
One and the Same



2 Years
02-22-2019, 11:00 PM
OOC: Takes place before challenge~

Cold from the snow bit at the canine's burnt flesh. It had been about a month and though she had gotten some help, it was obvious that she would have permanent scarring from the damage the fire had done to her. She prayed she would see some of her family again as she had lost her brother's, whom of which she was very close with, but she stayed hidden inside a hole within a tree trunk to try and keep herself as warm as possible. Even though she was a bit older than a year, she was not used to being a wanderer and a loner. She curled her form into a ball as she watched the outside world. She hoped to the high heavens that she didn't have to deal with anyone who wanted confrontation, but she wasn't about to die, not when she had so much life left within her despite half of her face being gone.

To add insult to injury she could hear the sound of crows and other birds of prey, their rambunctious calls almost seeming to mock her. She scoffed and gave a low growl within the makeshift den, even though she knew that wouldn't scare any of them off or help her situation. She just knew that if someone were to make fun of the way she looked or tried to scheme against her, they had another thing coming. She wasn't afraid of death, but, she promised to herself that she would live for the legacy of her family name, and also hope that she might be reunited with her siblings at some point too...if they made it out of that forest fire alive.



7 Years
02-23-2019, 02:09 AM
Under the wintry air and the sky that has born black clouds since Winter came, the Boreas region was as grey as a newspaper picture. The river she grew accustomed with has given up its blue, the stones show no russet colours and the trees have taken on the monochrome look of old movies. Even the air tastes more dull upon the cinnamon vixen tongue. The wind whips salt into eyelashes and onto exposed skin and all the while the predator birds fly across the skies with a clatter and whir. The naked winter trees line the forest.The babe breath rises in visible puffs to join the darkened clouded night sky. There was a freezing chill in the air that brought crispness to the leaves, bejewelled with frost, that crunch under her tea cups paw and if it were not for a growl the woman would have considered herself utterly alone in this winter wonterland. Who is there? she demanded, her hackles raised and her muscles tensed.

haunt me down

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
02-23-2019, 02:14 AM
The raven-colored dames eye widened slightly. This was the last thing she wished to worry about, and now she possibly wandered into another woman's territory. Just what she needed at this time... She got up slightly, her paws digging into the surface of the ground. She could make out an autumn pelted female not too far from where she stood, possibly unaware of where she was since she was underground. Her lips curled revealing pearly canines, her cranium lowering to protect her throat just encase as a bit of her scruff lowered in hopes to protect her neck as much as possible. She didn't want to start a fight, but, she had to be prepared even if the woman wouldn't be too hostile with her. But, if she were to go out, at least she did so fighting.

She lunged forth and brought her jaws around the strangers right, front foreleg as she growled, her eye staying narrowed as her back legs dug into the ground for balance and her tail outwards to add more to her balance as well. Locust knew attacking someone, especially if you were in their turf was probably not the best option. However, the yearling was scared and knowing the wolves she had come across on her way to these lands, one could never be too careful. Fear was enough to cause anyone to do something stupid; and with Locust it was no different.



7 Years
02-23-2019, 02:19 AM
The autumn babe could not believe her lenses as a raven seemed to attack her from behind, only that this was not a raven, it was a female. And from what she could tell, it was a dangerous woman. Does this foolish creature knew nothing of manners and etiquette of a duel? Damned be all. Due to the low manner of the attack she was unaware of her surroundings and this caused the other woman to get a good snatch out of her front right limb. You foul creature. the woman words were filled with toxicity as pain riddled within her being. If the woman wanted a fight than a fight she shall have. The autumn babe tailed straightened upon her lithe, reptilian spine in sign of confidence and dominance over the world while her ears were pinned to her regalia and her neck tucked at the moment of the attack in order to protect her throat with the layers of fat. Her other three limbs spread equally, to aid in her ballance. The grip was strong and the raven woman canines managed to penetrate her skin but she had a plan to escape. She was sure the other woman would expect her to pull but she knew better; pulling would result in even more lacerations and her opponent could as well tighten her jaws around her front limb. No, no, the babe was going to do the unthinkable, she will push her limb further. She will push it further down the woman throat in an attempt to choke her and force her to release her grip upon her limbs as her jaws would expand to the point of breaking.

