
Season Of Birth



7 Years
03-01-2019, 10:25 PM
The spring washed in like the tide, advancing confidently with warmth and white sunshine one day and retreating the next. On some days the new vibrant hues of the pansies and daffodils were bathed in tepid air that encouraged them gently, on others the wintry wind gusted fiercely - demanding a return to the bitterness of the months before. But like the tide, the spring would not be stopped, it pushed on, banishing the chill to memory. By the time the cinnamon Goddess reached the prairie the birds were busy with feeding the never ending appetites of chicks. Sometimes the rain would fall gently, and other-times lash, but its iciness was quite gone. It was on one of these warm but wet mornings that the babe decided it was time to explore the South once again.

New buds appeared on the apple trees, the promise of spring blossom and new leaves to come. From the once barren soil burst the spring flowers, the crocuses the daffodils and the tulips. The air now positively vibrated with bird song as the nesting parents called to one another in the warm air and gentle breeze. It was the Season of Birth and with that came not only the changes in temperature but also in the ever changing geographical regions.

Under blue and sunlit skies, the view was wondrous to behold, it did not last long before the babe came across a river teemed with life. Curious orange lenses washed over it as she approached with careful steps filled with graced. One teacup paw in front of the other, nosing at the ground as her gaze remained fixed onto her new discovery. Was this river new? From a quick inspetion the babe noticed the form, straight because there hasn’t been enough deposition to form meanders yet; this further concluded her theory of being a young, newly formed river but she needed more to prove it. Therefore she decided to follow it.

This one had high gradients and the only reason the babe could think of was that it was due to the fact that it had not had enough time to down cut (erode downwards) to base level. How surprising it was that this swell of water happened right at the start of the Spring, was it because of the near drainage divides that it formed here or perhaos of it's high velocity? The woman did not had all the answers, nor did she pretend that she did however this was a matter of interest to her therefore she decided to came to a halt and move towards the edge of the newly formed river in order to sample the soil. Hmm. melodious sounds were released from the babe full, ebon lips as her pas dug into the soil, moving it to one side. Soil in river areas can be especially complicated due to the materials rivers bring in from other areas however this one was fresh, further proving her theory. I have seen this before. she muttered to herself before her snout was down the ground again, inhaling the scent of the soil. It was no mistake, this was Alluvial. This type of soil tends to be a silty loam, it was one of the richest soils and was suitable for many different types of plant growth, some even rare however in order to have that the soil will have to reach maturity. Young alluvial soils were those recently deposited by the river that have not had time to settle yet. The soil was grey in color and seemed to lack certain nutrients that could be found in the mature ones yet there was no mistake that this soil, right here was Alluvial. she muttered to herself once again as she rose to her full height, towering at 36 inches from the ground.

With that, her investigations were concluded. She sat on her haunches to admire the scenery before her fore this was truly the Season Of Birth and the newly formed river due to the swell of water from the melted snow only further proved that. A new Year was starting and with that the possibilities were endless, both in nature and in the young golden Goddess life for though she did not know it yet there were many mysteries that waited to unfold around the corner and this might be the last time the babe actually experience a moment of peace and tranquility for more than a few minutes. Her three devil chops were with their father for the time being and she could enjoy her day alone far from the motherhood but when the night comes then she should return to home and exchange places with Hannibal, due to his condition he was much more active at night and he sometimes made sure to take Recluse with him since the child suffered of the same condition, on a more intense level than her father.

WORDS: 820

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together