
Be Legendary



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-06-2019, 10:05 PM

Uncle had left them near Abaven a few days ago after everything had went down in the battlefield. She had a good feeling she knew what was happening and although she loved Abaven, she wouldn't hesitate to fallow her Uncle. She owed her life to him and he and Ignis were the only close family she had left. After Ignis had wandered off for a bit she decided it would be time to get herself packed up. She didn't have much, but the gift she had been working on for Ignis needed to be hidden so that he wouldn't see it before it was finished. She was covering the necklace, tying the cloth strip she had found to the antler that Rhyme had helped her sharpen. She would be taking that with her too.

She couldn't imagine after Shaye demoting uncle in front of all those wolves that they would be staying and she wanted to be ready, trying to keep her emotions from surfacing. Once done she let Lorenzo climb onto her back before picking up the antler with the cloth hiding the necklace and headed off through the territory. She was quiet as she moved, not planning on seeking anyone out, trying her best to keep anyone from trying to change her mind. She was already guilty about her decision, but she wanted to be with her family even if it meant leaving her new friends.

She was so focused that she didn't sense who was actually in the territory and when her eyes saw the familiar large form she stopped dead in her tracks, quietly looking at him with her molten gaze. She put her antler on the ground before her, but didn't say a word as she looked at the form of the lightning king.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
03-12-2019, 02:42 PM

He felt exposed, standing at the border, waiting for Shaye or Rhyme to escort him to his children as per their agreement. He looked worn and weary, no longer a titan among men, he had been stripped down to a man that had lost everything, his children, his pride, and of course, his tail. He had left the pack in Cloud’s paws, which did little to reassure him. He had amassed a pack of traitorous vipers, with even their infant young being moved against him. In some ways it was a blessing that the red male had taken Hannibal, his pack had been at peace; there were no secret whispers calling the pale man king, or mutterings of the Klein’s rising to power, although he supposed it would be hard to look at the male as any kind of regent when he had lost so miserably.

Belatedly he noticed his sister gawking at him and turned his head away as he laid down. There would be a new barrage, he was sure, his memories were still distant but he could vaguely remember her calling him a rotten fool, or something to that extent. He was in no mood to hear it again. With a soft sigh, he laid his head down over his crossed paws, his eyes closing as if he hadn’t seen her at all in the first place.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-12-2019, 04:43 PM

She wasn't expecting the reaction she had gotten, in fact she was very surprised that he acted as though he hadn't seen her. Eyes scanned his form reading his posture and recognizing something she knew all to well. He was something all to different from the day she had seen him on the battlefield, even different from when she learned crafting from him for the first time. It made her molten gaze fall to the ground before her paws holding back the sigh that threatened to be released. His body language looked similar to that of her own the days fallowing her abandonment. Recognizing it made her heart ache knowing how it felt, how the defeat felt.

She knew Ty's kids were here and she knew Uncle was against him, but she also knew the reasoning behind it. Ty had stood with her father instead of against or simply not standing with him. Perhaps here words were harsh at the battlefield, but that day he came in acting like a fool, right now he was showing a raw side to him. Her eyes looked up to Ty again, laying pathetically at the borders. It was safe for her to assume he was here to visit his kids which she assumed he would need an escort.

Quietly she stood, putting her things aside and quietly walking over to him. Shaye wouldn't mind her escorting him and she was confident that he was in no mood to be the wolf she saw a few weeks ago. She had no personal hatred towards him. Had she hated that her father favored him..... Yes. Had she hated that he stood with Elias after he abandoned them all...... yes. But none of that was personal, one Ty couldn't help at all and the second was in her opinion a bad choice on his behalf.

Ty had never done anything to make her personally hate him, her actions and words in the battlefield was defense, defending her uncle and her brother. She would stop in front of him.

"If my assumptions are right, fallow me I can escort you to your kids," her words were quiet as she tried to hide her emotions and her thoughts from being read.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
03-13-2019, 02:11 PM

He opened his eye to regard her as she spoke and reluctantly rose from the ground, his head leveled with his spine and a grimace on his features. He had every intention of walking after her in silence and as he followed after her he kept his eyes off her form.

When he did chance to look at her he couldn’t bring his thoughts to be unkind. She had grown huge compared to the puffball that had helped him craft his ceremonial dagger, and couldn’t help but notice the similarities in their coat color. He had nearly jumped when he caught the tinge of lighter fur under her eyes although the markings were not as pronounced as his own. Yet he kept these thoughts and observations to himself. How could he share their subtle similarities when no doubt Acere had already turned her against him.

The white male had outright denied that he had called for Ruina to meet him and recognize him as their new leader, and called him a traitor for it, in the man’s eyes he was doubly at fault for not only “abandoning” his siblings but for standing by his father when no one else would. A traitor for abandoning his siblings and a traitor for not abandoning his father; hypocrisies and bias.

