
All Hands On Deck



3 Years
Extra large
02-13-2019, 05:14 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2019, 05:36 PM by Rogdar.)
Wherever We Want To Go

What day was it?

Rogdar crawled from the hole he had spent nearly a season buried in to find a crisp winter morning, snow and icicles dangling from every branch of the barren trees as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

The last thing he remembered was moving from his cozy lifeboat to the south, and being expected to make a home in the mud and cow-shit covered range. What had occurred between that event and now was distant and foggy. His eyes ached in the dazzling winter sunlight and the wind seemed to chill him right down to his bones. For a moment he wanted nothing more than to crawl back into the hole he had emerged from and stay there until spring, but a far more present thought in his mind told him that was too unhealthy even by his own standards.

He looked around abruptly suddenly remembering something important and found his companion still snoozing away at the bottom of his den, dead to the world. He picked the limp monkey up in his jaws and was surprised that neither the startling cold or the abrupt movement seemed to wake her. That worried him more than he cared to admit but he refused to let it show.

Even with his long legs the snow reached up nearly to his elbows and it took him several awkward tries to move forward correctly without toppling over into a snowdrift. “Ish shucks” He grumbled through the monkey in his mouth, his olive eyes glaring as he determinedly flopped into the snow and rested on his side.

talking   thinking

We'll Go



3 Years
03-02-2019, 08:54 AM

The snow was thick and Carthage found it a pleasant work out to trudge through it and explore some other, more distant areas around Erovrare. The winter was harsh on the southern region, something he'd hardly expected but had to deal with. This new place was weird, albeit expansive, and Carthage was having trouble settling in. He missed home, but he wasn't about to be the one to say it. Home was destroyed with famine and hunger, there wasn't nothing left to miss. He'd been too busy trying to figure out what Hannibal's plans were to really focus on settling in here, so it'd taken him some time. Finally maybe he was starting to come around, but he needed a bit more time. He'd only just settled into his role as Infantry Officer and he needed time to prove himself to get that rise in rank Tyranis had mentioned. For some reason, he sought it with as little help from Hannibal as possible. He wanted to make his own name instead of following in the footsteps of his brother. He would rise to glory and one day, Carthage wouldn't need Hannibal. One day.

He found himself moving his way towards a sound, something he couldn't quite make out or pick up a scent for in all the fresh snow. Once he'd gotten closer, he saw another trudging through just as he was, although he couldn't hear him muttering to himself. Carthage smiled, a slight laugh leaking through, but he was much to far to be heard. He strode closer, pushing himself through the dense snow, towards the male yet paused again some distance away. "Trouble in paradise?" He sneered, a playful look tugging on his face as he watched the male struggle in the snow.
