
[birth] descendants of mine



5 Years
Extra small
02-10-2019, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2019, 02:59 PM by Leera.)
Nephthys and Tyranis first then anyone is welcome to join <3

Night comes upon the shrine and, upon feeling an uncomfortable, familiar squeezing in her abdomen, Leera slips away through the trees to retreat to her tangle of thickets. It will serve well as a birthing den, warm and dark and safe, and as she disappears into the small refuge of it she realizes this will be the first place the children will see. Good, she thinks, curling into the furthest recess and lying down on her side. They will know security, warmth, milk... It is all a child needs at the start of his life.

Hours pass. Leera does not call out to signal the beginning of her labor but instead endures the blossoming pain in solitude -- she's always been rather private when it comes to these things. She also does not wish to let anyone see her in this vulnerable state. After all, and in the end, it is only her and her offspring. She does not need the peering eyes like others might. When the night is half over, the labor pains are at their greatest. Wrapped in a thick silence, Leera is the only creature making noise: panting, writhing, getting up to nose leaves around to make a soft bedding and then lying down again. It's a tedious process, but this is far from Leera's first birth so it comes like a familiarity, like a long lost friend.

When the pups do arrive, they come into the darkness of the den with a push. One after another, they fill the small thicket, all five of them, three sons and two daughters. When the hard part is over and the pain begins to subside, Leera inspects them gingerly and licks away the blood. Already, most of the pups have begun to suckle her teats and she noses the weaker ones until they, too, are able to taste her milk.

She lets herself have time alone with them, savoring every moment before they meet the others. They are hers, entirely, and she is theirs. It is a bond unlike any other, a bond she'll give her life for. But, when enough time has passed and she knows she has no choice but to call the others -- Nephthys the only one she truly desires the company of. Of course, the High Lord will want to see his production. His legacy. And, my, they are beautiful. "Do not trust any of these faces, my loves," she cooes, voice still weak and ragged from exhaustion. Although she knows they cannot understand her, she finds solace in speaking to them.

Looking away from them for the first time, Leera howls for all of Erövrare to hear: the king's children were finally here.

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



4 Years
02-12-2019, 08:07 PM

speech Thought

As Tyranis came to the woman’s den he could already smell afterbirth and the distinct scent on his heirs. His second litter and the first born on Erovrare’s soil. He entered the den with little ceremony, carrying himself as the man he was; a king and a father with every right to be there whether the pointed woman wanted it or not. The air in the den was charged with the energy of his ancestors and as the lightning king looked upon his hearty litter a regal smile graced his lips.

“You have done well Leera.” He purred and offered to nudge his head against hers affectionately. He looked upon his children, his smile widening. One was noticeably larger than the rest but all of them far exceeded the two writhing creatures Aranea had birthed for him. “You have done me a great honor.” He said resolutely, his nose turned down to inspect his children more thoroughly.

“Have you named them?” He asked with uncharacteristic softness as the pups grunted and whimpered at their mother’s breasts. He was no longer sure if it would be fitting to name them as his mother had named her children. Would she turn in her grave to know that he carried on the tradition of naming them after destructive weather formations? Some small part of him hoped so. Some part of him hoped his mother was already dead and looking upon his most recent get sorely regretting scorning him as she had.  

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
02-13-2019, 01:24 AM

Only an hour ago the blackness was absolute, but now the mist was visible, silvery. Against this backdrop the trees were silhouettes, still as an oil painting and darker than the ravens. Come mid-morning those infernal birds will be hopping in the branches, waiting for when the collectors haul their carts down the lane. There was a temptation to hunker down in her den, her three devil chops were sleeping soudly; little snores could be heard through the silent den, here and there, everywhere the walls echoed. It was full of energy, of life.

