
A Story of Marble and Ice



4 Years
02-26-2019, 11:48 AM
everyone who isn't me is an enemy

The sky was painted orange and black. The air took to it such a deeply biting cold that the wolf could just begin to feel the effects of the seemingly never-ending winter. Orwynd walked along the natural phenomenon that was this godly creation of marble and ice. His eyes took in what they could in the fading sunlight. The last gleams of light reflected off the naturally occurring stone and cast a reflection so entrancing that the wolf had to stop and eye the spectacle. The glow reflected against his fur, illuminating him as well as the ice and snow he stood upon.

A feeling so intense constricted Orwynd’s throat and he released it in a powerful haunting howl. His song carried further in the twilight, washing over the unfamiliar landscape in a tune of fascination and need. The need to share the sight, the need for company. Orwynd may be a self-righteous wolf with no end goal but fulfilling his own selfish desires, but he was a social creature by nature and longed for companionship. The wolf closed his maw with a resounding click from his teeth as he watched the remainder of the sun collapse beyond the horizon. The moonlight was equally as powerful as it rose to its place in the sky. Orwynd continued his stroll down the ancient dry river, his amber eyes working against the rocks and berms to catch the shadow of anyone who may have heard his call.

This is a mature character. Prone to foul language & unprovoked harassment.



4 Years
02-26-2019, 12:38 PM
Some time had past since the brutes run in with the other wolf. His eyes watched heavily for any signs of what could possibly be life. Though he was not part of a pack just yet he did wish to join his sisters and be there for her whenever she needed him. His eyes watched the beautiful rays of light that began to be engulfed within the darkness of the night as his paws crunched underneath the thickening snow. However, his thoughts and what he could possibly do with his time stopped when his ears flicked, hearing a deep howl within his lobes as the call reverberated throughout the landscape. This seemed more of a male that was calling out but he was unsure of the matter, so he might as well go and investigate.

After walking for what felt like an eternity his eyes caught who seemed to be the maker of the call. His ear flicked slightly as he heaved a small inaudible sigh. He missed that he could talk with someone, however he also called it a blessing in disguise so if there was any ill remarks he wanted to say to someone they wouldn't be able to hear him. He walked over towards the male but kept a good distance as he watched the last bits of light over the horizon. If this male was hoping to spend some time with a female he hated to burst his tiny bubble. He was just passing through anyways and didn't really wish to converse with the male unless he had to...which would be a bit difficult anyways especially if he had to be sort of pawsy to get his point across. So, at least this would be good practice when it came to talking by using his actions or emotions, he might even find it a bit amusing.



4 Years
02-26-2019, 12:56 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2019, 12:57 PM by Orwynd.)
everyone who isn't me is an enemy

Orwynd was blindingly aware he was not alone when the thick musk of a male tainted the crisp air that had before this moment only smelled of dirt and snow. The wolf halted his movements and craned his head to the right, eyes almost immediately landing on the dark form that contrasted against the snow. Fuck, he’s big. He thought, judging the stranger’s size by comparison of a nearby boulder. Orwynd let out a gentle bark. Acknowledgment. I see you.

The company of both male and female were equally welcome to the wolf as he closed the distance between them. Surely this stranger had heard his call and that’s why he was here. Right? Orwynd paused when he was several yards away. Close enough to converse, far enough to dance out of harm’s way should the stranger become aggressive. The wolf’s nose wriggled to and fro as he implanted the male’s scent into his subconscious, remembering. “It’s a night like this that makes you long for a mate, doesn’t it?” He spoke curiously, tilting his head slightly. Orwynd let a sly smile upturn the corners of his lips. “Or anybody.” The male had no qualms of swinging both ways and no shame in it either. Comfort was comfort, pleasure was pleasure. The source was nuance.
This is a mature character. Prone to foul language & unprovoked harassment.



4 Years
02-26-2019, 01:28 PM

Was...was this male checking him out? His eyes would shift over to the older male, a look of confusion spreading across his features. Did he know who he was talking to? When it came to his family, they considered themselves demigods so who was he to think any differently when it came to him? He was named after a god of death after all, so he wasn't afraid of putting a male in his place if he had to, especially since he was larger than the older brute that was beside him. He may have heard his call, however, having sex with another male was where he drew the line. If he were a female he would have considered it, but not this time. Besides...he doubted he would be able to handle him, especially when he was frustrated and enraged.

