
Yet Another Puppy Thread

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-09-2019, 04:31 PM
The afternoon grew old, but the sun had been shining all day. Despite the somewhat chill breeze warmth filled the air. Rhyme loped easily towards the meeting rocks, they were the least muddy place in Abaven. His chosen audience should have been near by as well. The pups were not allowed to leave the rapids, though he wasn't sure how much longer they would be able to enforce those rules. Everyday it was Noir or Poem toeing the line. Especially Poem, she was less sneaky than Noir was at least.

He shook his heavy coat, grateful for the warmth but irritated by the shedding. He looked more disheveled than normal. After much thought and consideration Rhyme had decided what he wanted to do. He first needed to explain to the pups they could no longer be Imperialis. There were a few options he would offer after that. He hoped he might make this a more pleasant experience than what he had gone through.

With little more hesitation he tipped back his head and called for his children.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
03-10-2019, 01:40 PM
"Quit it, Noir!" Poem growled as she scrambled away from her brother's heavier form. His large paw caught her rear legs, like a cheetah tripping its prey, and she went sprawling down the path. She felt her face grow flush as Noir chuckled behind her. Her heart raced in her chest and her brows knit in frustration.

"Walk much?"

She growled again and clicked her teeth together as she whipped her head around to glare at him. She didn't bother getting up, he'd just push her down again. "Tato told you to be nice!" Poem snarled as he continued to laugh at her. Before he could answer their father's voice sounded from nearby, summoning them to his side. She decided to take it as a victory and glared at Noir, still not trusting him to leave her alone to go to their dad.

Noir's smirk didn't hearten her any, and as he turned to head that way he kicked up the dirt and debris beneath his feet. The dust was flung into Poem's eyes and she cried out as Noir sprinted away, chuckling again. The young girl growled as she rubbed her eyes with her paws before finding her feet. She was so sick of Noir messing with her. He never did it in front of their parents, and seemed to avoid the behavior in front of their siblings too. Poem was reluctant to go to either parent either, she was strong and could deal with him herself. Or that's what she told herself anyway.

The frustrated pup tried to put him from her mind as she trotted off behind him. He was already seated when she arrived. She stuck her tongue out at him discreetly before rushing up to Rhyme and nuzzling him affectionately. "Tato!" She exclaimed while rubbing against him and taking a seat close by. She beamed up at him despite the sadness hiding in his features.



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-10-2019, 01:56 PM
Noir pulled at Poem's tail, causing her to squeal out 'stop' as he pulled out some of the white hairs. As she raced away from him Noir lashed out one of his massive paws and tripped her up in her escape. An amused laugh left him as he watched her fall flat on her face. Perfect! He quieted slightly as she turned to glare at him. "Walk much?" He teased amusedly as she growled at him. Noir wasn't afraid of Poem, she didn't even get back up when he tripped her. He chuckled again as she reminded him of their dad's scolding, the only thing that had done was make him go easier on his sisters when eyes were on them.

Before he could answer and tease her about her chosen nickname for their father his voice was heard calling out to them. He huffed lightly, always getting in the way of his fun. Poem didn't let up her nasty looks, but Noir just smirked as he turned to go. Gleefully he kicked back his heels, causing a spray of dirt in Poem's direction. As she cried out in pain Noir giggled gleefully and raced towards their dad. Perfect aim!

He was beaming when he reached Rhyme's spot, though not from seeing his dad. Noir was fully amused by his last shot at his sister. He wasn't distracted enough to forget to offer his father a greeting though. He wasn't as affectionate as his sisters, and gave his dad a quick brush of his tail as he walked by and took a seat in front of him. "Hi, dad"

He smiled brightly as Poem appeared right after him. She did stick her tongue out at him, but he ignored her as she came up and hogged Rhyme's attention. Noir refrained from scowling, but his tail flicked behind him in annoyance.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-13-2019, 09:26 AM
[Image: rhyme-babs-flat.png?width=1294&height=943]
Father's call rang through the rapids and a beaming smile could be seen in return. Instantly the growing gal popped up from her resting place and scurried towards the summons. Noir and Poem seemed to already make their way there, but she was not late in the slightly. A stump of a tail wiggled with pure joy and it was rather evident Theory was excited to see her dad. She could see her siblings giving one another attitude but all in all they seemed to calm as their attention moved towards Rhyme.

Theory moved to sit at the side of Noir with a little yip of glee, "Hello Noir, Poem, and Dad!" She just loved when her family got together and her curiosity was blossoming with ideas as to why Rhyme called them there on that day. Was it exploration or teachings? Who knew but Theory was dying to figure it out! Her rump met the ground and her tail did not stop. Front paws kneaded into the earth as she seemed to always be bursting with happiness. Noir could not bring her down. Theory was perfectly fine with not being the center of attention she just wanted adventures!



4 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
03-19-2019, 03:44 PM

The little pup would drop the stone hard, barely avoiding hitting her toes as she tilted her head upwards to listen to her father's call. She abandoned her game of salamander hunting without a second thought, tail wagging as she moved through the terratory. She was too far back when the other puppies came into view, but she would catch the tail end of the argument between Noir and Poem, and would bristle her fur as she ran to catch up her sister, grumbling under her breath about what a piece of work Noir was. She would arrive to see her father at the center of all the puppies attention, and would sit quietly at his paws.

She was lost in thought, considering how she might get back at that meany Noir for messing with her sister. She barely considered why her father had called her here, too lost in her thoughts she was. She could steal some honey from Vail and hide it in his bedding.. Maybe even put some ants in there with it. That could be fun.


[Image: IdzUBSO.png]



1 Year
Extra small
03-20-2019, 09:42 AM
She was sitting at the stream when daddy called. Her eyes were on the fish there and the faster waters. Seriously she was uncertain about the rising water levels. It looked cold. What if someone fell in there? Who would save them? As always she came back to her naive conclusion that she would have to just do it then.

Her ears perked at her dad's call and she was quick to stand and start the long slow trek there. Mom had told her no more running around or doing things that excited her. It was lame. She moved towards her family's little gathering. She was the last to arrive thanks to her necessary slower pace. Just fantastic right? Not really. She was probably a disappointment to her dad. She knew miss shaye didn't seem to like her.

She sat next to poem and watched her siblings. Of all of them poem and motif were still strangers to her but of course that probably would change. Noir looked like he had already been up to his usual bullying and she sighed and shook her head. One day someone was going to bully him and he'd know how it felt finally. She had no clue y daddy wanted to see them all so she could only guess it might have to do with their training, which miss Shaye had already started.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-21-2019, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2019, 04:42 PM by Rhyme I.)
Rhyme lowered his features as his song came to an end. His bright blue and lavender gaze returned to the horizon, watchful of the first arrivals. To his surprise Noir trotted up first from behind Rhyme. The boy’s head was held high and he wore a troubling smirk. Rhyme eyed him suspiciously, but as the striped pup sat down he offered instead a gentle smile. ”Hello, Noir.” He offered back, about to ask what the boy had been up to that day when Poem came barreling towards him. She had come from the same direction as Noir.

He looked back at Noir, who was hiding his irritation poorly, and then focused on Poem. ”Hello to you too.” She stole the show when it came to affection. He smiled back down at her and leaned forward to offer an affectionate nuzzle as she moved to take a seat.

Theory appeared quickly afterward offering a greeting to the three of them before sitting next to her brother. Rhyme smiled fondly at the bunny-tailed pup. ”Have you had a good day, Theory?” He asked as Motif appeared silently to sit down at his paws. He offered her a quick smile as as he leaned down to nuzzle her closer.

Rhyme looked back up to see Verse make her way towards them. She worried him the most. He almost disturbed Motif and Poem from their places against him to user Verse into their little group. She had been given even stricter orders than the other pups, but likely didn’t or couldn’t understand they did it for her protection. He reached over Poem’s head to give his last arriving daughter a nuzzle behind her ear before taking all five of them in.

He felt a beaming pride for all of them, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. He had helped to make them, and he was glad to help raise them. Rhyme hoped he might succeed as a parent where he had failed so much as a son.

The slate alpha drew himself up, he had to be strong for them and bare his pain in silence. They didn’t deserve the same feelings he had to endure. So he applied his biggest smile, which wasn’t as difficult in the presence of such cute puppies, and began to explain. He’d try to make eye contact with all of them, to show that each one of them meant the world to him.

”Alright my curious children lets begin. Noir, Verse, Theory. The three of you know you were given a last name when you were born, Motif and Poem were given a different one.” He looked to the three born from Tana as he uttered his next words. ”We are no longer Imperialis.” Though the words were difficult to make he said them with out hiccup. Rhyme avoided the why, though he knew the question was coming. ”Instead you get to choose a new name.” He managed not to say ‘better’ name though he wanted to. His voice was calm and held as much mirth as he could muster. He did not want this to be a bad experience.

”Motif, Poem you can choose as well. You could even change it one day when you’re older.” He mentioned in case one of them felt like this was official and permanent for the rest of their lives. ”I am choosing the name ‘Cavaliere’ now you can share that with me, or you can choose the Destruction last name. Or if you really want, make one of your very own.”



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
03-21-2019, 05:11 PM
She was lucky her dad didn’t catch her stick her tongue out at Noir, and she was too busy lavishing him with her love to see him give her half brother a second glance. She continued to smile up at Rhyme as her tail beat a thousand times a minute. She could barely keep still next to him as he lifted his head from offering his affection. She watched as Theory appeared and sat next to Noir, giving her a bright greeting as she did. ”Hi Theory!” She answered back sweetly as Motif came and sat at Tato’s paws and Verse came to sit next to her.

When Rhyme had pulled away Poem offered her own affection to Verse. Her mom had told her to play extra careful with Verse, but all Poem heard was take Verse on all of the best adventures. She planned to do just that.

Rhyme spoke up, catching her attention as he explained what he wanted them to do today. She couldn’t comprehend what the Imperialis name had meant to her father, but she felt no sorrow because she didn’t have to shed it. She did fall in love with her dad’s new name though. Poem Cavaliere. She loved the sound of it.

”I want to be a Cavaliere like you Tato!” She spoke up, unable to leave her rump on the ground she jumped up excitedly as the words left her.



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-21-2019, 05:51 PM
Noir smirked at Theory as she came to sit by him, at least she was more tolerable than Poem was. He watched in disdain as their father offered her his full attention for a few minutes before the rest of his siblings followed in. He suppressed a sigh to himself as Rhyme began to speak. His ears fell to his head as Rhyme took his last name, Noir had been rather fond of his name. He was confused but he didn’t speak up as Rhyme continued.

His distress was quickly forgotten as he offered alternatives. For a long moment Noir debated about making up his own name, but as Poem spoke up excitedly and discarded her Destruction name Noir’s decision was made.

”I want Destruction.” He announced, looking to his sisters expecting them to fawn over his decision as their father praised him.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-21-2019, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2019, 06:19 PM by Shaye I.)
Shaye heard the call, one that summoned her children as well as tanas. Curious, she found herself drifting in their direction, wondering what Rhyme had in kind for all the little ones. She came to find him surrounded by his brood of puppies, and would stand back at the edges of the meeting, curious without interrupting them.

Until rhyme spoke... she moved closer, clearing her throat and eyeing Rhyme with quiet reproach that she hid from the puppies. She was annoyed, through she did not show it. Her children where Destructions, and well she was ok with them hyphoning their name they where Destructions and if any of them chose to drop that name she would be gently taking then aside, and then giving Rhyme a tongue lashing.

"The Destructions are the wolves that first created Abaven, here in this land. It has a leneage of good wolves, and it's a name to be proud of. All of you are welcome to the name 'Destruction' and may wear it proudly. It is the name of leaders" she said gently, leaning forward to nuzzle Motif and Poem "and you are both Destructions. But if you wish to add to that name, you are welcome to." She looked at the rest of his brood, and would nuzzle any of his puppies that moved within reach "as all of you are welcome to it, for you are all family, and that, more then anything, is what the Destruction name stands for" she said proudly.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-21-2019, 06:38 PM
[Image: rhyme-babs-flat.png?width=1294&height=943]
Theory was incapable of containing her excitement. As the others filed in her radiating joy reached new levels. A delightful smile and wagging poof of a tail told the silent story. Theory was respectful and remained silent until she was spoken to. Rhyme offered her a simple question and the babe was quick to answer. "Oh yes, a great day! Thanks for askin' dad!" It was evident this pup had taken the leftover happy bones that Noir had left behind in the womb.

As Rhyme spoke Theory was riddled with curiosity. She understood they were suppose to pick new names but why? Imperalis was what they knew.. Why would they even name the pups such if it would be taken away so soon? In no way did the tiny floof ball question her father's motives therefore her thoughts quickly drifted to the idea of her new name! Theory... Cavaliere-Destruction? With a little nod to herself she had decided. The words and nuzzles of Shaye only confirmed her decision. She wished to share the name of her idol, Shaye, but also hold onto the surname her father offered. A lovely blend of names that rolled from the tongue. "Theory Cavaliere-Destruction!" The pup was firm with her statement and she assumed others would take to it as well.