haunt me down

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
02-23-2019, 02:20 AM
After Locust began to realize what the dame was trying to do, her icy optic widened in realization after she felt the woman's leg starting to cause her jaw to widen more and more. She was not going to have an added injury destroy even more of the beauty she once possessed as she quickly jumped back. She caught her breath for a couple moments as she had a better look at the woman before her. She definitely had a dominant stature showing, and she certainly had a certain grace about her that the raven woman couldn't seem to put together; but, she definitely had a lot of grace and elegance something she wished to possess despite her hideous appearance now that she had this horrendous scar covering half of her face. She didn't show anymore hostility to the woman as she sat upon her haunches.

"A woman with proper etiquette and good graces...How I wish I was like you again. You more than likely have males coming to you because of your beauty, I doubt that would happen with me," she spoke; her voice elegant and noble but, after the display she pulled with the fawn maiden, she doubted that the female before her would think of her as such, more than likely in her words 'a foul creature. "I am new to the area, and after seeing one hostile wolf after another, my thought was you were the same."



7 Years
02-23-2019, 02:23 AM
This woman must be crazy. Woman? Scratch that. This before her was no woman, it was a child, a insolent yearline no less. The moment her limb was released for the captor jaws her excessivly long tail slashed like a whip onto the girl face (the part without the burn). Are you out of your mind, girl? she spatted with a snarl; her full, ebon lips peeled back in order to display murderous canines as she took a step back from the lunatic girl. Of what issue do you suffer? a brow rose in question, her words were filled with toxicity poten venom met the air as her tail lashed once more, this time it hit only the ground, a sign of warning, as the frozen snow that offered the earth a blanket slashes in its wake. Fiery orange lenses locked on the girl as she started to register her movements into her psyche, taking in her position, stature and movements, looking for any signs of aggression. Submit.she growled, ebon lips peeled over her murdrous canines just as her tail rose towards the sky; four times longer than a normal tail as her shoulder blades rolled back to make her seem biger than she already was even though she already towered over the girl.

haunt me down

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
02-23-2019, 02:24 AM
She knew she obviously wouldn't be getting a warm welcome. After all she pulled a stupid move, but what was she to do after her mind had been trained to immediately act hostile since she had seen far too many on her travels here. Her face tolerated the lashing of her tail upon her face, but she sighed slightly as she lowered herself to show that she would not attack the dame before her again. She was alone in the world for now, so fear and trying to act tough was something she had dealt with for some time, and already she made herself seem like a total idiot and fool. "As I said, I am new and have dealt with hostile wolves far more times than I would like to count, so I thought you would be the same. For that I apologize," the brindle wolf explained, though not the one to usually apologize, she thought that perhaps she could learn a bit more from this female than what she taught herself over the year she had been on this world.

"I'll assure you I won't attack you again. It is not the first I've been called a foul creature and it certainly won't be the last," she stated, growling at the thought of the last wolf who called that to her, so as to why she didn't attack this female again she hadn't a clue. But, she did want to toughen up and act more refined like she once did, being scarred and losing your family in one night could change someone. "Believe it or not, I used to be more...refined. But ever since this burn happened to grace me with its presence well...I've turned into a 'foul creature'."



7 Years
02-23-2019, 02:26 AM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2019, 02:27 AM by Nephthys.)
Her gaze remained locked on her, taking in her movements and every single muscle she possesed in case of harsh motions. She was on the look out but she knew very well that hungry dogs were never loyal and they often bit the hand that feed them. Do not make excuses, child. she shifted her weight and with a roll of her voluptous hips she sat on the snow. Own your own mistakes. she purred softly, her voice was soft as summer rain, melodious to ones ears as she drew you in like a snake, hypnotizing even. Do not balame the environment you were brought up in. she spatted the words harshly, like poison touching her tongue. She used to be a slave for men pleasure but look at her now, she crawled from the pits of hell with determination and raw power. She put her claws upon a worthy man and carried his spawns even though her abnormality was against her. You are the only one that can save yourself. she stated in a softer tone, low and commanding as she straightened her pose, sensuality and elegance radiated from her physique. Regality in the finest of forms, like wine she only gets better with age. Rafinement is something you practice every single day.

haunt me down

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
02-23-2019, 02:29 AM
"Refinement has been the least of my concerns if I may be so bold to address. It had only been months prior where I held my head high, now...I sleep in the dirt with the dead," she remarked, thinking back to seeing the burnt remains of her parents and sisters. "I am not afraid of dying and protecting those who are worthy of it. I've fought a few undesirables and they...let's just say their rude remarks had cost them their looks too. Might have not been the best thing to do, but...I guess I need work done on myself as well in all manners of the word. So see me as you will," she stated, her eyes shifting to the night sky for a little while as she tried to calm her nerves before looking back to address dominant female before her.

