
Strengthening friendships

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-16-2019, 04:07 PM

"Talk" "walk"

Shaye had watched her apprentice grow from a pup, to a wonderful young woman. It shocked her to realise Actaea had turned one, and she knew that very soon she would have to let her move on from her apprentice, into an independent member of her pack. Before that day came, she wanted to give her apprentice some solid experience. She had talked her through a map of the world they knew, and gave her insight into most of the packs that resided there. Her passion for healing was doing her well, and she could see a deeper understanding grow as the months passed. It was well and truly time to take her out into the world, and show her what it took to be a diplomat.

She found her apprentice, and explained how they were going to head over to Fyri and speak further on alliances. She explained to Actaea how Acere had come back from Fyri and spoken of Ignatius desire to further their alliance. It was a perfect time to head over there and set some more solid terms.

The walk was a good one, through the temperature got a lot colder the more North they went. She got Actaea to keep track of the path they took, and to see how much of the simple map she had memorised. It was great to just be out in the wilds with her young apprentice, and learn from eachother. She also went over how to behave when approaching another pack. From respecting borders, to calling for the Alpha.

Responsibilities took over once more when they neared the pack of Fyri. “Alright Actaea, want to demonstrate pack etiquette?” she asked, giving her apprentice the lead for calling the Alpha.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-03-2019, 10:03 PM

She was excited for today's experience, to meet with the alpha from another pack and learn how to handle relations with other packs. This had been eagerly awaited for since the day Shaye had mentioned they would be doing this. She had to admit it was also really nice to get out of the pack and take in all the sights as they traveled together. She didn't go out of the pack much and she enjoyed the times she did.

She couldn't help but notice the colder it got as the further north they moved and was thankful she had decided to leave Lorenzo back within the warm den. The opossum didn't care to much for this winter weather and the cold, plus he still wasn't fond of being out during the day. She had wondered if there was something she could make to help with that and thought about talking to Shaye or Rhyme to see if they had any ideas. She wanted her companion to go with her like everyone else's did.

Actaea was busy keeping track of their path, picking out land markers to add to her mental map. Hopefully she could find something to make a more permanent map, one that everyone in the pack could use, but it would take some serious thought to figure out the right material to put it on and how to put it on that material. It would be very useful to everyone and could hopefully be added to.

Shaye had already gone over the proper way to act and be respectful at the borders of another pack, so when they did stop Actaea was ready to be kind and plight. Shaye gave her the chance to be the one to call and she smiled at Shaye.

"I'd love to," she replied.

Lifting her head the yearling let out a calling howl, calling for the leader of the pack. Her howl was loud and she let it drag out a little bit to ensure it was heard. She then dropped her head and remained beside Shaye as they would patiently wait.

"Speech" & 'Thought'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
03-31-2019, 06:46 PM
Hearing the unfamiliar voice calling at the border, Ig was quick to drop what he was doing and make his way there, uncertain of what he might find but eager to discover it, good or bad. The increasingly bad weather had left him with a bit of cabin fever which he tried to remedy with little outings as often as possible, but sometimes there were storms so bad that leaving the territory wasn't really an option. A little chat with a new face might do some good.

Of course, he wasn't expecting to see the caller accompanied by Shaye, the Abaven Alpha. Beginning to piece the situation together, Ignatius strode to meet them with his usual pleasant smile in place. Approaching the girl who called directly, Ignatius offered a friendly wag of his tail as he greeted her. "Always wonderful to have visitors at my borders. Ignatius Agnivo, Fýri's Konungr. Nice to meet you miss..." he let the words trail off with a  questioning tone, pausing for the girl to introduce herself before he'd repeat her name - it helped greatly with remembering names later when he repeated them - and turn to Shaye. "And Shaye! I'm glad to see you look well. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"