the fields until she was beneath the trees, the scents of many wolves permeating the area. Among them, she could smell wolves from Abaven...Valentine...and a pack she didn't know. But when she arrived, she recognized the large fang-toothed male. Last she had seen him, he was a mere boy. And now? He was all grown up. Standing with him and Valentine was a yearling with fangs like Chaos' own, and she placed him as the alpha's son. The femme stood tall, her gaze brimming with determination and fire. Tanaraq swooped down and landed between her shoulder blades before leaning in to whisper something. Nodding, Avalon looked to Valentine. "There's more waiting to join us beyond these lands."

Tan had managed to find other Ancora's and their allies outside of Boreas, and they too had pledged themselves to the cause. Avalon knew many wolves inside and outside the lands she called home, and she had learned that some of them had their problems with the slavers as well. No doubt it was the reason why they decided to join in. They wanted revenge and blood.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years

Trick 2019
02-16-2019, 11:47 AM
A chorus of howls filled the air, one after the other, and the last one his mother's voice calling them together. Gryphon sighed, leaving off his hunt, but he'd agreed to go along with this scheme because he knew that nothing he said would convince his mother not to go, and he couldn't leave her unprotected. She'd always been infatuated with Valentine Imperialis and stubbornly refused to admit his faults. Somehow she turned the man's bloodthirsty ruthlessness to strength and some ridiculous notion of savage nobility. The man had kidnapped her when he and his siblings were infants, for goodness sake! Gnar's death had more than likely been the result of that wintery move across the continent.

And now Gnar's mother was joining the madman on his insane quest for revenge.

Not that Gryphon was adverse to the idea of wiping out that viper's nest of slavers. The world would be that much cleaner and safer without them. But it bothered him more than a little that they weren't wiping them out to protect anyone or because slaving was an abomination and a blight on wolfkind, but simply because Valentine Imperialis had a grudge. Perhaps, he thought dryly to himself as he reluctantly traced the first howl, it might have been noble for Valentine to avenge his lover if he hadn't been a slaver and a degenerate himself. As it was, though, Gryphon felt more than a little sullied by going along with the hypocrisy of the former alpha's quest. But he wouldn't let his mother go unprotected into a melee with a bunch of cutthroats. Not just the slavers they fought, but their very allies would be scheming murderous thugs. He wouldn't let her go into that without someone there to watch her back.

He stalked warily into the group, eyes narrowed suspiciously as they traveled from face to face. Most of those gathered bore the similar features among them that spoke of close family, and the two strangers that didn't were both brutish and scarred creatures that were probably just as bad as the Imperialis clan. Walking stiff-legged as an offended cat, Gryphon made his way over to his mother and sat behind her.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-23-2019, 05:36 PM

The first to arrive was Ashmedai. Valentine eyed him carefully and made a point to breathe deeply when he got close. If he so much as suspected that his son had filled up on something alcoholic before answering the call Valentine would ditch him in a heartbeat. He'd keep an eye on his son throughout the journey. So much as a sour whiff or a stumble and he'd chase his son back to Boreas or leave him in a hole somewhere to wait for their return. "Wouldn't be here if I wasn't," he sassed back.

Then came Aerndis. Valentine liked to give his grandchildren a hard time, but if he were forced to admit it, he thought that one had a good head on her shoulders and he was pleased she had decided to join him today. "Indeed we are," he said gruffly. He nodded to the bird, then said to Aerndis. "Gonna be watching you, kid, so you better be careful." That was as close as he was going to get to expressing his very real concern for her safety.

After his granddaughter came a male from Abaven that Valentine didn't know. He eyed him, but since the male didn't address him, he didn't say anything either. After Odysseus was Rhyme, who also didn't say anything. Valentine gave his son a nod in greeting and then his gaze was drawn away by the arrival of Chaos, who of course had something to say. Valentine snorted. "I'll make you a deal. You kill more than I do and I'll hunt for you for the next two seasons." He cocked a brow at the saber-tooth Saxe. "But if I win I'm gonna hold it over your head for the rest of my days."

Then came one of Chaos' kids and another male that smelled of Abaven. While he'd never spoken to him or learned his name, Valentine recalled seeing Acere at the wedding in Abaven not that long ago.

Avalon was next. She'd done well with recruiting it seemed and promised that there were more waiting outside of Boreas. That was perfect; they'd collect those wolves on their way to the one Jupiter had gathered. "'The more the merrier," he said with a chuckle.

After Avalon was one of her kids, but he wasn't sure which one. Years had passed since he'd seen them and this one hadn't made much of an impression. He had a very sour face and looked unhappy to be here which left Valentine wondering just how tight a grip Avalon had on his balls.

To everyone, he said, "I'll make this brief. After we meet up with the rest of our party we'll discuss the plan. For now we march. Let's go."

-exit Valentine-


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.