The sky was glowing like a summer peach and the sun was starting to slowly become pure gold upon the silver sky that graced her now open fiery gaze. The colours of the foliage returned to the winters ivory and the warm morning breeze found its way within, sending a pleasant shiver down the bronze Goddess reptilian spine. A sound penetrated the air moments later. A voice. A call. One that she was oh, so very familiar with. Leera. she purred, an octave above a whisper, careful not to wake the spawns that were cuddling at her chest. The ashen woman  moment of glory has finally arrived, her offsprings were here, the High Lord legacy was brought to life by the woman womb and she could not be more happier for her friend than when she was when the howl graced her delicate auditory system that was gracefully placed upon her regalia, rotating towards the source.

Hannibal. she nudged the crown of the man with her snout, careful as she rose from her spot, leaving the spawns with the male. She had to be there. Tell Eulogy to stay with them and come. You must show your face too. she purred melodiously towards the man, more of a command than a suggesstion. He was a high ranking individual of the pack. His presence was also required in social situations such as these where congratulations where in order. Not only did the woman assist and aid in the birth of their own litter but those were the offsprings of their Ruler, their King, it was an important event they had to participate in. The heirs of the Kingdom had been born.

She took off before him, it was more important for her to see the woman and her offsprings than socialization and upon arrival the autumn woman offered only a nod towards the King before she halted at a good distance of her friend. Congratulations, my love. harmonious sonnates, whispers within the dark confainment of the cage, careful not to disturb the little ones. They will be strong. They are already. she offered the statement towards the King without taking her fiery orange gaze from the ashen queen.

The babe allowed her friend a few moments to adjust with the company, with the sounds, she knew very well now how the pain and exhaustation of labour can make of a woman mind and body. But when it was acceptable, she leaned her crown towards her own, rubbing her snout on her forehead, gently, affectionately as she whispered for her ears alone, We will protect those ones. I swear to you.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



8 Years
02-13-2019, 11:46 AM

With the coming of his beautiful children the male had softened ever so slightly. An idle grin graced the phantom's pink lips as he watched his offspring snooze away. His tail flicked every now and again ad Thys would glance in his direction. Despite their toxic relationship he had grew to really appreciate how strong of a being she was. The serpentine was a fine mother and perhaps the reason they fought so violently was that their strengths were matched with one another. Two stubborn rams going head to head to be at the top. Yet, in those moments they were equal. Something neither of them would likely ever admit.

A call moved into their warm den and the beats instantly perked up. His optics quickly glanced over the pups to ensure they remained asleep. The call came from Leera and it breathed of urgency. It was time for the ashen babe's motherhood to take full force. Quickly Thys moved from her resting spot to address him first. A demand coming from her mutant lips and instantly his lip curled into a sneer. But, the male reeled his feelings back in as he understood her needs. Leera was a good friend of Nephthys and likely would be for moons to come. She helped a lot with their own birthing and it would only be polite to attend her own. After all the babe was birthing the prince and princesses of Erovrare. A simple nod would be his only response to Thys' command.

After finding Eulogy and tasking her to watch over the younglings the beast carried on towards the summons. Hannibal's dominance was lessened out of sheer respect for the purity of what he was going to witness. This was Leera and Tyr's moment and he wouldn't dare take away from that. Thus, as he arrived the male held his head low and maintained a respectable distance from the offspring. The instincts of the parents would likely have kicked in and a sturdy male coming close to their newborn pups would not be too pleasant. Hannibal offered Tyranis a gruff dip of the head and a gentle smile towards Leera. His eyes then swept over the royal spawn to take in their tiny forms. Five healthy pups. A large litter with the promise of strength and prosperity. Hannibal was happy with his three but it was always nice to hope for more. He wished for at least one of his offspring to bring him honor and rule one day, thus the more pups the more chances for greatness.

The albino sat with his tail tucked around his paws ever so slightly. He silently watched Nephthys exchange sweet nothings with Leera with a neutral gaze. The beast seemed to be in a neutral state while taking in the beautiful moment. "Congratulations." His husky tones moved through the air with ease as he spoke to both of them. "May they bring you pride and joy." Which they shall.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



5 Years
Extra small
02-16-2019, 08:41 PM

It does not take long before the first face appears.

