
All aboard the Puppy Train

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-20-2019, 03:49 AM
Ok, so this thread is going to be a little different to usual. Once all the pups have posted well have a posting order, with a 3 day period between posters before we skip to the next pup if that one hasn't been posted. The pups will be walked through life in abaven and given demonstrations on skills. I'll have guest appearances of different ranks come in for one or two posts to 'sell' The rank to the pups before moving on. Anyone from Abaven can come in to observe, but won't be apart of the posting order

In a bout of reflection, Shaye conceded that instead of simply lamenting the wrongs she saw in her pack, she should take steps to correct them. She could not be truly angry at a pup for not knowing their boundaries. She needed to recognise what others could or could not do, and step in to better her pack. With all that in mind the Alpha would scoop up her pups from her den. “Come on little ones, we are going on an adventure” she told Motif and Poem as she ushered them gently from the den.

She would lead them through the territory and towards Tana’s den, where she had mixed feelings about the woman. She had however come to a decision, she would step up and help the woman instead of simply yelling at her for her faults. She would work with Tana, and guide her and her young, and then, and only then, could she decide on Tana’s fate. She could not condemn a woman she had not first tried to save.

They reached the other mothers den, and Shaye would stop by the door and call out to her. “Tana? I’m ready with the little ones if you are” she said gently. She had been planning this day for a while now, speaking with mentors, and Tana herself. Everything was set up, and ready to go.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-20-2019, 11:40 AM

Theory was more then excited for the day to come. Her heart was fluttered with excitement and it was extremely hard to stay still. She could not even bring herself to play with her sibling because in no way was she risking getting in trouble on such an exciting morning. Their mother had mentioned the pups having a chance to go out and explore Abaven with Miss Shaye! The thought of stepping her tiny paws upon the earth and actually being able to get a tour of their home brought forth mounds of excitement. Their two other sisters would be there too! Which was just an added bonus. On that morning Theory woke up at the crack of dawn and rested next to the entrance of the den. Every now and again she stuck her head out to see if Shaye was coming but she never got that lucky.

When the sound of the lady Alpha's voice traveled into their den Theory threw all her manners out of the door. The inky black pup scurried from the mouth of the den with an excited smile stained upon her little lips. The nub of a tail on her rump wiggled with joy as she saw Shaye and her two half-sisters moving towards them. Theory watched in awe as she witnessed her powerful Alpha walk. She seemed to really look up to Shaye even in the small amount of time she had spent with the prestigious lady.

Theory stopped her scurrying about three feet from the mouth of the den and plopped her excited butt down on the earth. It was the only way to hopefully get her tail to stop wiggling. Her paws pressed against the earth and mushed the dirt in idle restlessness. "Good morning Miss Shaye, Motif, and Poem!" She really hoped her mother and siblings would hurry out! They had a day of exploration ahead of them!




1 Year
Extra small
02-26-2019, 02:00 PM
So she'd messed up. All she had wanted was to be like daddy and do what he did. Then he had went to the nasty field and she followed. It was alot. But there was embarrassment from what had happened after. Mom had cowered from miss shaye and there had been shouting and growling from miss shaye. She had had an episode and had made a mess on herself. Mom said it was okay but she didn't feel like it was.

She lifted her head from where she was laying as miss shaye and their half sister came close. Her ears pressed back and she held the ashamed look back as much as possible. Miss Shaye knew about her episodes but mom had swept her away quickly to keep the embarrassment as much from her as possible. It wasn't like she knew how miss shaye felt. She felt judged though. Theory was quickest to come forth, but she slowly sat up. Mom had grounded her but today said that miss shaye was going to take them all to learn some stuff.

She stood and moved closer. She sat down a little ways away waiting for Noir to surface. Silence met them from her. She had learned enough already she thought. Miss shaye was angry enough with her for wanting to do like daddy, she didn't get it though. The girl looked from the side of her eyes as her mom came to stand behind her. She was also told she wasn't allowed to fully participate in the lesson today.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
03-06-2019, 02:46 PM
Her mother woke her and Motif up gently that morning, eager to get them out and into some lessons with their sisters and brother. Poem mostly liked being with her half siblings, though having to deal with Noir alone was taxing. When he was grouped in with the other pups she could stand him. Being honest with herself though, she didn’t like her brother. She adored all of her sisters though.

While most days she was too contrary to be excited about their mother guiding them places, she much preferred to do that on her own, she kept her opinions to herself and followed along obediently. A rarity for the young girl.

Before she knew it they were at the entrance of Tana’s den, and already Theory was there to greet them. She hadn’t spotted Noir yet so she let her grin widen as she raced to greet the larger of her tailless sisters. She aimed to nuzzle into Theory’s cheek as she welcomed them and the morning. ”Hi, Theory!” She added her greeting to her affection before moving on to Verse.

The tiny girl had caused quite the ruckus, and Poem was infinitely jealous of how much of the world she had seen. Of course she was also disappointed that both Ma and Tato (Rhyme’s new nickname) had cracked down on her adventuring because of it. She still loved her though, and offered the same greeting she’d given Theory. ”Good morning, Verse.” She added with her quick nuzzle before sitting next to the smaller pup.



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-06-2019, 02:53 PM
He was definitely a sleeper. Noir snored quietly in the den, cuddled up with the tiger fur he loved the most when Shaye’s voice reached him. He hadn’t been paying attention to his sisters who were both much faster about vacating the den than he was. Mornings weren’t his thing, he much preferred the night time and the moon. The dark pup grumbled lightly before standing and shaking the sleep from his thick coat. Did he have to go adventuring with his dumb sisters today?

He didn’t really mind them much, they were fun to poke fun of. Especially Verse, he liked to exploit the fact that she had gotten into so much trouble. Of course he was careful not to say anything too loudly while Mother was around.

An exasperated sigh fell from his lips as he emerged from the den, bright gaze falling on the forms of his sisters. He was really starting to show how much bigger than them he would be. Verse was a pipsqueak compared to him, but the other three were keeping up a bit better. Theory and Poem were both much too cheery for how early it was, and he kept his scowl as he remained silent and sat close to the entrance of the den.

He did make sure to huff just a little too loudly, hoping Shaye would take the time to give him the full attention he deserved.