
Intentions of Hope


02-11-2019, 09:40 PM

Since coming to meet Archon's brother the band had been spending a little time near the Risen empire. She didn't know if it was business or if they were just resting for a trip back to Boreas. She had needed maybe half a day to rest up before she grew a little restless. She wanted to get to know some of her fellow band members, to make friends and to further learn about Archon's religion and family. She wanted to learn how to properly serve and to bond with the others. She viewed it as she was in a small pack, that she was meant to get to know them and to form relationships with the others.

Today once she had awakened she decided she would catch a meal and then find her fellow band members. She was curious about them. It took her a little bit to catch her breakfast and to eat and she had to stop at the base of the falls to have a cool drink. Then once she had completed all that she began her search, looking around the falls to see if there was anyone around. She was hopeful that the others were nearby and that it wouldn't take her long to find someone.




5 Years
Dire wolf
02-14-2019, 08:14 PM

Winter was Circe's season and she was struggling with it. If she'd been on better terms with Malleus she'd have wandered through his pack and perused his mortal males, but she wasn't in the mood for tangling with him. This time of year she struggled to rein in her more ah...undesirable tendencies. While they were buried deep, the ill disposition and temper her family was known for tended to surface in winter and she loathed the idea of them making an appearance.

Currently Circe was resting beside the pool with her forepaws dangling in the water. While she should have been running around hunting for herbs before the trek up north, she lacked the motivation to do so. Her present condition proved to be too much of a distraction and she could think of little else.

Movement off to the side drew Circe's attention from the water. She lifted her gaze and caught sight of one of her bandmates. Because the woman's back was to her Circe had the chance to study her unabashedly. The little mortal was quite the sight. It really was a shame that only the opposite sex would be able to give her what she needed this season. If women possessed the same reproductive ability Circe would have quite happily pursued Archon's girl.

While Adaline couldn't give her quite what she wanted, Circe wasn't about to let her get away without at least a conversation. Softly, she called out, "It's Adaline, isn't it?"

"Circe" "Gwydion"

Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!