'Oh, you want to try and mate with me, eh? Sorry, asshole, I don't roll that way.' He thought, narrowing his eyes to the older male, turning his cranium to show that he was not interested in his advances. He was more-so into females, and he certainly wasn't that, that was a fact. He stood up completely, his mouth spreading into a snarl even though it was inaudible so he knew he probably looked stupid, but, if he were to get his point across to him at least it would be considered a win for the mute male. Besides, how would he be able to face his siblings if he let a mere male get the best of him? That would surely haunt his dreams and he would definitely have to leave his family because of it, that was not something he wished to happen.




4 Years
02-26-2019, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2019, 02:04 PM by Orwynd.)
everyone who isn't me is an enemy

The look of bewilderment could’ve been easily read from a quarter of a mile away and was rather pronounced at 10 yards. Orwynd couldn’t help but snicker at the male’s reaction. He was no stranger to unwelcome reactions to his strong advances. The wolf shrugged, “How do you know if you like the fruit at the top of the tree if you haven’t eaten the bark on the way up?” Ears perked forward for a response, but the only rebuttal was a rather angry look.

Orwynd snorted and planted his rump on the ground. “The fuck’s wrong with your face, bud?” Now it was Orwynd that was confused. Where was the berating voice that this brute surely owned? In fact, the wolf was rather eager to hear what rugged chords would spring from a creature such as burly as he. But no, this stranger did not speak. He didn’t even growl. The moon cast a rather frightening looking shadow across the beast’s snarling expression. The landscape of snow and haunting darkness added to the powerful facade. Nonetheless, it was not fear that Orwynd felt. It was interest. Unfazed by the blatant sign of aggression, he took several steps forward. Orwyd was not stupid and quickly deduced what was taking place on this night. “Can you speak?” He tilted his head and let a smug grin slide across his muzzle. “Or are you the purposeful strong silent type?” A mischievous wag of his tail scraped at the snow Orwynd sat upon. “We don’t need to talk if that's what you're getting at.” He offered this more as an annoyance than a seductive suggestion. While Orwynd's posture was relaxed and non-threatening, his muscles were coiled tight in the event that this large beast attacked him.
This is a mature character. Prone to foul language & unprovoked harassment.



4 Years
02-26-2019, 02:17 PM

This male...had to be the most idiotic one he had come across on his adventures. If not even a snarl was leaving his throat, what could he think would be wrong with him? His eyes narrowed even more as the male made an advancement again. Calling him the 'strong and silent type'. At the moment, Seker wished that he was. He was not happy with the situation he caught himself in, and, it would seem that the brute was not going to get the message just by showing some mere facial expressions, in fact it seemed to edge him onward even more in his seductive behavior. But, at least the male had a glimpse of what he was like due to what this older male was doing, and that immediately put him on guard about himself for a couple seconds. But, when he made fun of his face, that was what drove him nuts as he lunged forward and pinned the male underneath him.

'If you want a strong male pinning you down, I'll do that, but only to show you what the actual fuck is wrong with me' he glared at him and lifted his crown upward to reveal slash marks that ran across his throat. The scars were still rather fresh and still had bits of dried blood within them despite the medics help of stitching him back up again. He prayed to the gods and goddesses that they would at least help him in this situation and that the male before him at least knew now why he was not able to show off his deep baritones. The brute already hated being mute, otherwise he would have already put this brute in this place. Now, it seemed more like a game to him if anything else.




4 Years
02-26-2019, 02:36 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2019, 02:36 PM by Orwynd.)
everyone who isn't me is an enemy

The sound that left Orwynd’s throat was not of the manly sort. In a flash of fur, muscles, and snow, the wolf found himself on his back with the stranger on top of him. In an effort to settle the bile rising from his belly, and out of pure instinct, Orwynd blurted, “I don’t mind if you want to be on top.” Humor was his way of getting out of most scuffles in his life, he was no fighter. Humor may not help him tonight. Tail tucked, the wolf planted his feet firmly at the larger male’s chest and belly and he pushed his legs to their full extent. It was all he could do to put as much distance between the two given their current position.

“That’s fine if you don’t swing my way, but, fuck, take it easy.” He ground out through bared fangs, his spine pressing into the cold hard ground below. Orwynd flinched hard when the beast swung his head, expecting to be met with angry jaws, but instead was greeted with an explanation. Muscles stilled when Orwynd saw the scars that looked rather fresh. “Y’know maybe you wouldn’t have had your hide handed to you if you didn't have a stick up your ass.” The wolf growled, trying to retract further into the snow. Orwynd knew how to pick and choose his battles and under the heavy moon of this night, he knew he would not win this. “Alright, Play time’s over, duly noted. You’ve got issues. I have them too.” Orwynd tried to wriggle his way out from under the seething brute. “The difference between us is I don’t bite my way through them.” The wolf did not expect a verbal reply but forced himself to make eye contact with the creature atop him. “Let me up.”

