
Momma's Bad Side

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-12-2019, 01:32 PM
Song walked right into this one. While strolling down to the stream to get a morning drink he hadn't been paying much attention. It was early he had just woken up. As he leaned down to take a few big gulps he saw them in his peripheral vision. To the left a gangly hours old moose calf. To the right a veteran moose mother. The Destruction felt a shiver of panic go down his spine, always told a mother moose was more dangerous than a bull. The three of them stood motionless for a long time, Song unsure what to do and the moose pair surprised by his sudden appearance.

Finally Song got his wits about him, and as slow as he could the big Male started backing away. Even this little bit of movement was enough to startle the calf, which in turn caused the momma to spring into action. Song's head moved from left to right as the level of danger intensified and the stakes grew higher. Song didn't let his surprise get the better of him, and as the cow started to charge at him he took all evasive maneuvers.

Large white paws scrambled beneath him and he struggled for purchase on the soggy ground. He caught dried reeds and degrading sticks but he managed to get out of the way of the moose's kicking front hooves. The last thing Song wanted was one of those to his head. The cow bellowed in anger as her attack scored the ground where Song had been only a moment before. She wasn't finished with him yet though.

Song surged forward, unwilling to stop and allow her to catch up with him. He pulled his ears back to his skull and tucked his tail as he fled. He managed to run in a serpentine pattern between the trees, never staying in a straight line. Song could allow her to charge at him full speed. He couldn't afford to allow her to hit at all, her hooves were a powerful force to be reckoned with.

He didn't have the sense to call out to his packmates for help either, of course he didn't want to get them into the trouble he had found himself in either. He spared a glance behind him as he rounded one of the biggest trees in the forest, and for a moment he thought he'd escaped her. His pace slowed slightly and he almost relaxed when she came barreling around the corner.

Song felt himself jump, and the cow didn't look like she was expecting him to be standing there either. Both creatures jumped back as they started at each other. The cow recovered first, stomping and kicking her foot in the loam at her feet. The Destruction man decided to quite running as she hadn't charged him again. He got a confidence boost, and charged her instead.

He hadn't seen the baby since their encounter began, and she was likely feeling the need to return to her unguarded calf. Song went on the offensive. He leapt towards her, tail flashing behind him as he snapped his teeth at her and growled deeply. She wasn't impressed with his display, but retreated back towards the river bank as he inched forward.

Song seemed to get a little too close and pushed his luck too far when she charged him again. Her hooves lashed out in anger as he snapped at her. The cows hoof barely caught him on the nose as he beat a hasty retreat. It wasn't enough to cause damage but the wound stung something fierce. The tall alabaster warrior yelped as his body retreated again.

While he was distracted by his pain the cow had turned and fled back to her child. Song didn't know how to quit while he was ahead and followed brazenly after. She wasn't as tough as he had imagined, maybe he still had a chance at her calf.

Half way back to the river the old cow noticed he was following and instead of leading him right to her baby she turned around and charged at him again. Song wasn't as quick to react. Her huge body came baring down on him, and he managed to avoid her hooves but her huge head was used in an upswing. She slammed the broad side of her skull in to the soft point of Song's belly and knocked the wind from his form.

Song sputtered as he struggled to get away from the enraged beast. Luckily for him the old cow was more concerned with her calf, instead of finishing Song off she made a hasty retreat back to her baby. Song was left gasping for air at the base of one of the giant redwoods. He puffed heavily, watching the huge moose disappear through the greening underbrush. Maybe he wouldn't try to take on a moose mom again.



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
03-15-2019, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2019, 04:57 PM by Kirsi.)
Kirsi was slowly getting used to life in Fyri. What that meant, for her, was mostly that she was getting used to being around Ignatius again. If they had any hope of healing what was left of their relationship she knew she had to be completely honest with him. Luckily for her, Ignatius didn't seem as eager to jump into painful honesty as she'd feared. For now she was content to explore her new home. Though not necessarily wary about meeting her new packmates, she wasn't excited to run into those from their homeland... and she knew some of them were here. She'd been made aware of Sephira's scent long before she'd even ran into Ig again; now that was a reunion she wasn't looking forward to at all.

