
In These Empty Halls



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Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-03-2019, 03:09 AM

So far, she was having fun exploring the Northern lands. She had met a few boys who apparently knew how to have fun, and she was thankful for it. The babe could hardly remember the last time she had was most likely when she was a pup, but she could barely even remember that. Her puppyhood had been pretty...lonely. Her whole life had been pretty lonely. She was basically a hermit, but little by little, she was becoming quite the popular woman. All thanks to her finally deciding to leave her homelands and forget about her family. Why should she keep waiting for them? Four years had come and gone, and there was no sign or word from them. So she eventually said fuck it and started to carve her own path. A choice that was long overdue. From the woods, she ventured. And soon came upon the gaping hole of what looked like a cave, but it didn't look like any cave she had seen before.

Old, creaky wood seemed to frame the mouth of this one. The darkness inside seemed almost thick and choking, like she'd get stuck if she tried to wade through its shadows. She wasn't afraid though, and she would start investigating it soon. First...she wanted to check out the outside. A few rusty old objects (pickaxe, shovels) sat leaned against a rock or half buried in the snow, and when she got a closer look, she was puzzled. These things looked like they had been there for years, and they clearly weren't nature made. She didn't know a thing about humans or their existence, so she chalked it up to some kind of freak of nature thing or maybe even someone playing a trick of some sort.

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