
Hey Guess what?



7 Years
02-25-2019, 08:38 PM

It had been quite a few weeks now and at first she was uncertain whether or not that she may be carrying a growing litter. She had taken precautions though, seeking out the mortal healer within the pack named Rain. She was fallowing his directions and checking in with him often to ensure she was doing everything correct. Now she was certain she was carrying a litter and she knew Typhon needed to know. They both loved each other, had a den together and now that she was certain she was carrying his children it would also be something to share with him.

They hadn't really talked about that step in their relationship, but she figured this would be the best time to figure things out before the pups arrived. She was putting on a little more weight, but really it wasn't that noticeable yet and she doubted that Typhon had any suspicion. She had decided that she would talk to him tonight, before they curled up for bed and if need be they could either talk everything over, or let it go until the morning. She didn't feel she needed to pull him from his pack duties.

She had come back from her hunting late afternoon, adding her catches to the food pile. She had kept a fat prairie bird for herself and had eaten her fill of the creature before going to her and Typhon's den. She settled in, knowing it may be a little bit before he would return. She was giving himself time to think over how to exactly tell him. Would it be better to just tell him straight out or try to make him guess? She would stew on it until he returned.

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
03-02-2019, 06:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2019, 06:09 PM by Typhon.)
Unsurprisingly, Typhon had been rather ignorant to the signs that Zinnia had been showing. He'd spent so much of his life focused on training and on better himself that he hadn't even considered romantic relationships at all until very recently - he'd never really thought himself worthy of such things, and truthfully nobody had caught his eye until Zinnia. Now he considered their relationship as much for himself as he did for their God, and for his family. Furthering the line of Abraxas wolves was an act of service and of love, to all parties involved. Pouring his energy into his relationship with Zinnia had been his focus lately and he was surprised to find just how fulfilling it was. He felt at ease around her, especially now that he didn't feel quite as nervous around her as he once had - though it was hard to shake that familiar anxious excitement that she seemed to ignite within his chest, even after weeks of officially being together.

He'd spent the afternoon scouting the borders, though when the sun began to set he was happy to return to the den he shared with Zinnia. Once he drew closer to their den her scent grew stronger, and he fought from letting a goofy and rather uncharacteristic grin sneak across his face. He composed himself before slipping inside, pleased to see she was home safe and sound. His expression shifted into a slow grin, adoration shining in his eyes as he moved to join her, slinking beside her and lowering himself with a low sigh. "How was your day, Zin?" He greeted her gently, nuzzling her cheek softly as he settled in beside her.



7 Years
03-17-2019, 06:40 PM

This next step in their relationship had been way better then she could have ever dreamed. Everything felt so different, yet so familiar. It felt like this was how things were suppose to be her entire life and she felt so comfortable. She looked forward to waking up by his side every morning and every night being cuddled to his warm form. She eagerly awaited his return so that she could get comfortable at his side. She supposed this night would be different from the other nights, but hopefully in the best way.

Like clockwork he entered the den, a bright smile crossing her lighter features and her eyes bright. He was back safe and sound and the way he adored her made her feel like a giddy young pup. She let him settle down beside her and then she would shift, getting comfortable and gently pressing herself into him. Teal eyes looked to him as asked how her day was, her smile still bright on her face. She wasn't sure yet how she should really tell him, but she needed to tell him.

"Well I had some successful hunts today to add to the kill pile, scouted a herd around the garden," she paused for a moment. "And I found out some really exciting news today too."

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
03-19-2019, 07:43 PM

Life had been surprising, in the most pleasant way possible. If this was the reward for his devoted faith, for all the self-improvement he'd spent his life slaving over, this alone was worth it - eternal life was merely a bonus. Not that he'd so readily admit that to anyone else. These thoughts seemed to fade as she drew close to Zinnia, noting that her gaze looked a touch more expectant than usual, though he didn't question it. Those moments of rushed excitement hadn't quite faded from their relationship yet - he doubted they would, at least for him, for awhile - so it wasn't totally abnormal.

The feeling of her pressing back against him elicited a low rumble of delight from his throat. Zinnia was eager to explain that she'd had a good day, scouting a herd around the gardening and hunting to provide for her packmates. He was proud; though she was a mortal she worked harder than even some of his family members did at time and her loyalty was unquestionable. His thoughts only strayed briefly before her last statement pulled him back to reality. "What's that?" He was blissfully unaware of what kind of news should could have for him, as hard as he tried to guess as he pulled away to study her curiously.



7 Years
03-19-2019, 08:01 PM

His low rumble of delight had not gone unnoticed, it made her body feel light and a shudder of delight come from her. Everything was still so new that is was so hard to not get excited over the simplest thing. When she was cuddled so close to him she felt like she was floating high in the sky, the way he looked at her now made her feel like that as well. The touch, the closeness, and the emotions were unlike anything she had ever experienced in life.

He didn't seem to expect the news she was about to give him and she couldn't hide the excitement shining within her eyes and it would be more then noticeable when he pulled back to look at her. Her smile fading into a more gentle, more motherly like smile.

"A healer's confirmation that I'm still pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy so far," she said slowly knowing it may take him a moment to comprehend. "Typhon, we are going to be parents."

Her excited teal eyes would watch his face, hoping that he would be happy. She couldn't imagine that he wouldn't be happy, but she also knew that it could be a concerning and scary point in their lives. She was doing all that she could to ensure that her and the growing pups were healthy and right now that was all she could do. As far as being a parent? Well that would be the next hurtle to face.

"Speech" & 'Think'



7 Years
03-31-2019, 03:55 PM
Typhon didn't wonder if the excitement of their relationship would fade; everything was so new to him that it was hard to think beyond the future. Everything was in the here and now - each little touch and breath seemed to enrapture him like an entirely new experience. He felt a slow smile tugging at his lips as he leaned into her, feeling Zinnia press back into his touch. The expression only wilted slightly when she spoke, though not because her words weren't what he'd wanted to hear. Mostly he was just caught off guard, rendered momentarily speechless as he tried to process what she'd said.

Pregnant? He felt his chest constrict slightly, a wave of anxiety washing over him before he allowed a healthy dose of excitement to overrun him instead.  "You're sure?" Typhon started, his voice low, though his question was merely a rhetorical one and not one he expected her to answer. He was just dumbfounded; he'd never been a lucky man, and now that things were working out in his favor he wasn't quite sure how to take it. It felt like everything he'd gone through had led up to this one moment.. and now that it was here, he wasn't quite sure how to feel.

After a long pause, after trying to silence his suddenly frantic thoughts, he allowed himself a slow smile. Once it found hold, it seemed hard to imagine he hadn't smiled at the news at first, and he shifted his position to bring his snout to her chest, trailing down to her belly and burying into her fur as if he might somehow feel the children growing there. He knew it was too soon, but that wouldn't stop him from trying. The smile felt contagious, and he didn't bother fighting down the excited expression.  "Parents. I can't believe it..." Everything with Zinnia had felt so natural and easy, while the rest of his life had felt like such a struggle - that was how he knew she was meant for him, and he for her, just as the gods intended it.