Avoiding her wasn't on Kirsi's mind this morning, but she wasn't exactly looking for company either. She'd awoken early and set off to wander through the forest, taking an unfamiliar path today. The size of the trees left her feeling stunned - some were small and unimpressive, but others were wider than any trees she'd seen before, reaching impossibly high into the sky. Only briefly did she realize she'd stumbled across the scent of a pair of moose, though she carefully veered away from them. Though hungry, she wasn't foolish enough to take on something so large on her own and she wasn't looking for a fight today. Wandering aimlessly seemed a good alternative.. at least, until she heard some commotion in the near distance. The sound of hooves on the earth was unmistakable, and Kirsi couldn't help but feel her interest being piqued as the sounds tapered over.

Wary, although curious, she followed the sound, veering around the edge of a river. In the distance she caught sight of a pale male, paused at the base of one of those giant redwood trees. Immediately she couldn't tell what he was up to, though as the small woman made her careful approach it became more obvious that his breathing was labored, and he didn't look as though he was in the best shape ever. Kirsi raised a brow, not bothering to alert him of her presence before speaking. Perhaps startling him might be a good thing, given the fact that he already looked like he was getting into trouble somehow. "Off on a morning run?" Her sharp voice cut through the quiet forest, a hint of a smile toying with her lips as she drew closer.

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-15-2019, 05:40 PM
Song’s pale blue eyes watched the horizon where the old moose lumbered away from him. He didn’t want to be caught off guard in case she returned. That meant he didn’t pay as much attention to what was behind him. Obvious in the way his alabaster ears pointed towards the river. His breath didn’t return to him, and felt even further from return when the she wolf’s voice alerted him to her presence.

The Destruction jumped visibly, but he couldn’t move much because of the hit he had just taken. He was lucky if he might escape with some bruising, and he didn’t think he was hit hard enough to have to worry about internal bleeding. No, he just had to suffer his hurt pride.

With flushing cheeks the heavy wolf swiveled his thick neck in his pack mate’s direction. He hadn’t gotten to lay eyes on her yet, but she was just as stunning, if not more than the rest of Ignatius’ pack. She looked like a delicate ice sculpture, and caused Song to be at a loss for words.

Aware of how rude he would come off to be Song was able to recover before crossing the polite threshold. He lowered his haunches to the ground and hung his head between his front legs as he tried to be able to breathe enough to even answer her.

”Dance,” he huffed a bit as he pulled his head upright to gaze upon his unexpected company once more. ”Actually. With..-huff- ..a moose.” Unable to remain in that position his head fell to his shoulders as he took in a few more deep breaths. ”Not the best partner. Do not recommend.” He tried to laugh at himself, but only got a couple pitiful wheezes before he had to struggle for breath again.



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
03-19-2019, 09:08 PM
Truthfully, he was quite the sight right now. Song was doubtlessly handsome - not even a sliver as handsome as Ignatius, in her eyes, but then again who really was? - but more visually appealing than most wolves tended to be. The way he was breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath made her quirk a brow in amusement. She succeeded in startling him, at least slightly, and her smirk only grew as she watched him flinch at her sudden arrival. She hadn't expected him to notice her approach, judging by his heavy breathing and the wounded state he seemed to be in, but seeing him be caught off guard entertained her far more than it probably should have.

Dance, he corrected her, and she let a low chuckle fall from her mouth. Hey, at least he was being honest, she'd give him that much. "Dance," she repeated slowly, never losing that faint hint of amusement from her voice. "With a moose. Sounds like quite the morning." Ah, so he was a daredevil, was he? Or perhaps he was just foolish. Either way, she was intrigued with this one. He assessed the scenario poorly, stating he didn't recommend it, and her brow only quirked further. "Duly noted."

She was quiet for a moment as she assessed him before drawing closer. Her gaze was scrutinizing. This was no wolf from their homelands, not that she could tell at least. He must be a native of these lands, perhaps? "I'm Kirsi, by the way. I guess you could say I'm new to Fyri." It felt strange to know she was a newcomer in these lands, and in Fyri, when she'd known Ignatius for so long.. but alas, a newcomer she was.

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-26-2019, 08:37 AM
Song took in a few more gasping breaths as she moved closer. At least if momma moose came back there would be two of them this time. He spared a glance back towards where he'd seen her return to where he had disturbed her. Still not positive he was out of the woods yet. Not that he was out of the woods in the literal sense, he chuckled internally as his blue gaze took in the massive trees around him.

The woman seemed amused by his words but she had the manners not to laugh at him. Though he would not have blamed her if she did. He should have been paying more attention to his surroundings. If he had this never would have happened.

"Song Destruction," he offered his name in return. