
If I make it through today... will tomorrow be the same?



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
03-11-2019, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2019, 07:48 PM by Gavroche.)
The boy was further from the den than he had intended… but he was on the hunt for something specific. He could have found it in the east, surely, but the boy had also wanted to branch out and see a bit more of the world around him. Besides, alfalfa was a pretty common herb… surely he could find some during his travels to bring back to the lake in the East. At the very least he was sure he would find something of interest out here. There were different herbs that grew in this area…  The boy breathed in, eager to learn about all these different plants and come to know them all.

The boy spread his wings and felt the wind blowing around them, his gaze turning skyward as he got caught up in a daydream. How he longed to soar in the skies… to become one with the heavens as he was certain the Goddess Celeste intended.

“Someday…” The boy mused to himself.

His light green eyes shifted back to the land around him as a great many scents wafted to him from beyond the entrance to the cavern he now stood in front of. He wasn’t sure about exploring it, truth be told. There definitely wouldn’t be any herbs there… but further along and he’d meet pack territory it seemed.

What to do?



3 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
03-23-2019, 12:31 AM


She was getting bolder and bolder by the day. The small girl was a fearless one. Probably a little too fearless. She snuck out of the territory once again, and once again she checked, double checked, and triple checked to make sure the coast was clear. Once satisfied that it was, she took off from the safety of the pack lands and out into the world beyond once again. She would be a year old soon and then she'd be able to come and go as she pleased, but she simply couldn't wait that long! She couldn't wait to grow up! And besides, she was pretty sure she was having many more adventures than her siblings already!

She kinda sorta knew where she was. She had been in these parts before when she was much younger, and she had gotten lost that day. Whenever she snuck out now though, she was careful to keep track of her surroundings so she wouldn't get lost again. But the cave up ahead looked familiar, and yet...she had no intention of going back inside. Not yet, anyway. She decided she could just explore the outside area, and when she pressed her nose to the ground she found that there was a strangers scent. Large ears perked up, the almost yearling curious about who was here. Were they nice? Were they mean? Oh man! She didn't have her mean wolf beating stick with her! Well, she would just have to try something else if they turned out to be mean, right? Creeping forward towards the mouth of the cave, the tawny girl's eyes grew wide with what she saw. Standing there ahead of her, was a small wolf but...he had wings!? She had never seen such a thing before, so she just stood there as dumbstruck as someone could possibly look.