1 Year
Extra small
03-21-2019, 07:09 PM
She happily accepted the nuzzling from Rhyme and a giggle burst from her as his breath tickled her a little. Secretly she was extremely ticklish, though she hoped Noir never found out. It was bad enough with his bullying. He didnt need extra ammo. She offered her own affection to prom as she offered affection to her. At least her sisters seemed to want to be more gentle with her and she was more than okay with that.

When daddy started speaking she looked up to him. Confusion painted her face as she listened. She couldn't be an imperialis? But why? That was their name, you couldn't just take it. "But that's our name daddy, why can't we be Imperialis? That's who we are I thought." it seemed no one else was asking but she would. She didnt fear nothing. Not even that gross wolf from the day she got into big trouble.

She wasnt going to pick a name either. Not until daddy gave her answers. Miss Shaye came when everyone started picking names. Honestly Noir should just be called buttface. She eyed him as he chose a name for himself. Of course they all forgot momma had a name too. Momma was just hiding alot lately so she didn't figure that she would come. Of course verse knew why momma was hiding. She'd been the reason behind the fight that caused it. She figured if anything she could decide later anyway. She definitely wasn't about to let Noir know any name she chose. She looked at shaye as she explained her name and offered it to them. Of course she didn't know. Everything was kept inside though as she looked back to Rhyme for his explanation of why.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.



4 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
03-31-2019, 03:54 PM
She leaned into Rhyme’s nuzzle, and she returned his smile, through her head was still churning through ways to get back at Noir. she was going to hatch her revenge, she just hadn’t quite figured out how yet. He would talk about last names, and she would raise her head curiously when he mentioned his other three children were given a different one. Had she known that? She wasn’t sure, and was curious what it was. He would tell them, and then explain that they couldn’t keep it anymore.

She tilted her head, but mostly because she was curious why her and Poem had been invited - and then Rhyme would explain that they could change their name too, if they wished. It seemed strange to her that names where such interchangeable things, like choosing a mouse for breakfast instead of a rabbit. This was a new way of thinking for her, and she wasn’t certain what she should do with the new information.

Poem piped up saying she wished to be a Cavaliere, and Motif, who was on the fence, suddenly realised she wanted that as well. Especially when Noir wanted Destruction. Before she could pipe up and say it, Shaye would appear. She looked to her mother, and tilted her head when she spoke with pride about the destruction name. It didn’t sound like Shaye thought their names where so easily changed, and she took Poem aside for a moment. Shaye had a feeling it was because her sister had picked the wrong name. Not wanting to make a scene, Motif kept her silence and said nothing as her siblings around her decided on what to be called. Sweet Theory thought of a great answer, taking both of the names so that none of them were left out. She turned and grinned at the girl, liking the idea.

Verse instead of picking a name would question why they couldn’t have the one they had already had. At least her and Poem weren’t losing their name. She didn’t know if there was any significance to that. “I like Destruction-Cavaliere” she said quietly, offering Theory another smile.
[Image: IdzUBSO.png]

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-03-2019, 10:36 PM
Unsurprisingly Poem spoke up first with enthusiasm he hadn’t been expecting. Still her bright voice and quick decision made his heart leap. She acted just like him at that age. Though he really was more of the Motif to Rhy’s Poem. He liked to fall back and follow his sister’s lead. She didn’t want her to be exactly like him though, and obsess over what her father thought about her. He didn’t want his kids to obsess over the weight of their last names.

Noir spoke up next, doing the opposite of Poem and picking up her shed name. He was looking quite proud of himself as Shaye suddenly appeared. He raised his eyebrows at her shrewd glance as she offered up the weight in which he tried to repress.

He hid his emotions as Verse piped up. He placed his gaze upon her, a smile on his features as she decided to take both names. He nodded in approval at her decision as Shaye spirited Poem away. He tried to be supportive, but he realized that Shaye wasn’t going to allow her to make the decision completely on her own.

The two of them came back quick enough and Motif told them she wanted to carry both like Theory. He looked to Verse then, she hadn’t offered any choice. ”We aren’t anymore, Verse. You don’t need to decide now if you don’t want.” He sighed softly, not knowing that Tana had a last name to offer them as well. He avoided the why of her question again as he looked to Shaye and Poem.