"My name is Locust Kolari, I just go by Locust as my old name brings back memories I wish to remain hidden," she explained before her icy gaze locked onto the females as well, not showing any dominance by it since she had learned her place and had no qualms to sort out with her further. "May I be bold as to ask for your name as well? Many have attacked me yet I have not known their names, I'd like this encounter to be different and to hopefully start over with a clean slate over a misunderstanding."



7 Years
02-23-2019, 02:36 AM
Remember it well, child. she purred, closing the distance between them if the other one allowed, raising to her full height, towering over the creature before her as they were now inches away. Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel. her gaze locked into the other as her hips did their sensual tango, right and left, before she arrived at her destination. A true lady should always take care of her appearances she pointed out towards her not so pretty features and with her still functioning paw she brushed a few leaves and dirt from her locks. She must've gone mad herself for approaching this woman and not burying her where she stands but she was a gambler, she took chances and risk and she was good at it. Her poker face was intact, solid like ice with the faintest of smiles spreading across her full, succulent lips. Locust, you make quite the impression. she purred softly deep within her chest. She saw an opportunity to use this woman for her own gain. Perhaps, they could use each other in the long run. She needed followers and servants and in a strange and bizarre way this girl remainded her of herself. More beautiful and elegant but she did appear she had walked through hell and managed to come back. She had the marks to prove it. What is your darkest desire? her brow arched in question as the autumn babe studied the girl facial features with interest.

haunt me down

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
02-23-2019, 02:54 AM
Locust thought about it for a bit. All she knew was that she wanted to enemies burn just as much as she had. She wasn't one for games and frilly things, she liked to take action and do whatever it took to reach her goals, even if it meant leaving a mark to show that she was not to be toyed with. Her one good eye focused heavily on Nephthys as her tail swayed from side to side almost like time ticking away due to the way she moved it. "I always happen to make a grand appearance whenever necessary. You just happened to cross me at a bad time, but, hopefully the little skirmish that transpired a little bit ago is behind us both." She retorted, giving off a smirk of her own. Though it was not a rude one, it was more so a playful gesture that had a bit of venom within her gaze as well, not towards the woman before her but to show she wasn't afraid of dying and getting hurt for any cause, whether it be herself or someone she trusted.

"As for my darkest desire...I would say to make those who hurt me or those I hold dear burn and to have them walk through Hell just as I had. I know it might not be much of a desire, but, it is enough for me."
She stated, turning her cranium as her smirk vanished from existence. She lost most of her family to the fires of Hell, so she would use fire and what she had to go through to her advantage for everything in this world for her own gain. Even if one were to get hurt as bad as she did, whether it be emotionally or physically.



7 Years
03-01-2019, 09:05 PM
The cinnamon Goddess was close, to close now and she could not back away even if she wanted to. She knew what she had to do. Even though she was only a girl she trespassed in Erövrare. Are you aware you are on pack territory? she rose an eyebrow in question as her claws dug into the soil.

Of course she knew what she had to do, there were always rules to be implied but if we were to be honest, the babe was never prone to following them. She valued her freedom more than anything else and maybe, just maybe she will manage to keep it with her new found agreement with Hannibal. Nevertheless, the situation before her was intriguing to say the least, the girl before her rose her interest by the answer she provded to the serpent. Dancing with the flames seems appropriate. melodious tones escaped from the babe succulent lips as her tail curled high upon her lithe spine, radiating dominance and regality through her every fiber. I shall announce the High Lord of your arrival. with that said the babe rose her regalia, leaning backwards to allow a calm, long and dark howl to roam towards her jaws from the back of her throat. Summoning the High Lord close to the borders.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together