It's Tyranis, and Leera watches him without warmth as he observes the children who either slept or suckled at her teats. He appears content, smiling even, a fondness in his golden gaze that is entirely unfamiliar to Leera. She dips her chin at him slightly, any and all words that can be said witheld, and lets her gaze fall back onto the babes. "There are five," she crones softly to Tyranis. "There is strength in that number." She wants to tell him that she'd given him a bounty more than what his end of the bargain upheld, to tell him that she demands more for her overachievement of birthing a large litter, but there is a peace in this moment that she can't disturb -- not yet. Upon asking their names, Leera inhales and then gazes over the cubs with thought. "I have given you three sons: Tyto. Tornadic. Tythe." She pauses between each name and touches the respective pup gently with her nose, naming them. Tythe, she notices with a slight squeeze of her heart, is the smallest of the males. "And I have given you two daughters: Tsunami and Thlayli." For the first time, Leera removes her stare from the children and locks her hard, serious pink eyes on Tyranis. Her voice sharpens. "You will do right by them, Tyranis. Above all else, they live. They survive. Not us. Do you understand me?"

Her attention is broken by another face. This one, she's relieved to see. Not caring if she's overheard their conversation, Leera's face softens and she perks up. "Come closer, flower. Come see the children." she calls with ease, warmth, familiarity. If there is anyone who she'd trust, it is Nephthys. When she does, Leera licks her nose and nuzzles against her affection. The bronzed goddess then vows to protect the babies, all five of them, and Leera has expected nothing less: Nephthys' loyalty is something unbreakable. Leera's lips fall into a smile and she nods to her, a slight glaze coating her eyes.

Hannibal is next, and Leera is surprised that she's happy to see him. She smiles at him, still lying on her side to allow the newborns to feed. "Thank you for coming," she whispers to him, her hushed voice still filling the small den of tangled thickets.

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



4 Years
02-19-2019, 03:57 PM

“The truth is…” He started, looking at his squirming cubs rather than meeting the woman’s gaze. “These children mean more to me than you do, they mean more to me than myself.” His voice was low, his eyes soft as he watched his children. “Three boys!” He remarked inwardly and could see now that two of them in fact were both gigantic.

He lowered his head to groom the downy fur of the bleached male who raised his head with an inquiring whimper. “I will die fighting for them if I need to, because they are my blood and made from my flesh.” He said resolutely then fixed Leera with a pointed if not suspicious glare. “If you try to use them against me, or sacrifice them for your climb toward  glory I will tear your heart, still beating, from your chest.” The last words rolled from his lips in a low hiss a snarl tugging at the bridge of his nose as he looked down at the smaller woman.

Speaking  Thinking  You  

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



7 Years
02-21-2019, 03:47 AM

Fiery orange lenses fell upon the half albino man as he entered within their friend den. A sparkle, a glow seemed to flash through her gaze as she watched him and then the spawns, memories of her own birth flashes through her mind, washed over her like the sea and each wave reminded her of the magical moment they had became parents. Though Hannibal might now know, his enthusiasm and happined in such moments did not pass the autumn babe as he may think. Oh no, she was there to witness the softest of sides she had encountered within the phantom and even if their relationship was like pawns on a chess table, they did had one thing in common and that was they valued blood and family over anything else.  

Tyranis words came like swords towards her most beloved female companions, it made the egyptian silk hair thread slong the babe neck to bristled and stand like ice. She was not in the least delighted by the man display of arrogance. There was a significant difference between the High Lord and Hannibal when it came to such delicate issues and it seems that Leera was speaking the truth when she drew the short stick in their relationship, if one may call it so.

Her tea cup paw stepped between the parents, a quick forced smile was drew on her beautiful visage, one that she practiced well in such strained social enconters. I do believe it is time for Leera to rest, hm. her weight shifted in order to lean forward and wipe her plush, coral tongue upon her dearest friend, careful enough not to touch the spawns fore she knew only the mother had the right to lay her scent marks on the precious bunch of fur. I am afraid that will disturb the spawns, my Lord. she voiced, her vocals as melodious, politeness strained her harmonious tones and it laced with toxicity.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together