
Cat Got My Tongue



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
03-01-2019, 01:59 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2019, 02:00 AM by Ares.)
The yearling giant was on border patrol today, though he doubted anyone would be stupid enough to waltz in uninvited. With that in mind, Ares had decided to play hookey midway through and find himself some lunch. He had managed to track down an old goat and bring it down with ease. He was lounging just inside the borders, lazily tearing strips off his newly caught meal. Winter hadn't been easy this year, but he supposed it could be worse. At least they didn't live closer to the north this time, because he didn't really like the snow. He had grown accustomed to the warmer climate, and he had grown accustomed to living in a pack as well. The star giant pulled and plucked out a couple of bones from the carcass and set them to the side. He liked his bones, and he wanted to have several choices to chew on later. He was quite busy with his task, tearing off a strip of flesh to uncover a bone underneath, that he hadn't been paying attention at all to his surroundings. He didn't particularly feel the need to considering he was within pack lands, but it didn't dawn on him that other, hungrier predators wouldn't care.

Long teeth stabbed into his kill, the young male using them to scrape away some of the meat and muscle that clung to it. Focused on his task, he wasn't aware of his new stalker. His back was turned to the border, his bone-crunching and flesh stripping masking the approach of his soon-to-be attacker. It wasn't until he heard a yowl behind him, startling him enough to make him quickly turn his head to see what the hell was going on. He only got a moment before his eyes widened with surprise as a large cougar leaped at him, landing square on his back with claws digging into his flesh. The unexpected attack brought the young male to howl with pain, head twisting as he tried to reach the cougar, but he was unable to. It had landed square on his back, its weight dragging him down enough to where he struggled to stand. Since he was unable to twist his head around enough to reach it, he decided to try another tactic. The adrenaline-fueled youth felt the cougar's claws pierce him with each movement, and when he felt it loosen its grip just the slightest bit, he made his move.

He rolled over onto his back, forcing the cougar to roll with him as he plastered himself on top of it. The cougar was briefly muffled by Ares' thick fur, but he rolled onto his feet as quickly as he could and scrambled away just out of striking range. His back was sore, and it stung from the wounds the cougar had left on him, but he wasn't about to go down. "You wanna play kitty? Alright, let's play!" He sneered. If the cougar wanted to play dirty, Ares would too. He hunkered down and started to circle the cougar, and it would mirror him. Ares decided to go for a full frontal assault which, hopefully, would throw off his assailant. When the cougar lashed out with a heavy paw, Ares rushed in and slammed it with his broad, heavy chest. He raised himself, hind legs spreading as he then threw each foreleg around its neck in an effort to hug it for his next attack. Jaws opened wide, fangs gleaming in the sunlight as he aimed to stab them into the cougar's left shoulder. Fangs dug deep, causing the cat to yowl with pain as it tried to fight back.

While the two danced and hugged one another, the cougar retaliated with clawing him down his shoulders, leaving deep lacerations in its wake. It was all it could do since Ares blocked every effort it made to get him with his teeth. It was almost like some sort of strange sword fighting display, or maybe like walruses sparring one another as he blocked it as much as he could to keep it from getting at his throat. He was getting tired and frustrated though from standing on his hind legs for so long, so in a last ditch effort, the young male threw his weight into the cougar while leaning to one side, dragging it to the ground. He wasted no time in offering another bite to the side of its muzzle, though he barely missed it and instead, slashed the side of its face with a bloody fang.

Deciding it was no longer worth the effort, the cougar flipped onto its feet and took off, leaving the bruised and bloody yearling alone. He howled his triumph, tail wagging as he stood proud. Sure, his body hurt and stung and burned, but at least he could brag and say he fought off a cougar, and would likely get scars from it.

word count: 822