
Boob Sweat. A River Runs Through It.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-25-2019, 10:13 PM

Valdís standing precariously on a ledge with a young mountain goat in her mouth. This wasn't exactly how she'd been expecting her visit to Fenrir's Maw to go but a woman needs to eat and when she saw the young goat seeming to struggle with an ankle injury the opportunity was too good to pass up. It brought back memories of hunting with the Crew. It was bittersweet. She enjoyed the memories but it also made her wish more than ever that Chaos built Legion upon the same lands. Yet, Valdís understood. He was upholding his father's legacy and claiming the lands that once belonged to Imperium and spirits knew they'd never get Valentine to part with the dam tractor anyway.

Carefully Valdís pulled the goat back from the ledge. The ground was icy and slick and so she had to move carefully or risk being pulled over with her prize. After a few calculated maneuvers she finally pulled the goat back onto the ledge. Panting she released it. Her paws were cold and sore and by now she was feeling quite hungry. Once she felt her meal was secure she dug in and began to eat. Her fangs ripped through the flesh of the creatures belly as she went right for the liver. She hoped devour the fatty organs before any other predators got clued into a kill being made. Prey was growing more and more scare. She'd been lucky but there was little she could do to hide the smell of blood. She'd just have to snarf as much down as possible.

Despite a few close calls she had to say that her visit to the Maw had done what she needed. She needed to feel that rush of winter again and she'd gotten more than she bargained for. The southern winters felt so half-assed, like the season just couldn't quite commit to itself. That led to a lot of freezing rain, ice and mud. The only good part was staying in her den and snuggling with her lover while watching the rain come down. It'd take a few tries to perfect her log and branch system to make sure rain was directed away from her den. the opening was angled slightly downhill which helped but some days the rain fell in such a deluge that it would back spill in.

Valdís was completely engrossed in in her food and her thoughts until she heard the sounds of something big moving around not far off. She quickly lifted her head, blood dripping off her muzzle as she caught the musty scent of bear. Aww shit. She looked around until she saw the dark form of a black bear, lumbering its way down toward her. There was no doubt in her mind that the bear smelled the kill. Her ears flattened against her head. Oh no, oh please go away, she thought to herself. The bear paused and scented the air for a moment before its eyes fixed on her kill and it ambled its way over toward her. Valdís' hackles raised and she growled viciously. The bear paused as it looked her over but it didn't seem overly worried. Tension ran through her body and anxiety started to build in her stomach. She'd never really had to fight a bear off solo before.

Valdís made herself look as big as she good. She took a few steps forward and snapped at the bear. The bear lurched back to stand on hits hind feet and in turn roared at her clearly not interested in being bullied by a wolf. The bear slammed it's front paws on the ground. The stared at each other in a show down that seemed to last forever. Her heart was hammering in her ears. The bear made the first move. It stepped forward and seized the carcass. Valdís knew she should just let the bear take it. She'd gotten a good amount of flesh and this was not a good fight to have one on one. She should let it go. Besides, what would Ásvor say if she returned home all beat up again? It was bad enough she had those wounds from that mountain lion. What was she to say? Oh, yea, I know you said be careful but I decided to attack a bear?

The bear started to drag the carcass and something inside Valdís, some wounded pride stirred her to action. She wanted to get in at least one good lick on the bear and so she dove forward, her jaws seizing the bears face, right above it's eyes. She bit down hard, right to the bone. The bear roared in pain and violently swatted her to the side, leaving a deep scratch in her right shoulder where it struck her. She quickly stumbled to her feet as the bear charged toward her. Swiftly ducking to the side she seized hold of its back leg. The bear twisted around and the two sparred and thrashed until they finally broke apart. Valdís was readying herself for another go when she suddenly realized the mountain goat carcass was gone. The bear also seemed to have realized that the source of the conflict was now missing. Valdís quickly worked out that in the struggle they must've knocked the carcass off the side of the cliff. Fucking lovely… she shot an angry growl at the bear who stared stupidly back at her before she beat a hasty retreat.

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