
Check Out My New Scar, Ma



3 Years
Extra large
02-26-2019, 09:19 PM
After leaving the shit show in the battlefield, Kanja had wandered off in search of a meal to finish off what had been an absolutely delicious night. She'd had no plans to sleep; just to eat her fill of whatever she could sink her teeth in to and sulk around the battlefield in search of... well, other things to sink her teeth in to. Honestly it was a bit unfair that she had found so little trouble to get into during the challenge. That was no one's fault but her own, she supposed, but she couldn't very well spectate and fight, now could she?

It took her all of an hour to find and kill a cute little piggy. The silly little thing had made it laughably easy, which was a good thing in her opinion as it meant she had more energy left over for tangling with whomever she found later at the battlefield. It was a quick and clean kill. The pig did squeal ferociously for several seconds, but she had put an end to that as soon as she could get her jaws around its throat. Hopefully she had quashed the racket before it could grab anyone's attention.

Kanja settled down beside her kill to eat. She threw a foreleg over the pig's belly to stabilize it and then eagerly dug in. The pig's belly tore easily between her teeth and in moments Kanja had the contents of the pig's abdomen spread out in front of her. She teased out the choice bits and cast aside all the things she didn't like.

A wail on the breeze caused her to pause mid chew and groan in annoyance. Fucking coyotes, man. She would recognize that aggravating canid yodel anywhere. Bastards. Buzzards. They were drawn to her hard work like flies to a pile of fresh shit. Oh well, let them come. She would whip them all soundly and send them to bed without supper.

A flash of green as moonlight struck nocturnal eyes alerted Kanja to the encroaching presence. She growled, the sound low and menacing and very clearly not making a difference as at that moment there was yet another flash of green and yellow. The singular wail turned into a chorus of excited yelping. Kanja huffed, then growled again.

Another flash of color and a rustling to her left brought the number of assailants up to four. That was alright. She could handle four. Probably. She was up for the challenge, anyway.

Kanja stood and sidestepped to her right making sure to angle her body just right so that the coyotes were stretched out in front of her in a lose 'C' shape. She was not about to let any of them get behind her. If she did that she could kiss her piggie dinner good-bye.

Her height seemed to give the coyotes pause as the whole lot of them stopped nearly at the same time and began to pace along an invisible line. One had the nerve to lift his leg and piss on a rock and then scratched around in the dirt like a plucky little rooster. Kanja narrowed her eyes at him and decided right then and there that she was going to make a point to shake the shit out of that one.

Apparently what they were doing was strategizing because all at once they surged at her. The two in the middle came at her head on while the other two came in from the sides. With nowhere to go except back (and she was not about to let them cover the kill) Kanja chose a more radical approach.

She charged forward with a snarl, acting as though she was going for one of the coyotes in the middle. Two steps in she swerved suddenly and managed to snag the foreleg of coyote to her far left. Kanja drug it kicking and screaming into the middle of the fray and bodily threw it into the two middle coyotes. With them temporarily busy she turned her attention on the coyote to her far right. The pisser. Oh, how she was going to enjoy this.

Sensing her intent, the coyote tried to leap away, but it wasn't quite fast enough. She managed to snag it by its left thigh and oh-ho yes, she did indeed shake it like a polaroid. Kanja may very well have continued to shake the pisser had not a sudden pain flared up her left thigh.

With a roar she flung away the one coyote and turned to face the one that had bitten her. It evaded her and then ran no doubt knowing she wouldn't give chase for fear of leaving her kill exposed. Little bastard. The rest soon followed after their wise companion. They left the scene as hungry as they had entered it, but that was hardly Kanja's problem. The weeping wound on the back of her left thigh, though? Ugh.
[Image: oa5f9x.png]