This is a mature character. Prone to foul language & unprovoked harassment.



4 Years
02-26-2019, 09:14 PM

'Gladly' He thought to himself as he moved his form off the other male. Despite the male being older than he was, he surely knew how to be a nuisance...and have to assume everything is about sexual gratification. Nonetheless, he did know where the male was coming from, but, he wouldn't be chasing this older male's tail anytime soon that was a positive. He walked over to a hill near the marble structure, his eyes focused heavily on the stars that began to glitter and light up the world along with the moon. It surely was a beautiful sight...if he didn't have this asshole beside him making remarks about how he did everything. He couldn't help who he was, he was just used to fighting considering he was on his own for a long while, and everyone he had met besides his sister was always out to get him. He only prayed that his ancestors and the god's and goddesses of his land would bring him prosperity and peace sometime soon, for he could not take much more idiocy in his life. But, he had been an idiot before, so he guessed he couldn't complain in that regard.

His amber orbs shifted over to the smaller brute that was left some distance away from him. He was sure that if he didn't pay attention to his surroundings, he would be looking to catch him off guard and do something highly undesirable to him. His expression was one of seriousness, giving off a vibe that read 'I'm watching your every move so don't try anything stupid with me'. Despite this wolf stating that he was going to lay off and that playtime was over...was it? He seemed to be the type of guy that wouldn't give up so easily and would give him hell any chance he could whether it be by action or words. So, Seker would be at the ready to put him in his place again if he needed to. His eyebrow arched slightly, wondering what his name was. He at least wanted to know that regardless, even if he couldn't say it.




4 Years
02-26-2019, 11:32 PM
everyone who isn't me is an enemy

An audible breath of relief passed through Orwynd’s fangs when the stone silent beast rumbled away from him. Leaping to his feet, the male took several bounding steps away, half expecting the brute to give chase. Surprisingly though, instead of paying attention to himself, the stranger was ambling towards the natural phenomenon that had harnessed Orwynd’s attention in the first place. A glutton for punishment, Orwynd trotted closer to the large male. He didn’t speak but instead sat down. “We don’t need to talk.” Orwynd repeated softly. The suggestive flare was gone, the glamour all but dissipated from his stature. The two sat in peaceful tranquility.


Orwynd whipped his head towards the brute feining disgust and shock at the sound of his own flatulence. “What a fucking barbarian.” He scolded, standing and fanning his cloud of stench in the direction of the stranger. The chuckle that bubbled forth from his lips was one of mischief as the wolf danced away several more feet. This was quite a moody stranger but Orwynd was more than willing to press his luck. “Tell me, ogre.” He began, stretching out a hock and shamelessly flashing the male wolf his rump. Orwynd paused, leg still elevated. He angled his toes towards the snow. “Or I suppose write me.” A devilish smile danced in his eyes, gleaming with the intensity of the moonlight. “What is your name?” He would not offer information unless this brute bared throat first. Orwynd snorted through a giggle at his thoughts. I suppose that's what got you in this silent predicament in the first place, ogre.

This is a mature character. Prone to foul language & unprovoked harassment.



4 Years
03-01-2019, 10:11 PM
Oh, what a lovely night that the fawn-colored brute wished he was able to have. It was only recently he got into a situation where he may have lost his voice, and now he had to concern himself with a piece of waste whom, in retrospect, only wished to have his way with some unfortunate bystander who only thought he was going to find some civilized canine to speak with. Alas, that was not the circumstance here as his eyes quickly darted over to the other male, eyes narrowed into mere slits. How dare he bring his foul stench anywhere near him?! He was a demigod, therefore should be treated as such, even if he sometimes did not practice what he preached. Gods how he wished that he could be elsewhere and not have to deal with this situation. And, when this acquaintance decided to press his luck, that was the last straw for him, especially when he raised his buttocks in the air to show off his...things.

He would at least be respectful for now and look to the snow. Perhaps writing would be the only way he would be able to communicate as of right now, as to how he hadn't thought of an idea such as this sooner he hadn't a single clue. He made sure to turn his attention to what he was writing and wrote the name "Seker," in the snow for the male to read if he desired to know his name so much. His orbs stayed narrowed, showing that he was not pleased with the brute's actions by any means.