"Talk"  "Thought"   "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-13-2019, 06:32 PM

He was silent and though she hid it, it made her uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because she hadn't spent a lot of time with him. Or perhaps it had been the mental nagging she had from her comments at the battlefield. Seeing how he was now made her regret what she had said, but it had been the heat of the moment and the things he had said to Uncle just got under her skin. Normally silence didn't bug her, but right now it was.

"I'm sorry for my comments the other day," she said quietly, molten gaze looking back at him for a moment. "But you have to understand that it wasn't right what you said to uncle. If he was truly turning against his family then he would not be raising Ignis and me. He is not tearing his family apart."

She didn't know how Ty would react, but she had to share the knowledge she had, that it had been father's fault long before they were even a twinkle in thier mother's eyes. She didn't know how Ty truly felt about father and she wasn't looking to start any arguments. She simply wanted to right anything that may be wrong. It was Obvious that Tydidn't understand why uncle was so upset with Elias and why he was upset with Ty and maybe her more easier, non hot headed approach to explaining things would help.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
03-13-2019, 06:57 PM

“Then why didn’t he bring you and your brother to me when I called for the pack?” His answer was immediate because it had been sitting at the forefront of his mind. “The day father left I called for whoever remained to rally by my side and join me in raising a new pack. No one answered the call but Korinna and my son.” His tone was tight but not aggressive, full of anger at having his family turned so violently against him for a reason he couldn’t comprehend.

He raised his head to look at her, his gaze narrowing not with scrutiny but with the wisdom that had always lived within him, that seemed to exceed his years. “He called me a traitor for abandoning you, but I never wanted to. Had I known where you were I would have gone for both of you straight away. By the time I found out you were in Abaven, he had already passed his judgement onto me.” He explained. He looked away then, his jaw clenched as his heart ached then huffed and shook his head. “Uncle may not have abandoned you, but he lost no sleep abandoning me.” He wouldn’t bring up their father, not yet, not unless she brought it up herself.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-13-2019, 07:20 PM

He was quick to reply back this time bringing back her memories of that day immediately, trying to remember everything through. She remembered hearing his call, but they were already gone. She figured maybe Uncle had to much going on mentally at the time to hear his call, a lot had happened and he was rushing to get them away from the coyotes. Her ears would flatten at the thought of the coyotes and for a moment she would stop walking.

"We had already left..... I remember hearing your call in the distance and I didn't bring it up because.... I just couldn't go back," she tried to keep her composure but her voice faltered a bit. "Not trying to make excuses for uncle, but I assume maybe he had to much going on mentally? To much anger himself to really notice it? He was extremely worried about us because we were not old enough or big enough to defend ourselves and how he found me, with a pack of hungry coyotes closing in he was worried about getting us away from danger. We were merely pups Ty..... You were full grown and capable of handling yourself in battle."

She wasn't really sure, but she remembered the call mostly because she was constantly looking over her shoulder that night and keeping her senses focused on behind her rather then in front. She had been desperately hoping her father would magically appear, that he hadn't abandoned her and Ignis.

She turned to look back at him as he went on stating uncle called him a traitor, listening to what he had to say. He stated how Uncle was so easy to abandon him.

"So yes we never came to your pack Uncle tried to decide what was best for all three of us, but he didn't abandon you, we didn't abandon you. It wasn't until you didn't side with uncle, he was hurt and angry that father was influencing you." she stated calmly. "Time and time again since they were pups father had let uncle down, Ruina from back when they were pups had let him down and Elias abandoning me and Ignis was the last straw and to add to insult Father killing Dominia for merely being a young and slightly unruly pup had made things worse."


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
03-14-2019, 02:12 PM

His jaw clenched as the sudden desire to rush forward and challenge her filled him, but he wouldn’t, not while doing so would risk his children being taken away forever. He huffed and shook his head. “How could you ever understand?” He muttered. “I was born a bastard, here in fact, in Abaven. My whole life I strived for greatness, and my whole life I was met with challenges. When I came to Boreas and father had raised his pack, he not only recognized me, he knew me. He told me how he had waited to finally meet me. Do you have any idea what that was like for me? To have a father? To have someone look at me with such…pride and understanding?” He shook his head again, his jaw clenching as he fought back the wave of emotion that threatened to pull him under.

“Father is not well, it’s most likely why he killed Domina, but even in that state he knew me, and trusted me, and believed in me…”
His voice trailed off as he remembered the hellish scene and the crazed look on his father’s face as he called him legendary. “How could you, or anyone ask me to abandon him when he needed the most help in favor of a man who labeled me a traitor the moment he saw me?!” He hissed with sudden hurt and outrage. “Why should I stand by a man who wanted to murder a man when he had no control of himself?!” His shoulders began to shake with rage, words spilling from his mouth at the injustice to himself and his father by his uncle.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-14-2019, 07:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2019, 07:52 PM by Actaea.)

The more this conversation went on, the more she regretted even trying. All she wanted to do was help him understand that she didn't hate him, but it seemed he wasn't listening. When he muttered about how could she ever understand her ears were flattened and her eyes narrowed for a slight moment. He told her about being born a bastard and her gaze turned questionable. She had never met his mother nor any of his siblings and she didn't understand why he was saying born a bastard. Was it because of his mother being forcebred? That was the only thing she could come to conclusion with. Then he went one asking her if she had any idea how it felt for him and she could feel her heart clenching within her chest. Instinctively her face and eyes washed away from emotion not wanting to show her inner broken heart. He was making this all about himself of course she knew how that felt to have seen the pride in her father's eyes as he looked at her, taught her, then Elias savagely ripped that away from her. How Dare Tyranis assume that she didn't know what it felt like.

"I'm glad father was at least there for you because he abandoned Ig and I without a second thought, like we were the bastard children" she would huff. "You honestly think I don't know how that feels? How do you think if feels to have all that, then it be savagely ripped away. To taught that those demons of Ruina were meant to make you stronger and when you needed the strength the most it wasn't there. Father had left me alone and if it wasn't for Uncle I wouldn't be here, you know how many of those flea bags uncle had to kill before he could get to me, how many he had to kill before we could get off that mountain."

Despite how she internally felt she remained calm on the outside, not wanting this to escalate. She felt like nothing she would say mattered because again he was turning this conversation to be all about himself, forgetting what she had gone through. She turned away from him as he went on speaking about Elias, asking her how could he abandon his father. She would flick her tail looking ahead of her.

"It is your choice what you want to do in your life, none of us are asking for you to abandon him, but he abandoned us all once and don't be surprised if he does it again. Uncle on the other hand, you just have to prove to him that you will not become how father is and was in the past" she said.

With that she began leading him again to his kids. She had given up at this point trying to get him to see the bigger picture. She still outwardly was neutral, but still fighting with herself internally.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
03-20-2019, 08:05 PM

He folded his ears back at her cutting remarks. Maybe she didn’t openly lash out at him, but he could taste her anger at him in the air.

“I’m sorry.” He said softly, his ears pinning back on his skull. “I’m sorry you had to endure that.” His sight steadily dropped to the ground as they walked, a king once again beaten into submission.

“He said… on the mountain…that day…” He trailed off letting the silence remind them both of that faithful day in the different degrees they had endured it.

“He said he hadn’t abandoned you, but left you with Uncle…But maybe he had just been caught in a lie.” His voice became progressively softer as he spoke until it was just above a whisper. “I don’t think he would have left you if he didn’t have the blight…But I can’t say for certain.” He shook his head and sighed. “I nearly became him while Ruina was around but seeing her like that..." He shut his eyes, biting back the memory of the shattered remnants of her face screaming wide eyed in perpetual silence. He strengthened his resolve and looked at her again "These demons, and this heritage are ours. They can still strengthen us, maybe not his way, maybe not the Ruina way, but in our way. “ He lifted his head slightly, looking at her almost hopefully. Would she take his meaning or had he been too literal?

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-20-2019, 09:11 PM

Suddenly things would change and would catch her off guard a bit, luckily she wasn't facing him and couldn't see the mix of emotions moving across her face. His voice softened and his tone changed. He even apologized almost like he realized what she had gone through. It made her a little suspicious, but she tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. She listened as he would go on, speaking of what Elias had said, which Uncle had told her. None of them understood why he had said that. Uncle and Ignis had been gone for a few days already so how could he have possibly left her with Uncle? She would sigh lightly thinking about it.

"I honestly..... Don't know why father stated that. Ig and Uncle had already been gone for a few days unless he simply assumed they were do back," she said. "For a long while I thought he would be back and when he did come back he didn't even try to look for me or Ignis, instead he went through with.... killing Domina instead of gathering his family back up. That part never made sense to me. Preator's stick together he always would say, but why didn't he show that when he came back?"

She didn't think Ty would know the answer, but was expressing some of her hidden thoughts just to show him why she didn't stand with father anymore. To try and show him the damage Elias had done to her mentally and emotionally, but she would never express the full damage of everything. She had been caught once by Shaye and she would never let anyone see her in that much of a mess again. Ty would then propose a different meaning to the demons and for a moment she toyed with it mentally. She still didn't believe in the demons, she had never had any real proof they existed, but she supposed his meaning could be something.

"Perhaps... But is our way the same way?" she would question.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them