
you're not listening, you don't understand



4 Years
07-07-2014, 02:08 PM

Life had been a stressful roller coaster for Arian, she had been jumping around constantly to place to place for her uncle. Trying to find some source of her family, and a few had made her angry to say in the least. After all her hard work in Seracia had been wasted, she had been dealing with making herself a stronger healer and fighter for Syrinx. Her sister was in Glaciem, something that could never be forgiven no matter the circumstances after what the Armada's had done to their family in which she was loyal to. Her tail flicked, as she calmly let out a stress filled sigh and made herself feel a little bit better. No matter what happened though, she knew where she wanted to be and why.
Arian wondered if it was the same for the others, despite their betrayal, the family being scattered. She wasn't even related by blood yet still she felt it in her veins to be by her uncle's side rather than anyone else's. Not like she had known a lot in her life time, but she had known enough. Maybe one day she would try to make a kingdom of her own, she had come so close to being Seracia heir, so close, but it had been pulled away from her.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-09-2014, 07:06 AM

Epiphron had spent some time away from her children -- and she felt she owed them an apology. They were all old enough to take care of themselves now, or to seek the help of the pack should they end up in an unfortunate situation; but still she was wracked with guilt for leaving them. She had yet to reunite with her oldest children, but the younger ones seemed to remain close enough to find. Already she had reunited with Finiaral and Celeste, though Caeto had yet to be found. And Arian had not been seen in so long.. she was the one that Epiphron worried for the least. She had grown fond of Syrinx, and she knew that her brother would care for her if anything happened.

She would search for her adopted daughter, relentless in her determination to reunited with her at last. No longer was she tied down anywhere -- she moved freely, wherever she chose, unburdened by the duties of a pack and the company of her husband. Where he had gone, she did not know, but she did not dwell on his absence for long.

Especially now, as the familiar scent of Arian reached her nostrils, and she found herself growing anxious at the imminent reunion. Would she be angry with her? She could not imagine why, as the girl had left of her own accord before she and Maverick had decided to depart from Seracia. But still she felt her heart clench as she drew near to her, impatient to reunite and eager to embrace the girl tightly.

As she came into view, looking startlingly like a woman rather than a child now, she felt her stomach turn with slight nervousness. "Arian!" she called out to her, moving quickly to press into her, head slipping effortlessly around her daughter's neck. Affection flooded her being, and she found herself lapping tenderly at the side of Arian's neck, so happy to see her. "I am sorry I took so long to find you..."



4 Years
07-09-2014, 01:09 PM

Of course as soon as her mother came into view, feelings rushed over her immediately. She wasn't mad at her mother, she couldn't be mad at her. More over she felt betrayed that if any of the family knew what happened to Seracia and they stood by to do nothing despite it being the place they were born and raised. It was okay now, it was okay Arian had to let go of her grudges anyway since they wouldn't do her any good in her life time. The girl embraced her mother, her tail wagging slightly as she let out a sigh and a smile.
"It's okay mother, I just got so worried, I heard you left Ebony and it was a surprise to me." Arian said, as she backed away slightly. What worried her more was her sister who had found herself in Glaciem. Though, now Arian had to stay by Syrinx's side, she knew he wouldn't hurt her. And he had seen the beast in his weakness, he was strong, and showing weakness was rare all together. It meant he held some sort of trust in her and she couldn't betray that trust.
"Are you okay mother? What happened to Father, why isn't he with you?" Arian asked in a worried tone. Her blue eyes narrowed a little. Was her father gone, with another? Was he dead, or had they been separated? Either way, she'd rather know, then be left in the dark.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-24-2014, 08:57 AM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2014, 08:58 AM by Epiphron.)

What the future had in store for her, she had no idea; but she no longer wanted to let life simply pass her by. If she wanted something, she would have to take it by force -- if she wanted to see her children, she would have to find them herself, and this is what she planned to do. "Arian," she said her name again, wishing badly she could nuzzle into her daughter's neck and lay with her for all eternity. Unlike her other children, she had not raised this girl from birth. She'd come into her life when she had already lived and seen despair; she'd never even had the opportunity to shield her from it.

"We tried to like Ebony," she explained carefully, unsure how to verbalize something that even she did not fully understand. "We were missing something there. You kids, a purpose..." she shrugged, not wanting to make things so dramatic. It had been a decent enough pack, and she had been sad to leave, but it hadn't really had any real importance to her. Life seemed more meaningful now, since she had begun to reunite with her children. She'd been afraid that she had lost herself -- and now she needed to find it.

Epiphron's attention shifted to the top of Arian's head, as she began absently lapping at the fur there, straightening it delicately. "Father and I are okay. We are taking some time apart." She was okay, but the situation was certainly not. He found himself wondering if he had returned to the woman he had slept with, but it only made her more eager to find the meaning that her life had lost. "You'll find, as you get older, you'll make decisions that are good for you, but bad for your family... your father is taking some time to learn from his mistakes, and remember what's really important." She smiled through the pain, which she couldn't fully hide, not wanting Arian to worry for her.