
From the Other Side


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-15-2019, 06:08 AM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2019, 08:47 PM by Acere.)

Winter was in full force, and in the cover of the snow that fell from the heavens, Ace took off from Abaven lands to get a closer look at the pack his nephew had raised. He had been aware of when it happened, the call that sang across the lands inviting those to join him. Ace had been occupied before now, but now was a good a time as any to investigate. He was amused by the fact that Tyranis' pack was locked between two other packs. Both packs he knew nothing about, and he wondered if Tyranis knew what kind of packs they were. Or perhaps he was just as clueless? A rhetorical thought, of course. Knowing how Tyranis thought, Ace doubted his nephew had made many friends. Much less neighbors. Was he suffering from paranoia? Knowing that at any moment, either of his neighbors could march against him without warning? The thought brought a slight grin to his lips as he skulked about the edge of one of his nephew's lands. Just far enough away to avoid detection as he remained hidden among the snow-laden trees. Abaven had alliances with many of the packs, if not all. And he highly doubted that his nephew's pack had done the same. He scanned the borders from afar, though subtly. He nonchalantly checked out the scenery that covered the Orchard, casually checking out the trees and whatever lay beneath them. Sure there wasn't much fruit to be had, if any, but he used every opportunity available to him to make it seem like he wasn't checking out the packs borders. On the other side of the orchard lay the other pack, but he wasn't really interested in them.

He led this mission alone, leaving his fox kits to their own devices back in Abaven. Knowing them, they'd end up attracting attention as they weren't yet in the mindset to understand what his intentions were today. Everything was quiet, snow now falling heavily as he casually walked among the trees for the better part of the morning. He noted the scents that he could gather from his position, gathering information for later use. So far, and interestingly enough, he scented Cloud's markings on the border. Not only that, but he counted quite a few scents that he recognized...especially those of Leera, Hannibal, and Nephthys...a scent that smelled vaguely of...Rhyme? but female he recalled the day Vlad had shown up.
Didn't he mention he was on the hunt for another one of his former captives? The memory pricked his mind, but he couldn't remember the name. He would be sure to speak to him when he got back...and then...he smelled Elias. Crimson gaze narrowed as he glanced at the snow between his paws. Of course...he expected Elias would join Tyranis after that day on the mountain. He expected nothing less. But to actually have evidence of that rankled him, and he knew then and there that the pack and all those within it would more than likely be considered enemies. Had others from Ruina joined, too? Two smelled vaguely familiar, likely someone he had seen in passing at the time. A devoted follower to that side of the Praetors? Perhaps former lambs? He couldn't recall their names or what their positions had been before, but he didn't care. They were there, and that was all that mattered. His lip curled in a snarl as he moved behind a tree, sitting with his back to it as the snow fell on him.

speech action



1 Year
02-15-2019, 09:18 PM

Lately she had been moving out of the territories more frequently, hunting on her own. At least that was what she tried to do, but most of the time she ended up running into a new face. That of course was not a problem for her, she loved to meet others and loved to get to know others. So far everyone she had met seemed to be more her style and she was still struggling with fitting in with the pack. She always feared that when she went out that she would come back to be confronted with one of the others and either being bullied or attacked. What else could she expect from wolves who took on slaves. The elders had fully told her about those type of wolves and now she was living with them. She was only here because of Cloud, if he left she would have gladly left with him. She was trying though. She had met several wolves from the pack and was trying to fit in, but she just didn't feel like she could trust them.

She had thought she could become friends with Eulogy, but she wasn't able to trust her when she simply accepted being a slave. Something about her not having any fight to try and get away just didn't settle well with her. She moved quietly through the pack, heading straight for the border marker. When she got to the border she paused, looking around including above and below. Once she made sure no one was around she hopping over the border and headed into the orchard. Dropping her nose to the ground she began sniffing for prey, moving at a steady pace as she searched for any prey trails.


As her guardian Cloudburst can crash any of her threads regardless of the tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-27-2019, 10:19 PM
The possibility that others from Ruina had joined Tyranis wasn't all that surprising now that he thought about it. Ty had wedged himself into Elias' good graces, had become quite the member in Ruina, and no doubt had done what he could to catch the eye and respect of those that had lived there. He sighed, thinking about what he wanted to do for the future. His main goal had been to make Elias pay the rest of his debt. But then Tyranis had gotten into the mix after basically protecting his father's actions. That alone gave Ace the reasons he needed to make Tyranis an enemy. His only conflict with that, however, was he didn't know who was fully devoted to his nephew, and who was just there for other reasons.

The soft sound of foot steps and the scent of another trailed his way, and instinctively Ace rose to his feet and remained hidden. It wasn't until he recognized the scent as one of Erovrare's. Had they spotted him? While it was possible someone had spotted him, it was also possible someone was just going for a stroll or something considering the orchard was next to their borders. He decided to step out then, standing at his full height as narrowed gaze found a young wolf. "Stop where you are!" He barked aggressively. His entire demeanor showed he was ready for a fight, but he remained where he was to see what she would do.



1 Year
02-27-2019, 10:26 PM

She hadn't seen the large white male and when he demanded her to stop her immediate thought was that one of her pack members caught her sneaking out. The tones were aggressive and immediately she lowered herself, eyes wide as they landed on the large form, who was much larger then her. Ears flattened like she was a pup being caught doing something wrong and she was frozen in place.

"I'm..... I'm just hunting....." she tried to explain.

'Shoot Ty's gonna be mad at me...... He's is going to be so mad' she thought. She looked at the male wide eyed and uncertain what she should do at this point. Cloud wasn't here and she didn't think howling for the aggressive pack would help this situation any further.


As her guardian Cloudburst can crash any of her threads regardless of the tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-13-2019, 09:16 PM

He had frightened the girl. And he wasn't sure if that pleased him or if he felt bad. She claimed she was out here hunting, and the way she lowered herself to the ground and looked at him with wide, fearful eyes told him all he needed to know. She wasn't a fighter. And she wasn't lying. Still, he maintained his stance as he assessed the situation. She was clearly frightened of him, but she was a member of Erovrare from what he could tell. Did that make her an enemy? Would it be wrong of him to consider her one since she allied with Tyranis? Had Elias' influence reached her? He supposed he'd find out. "What's your name?"
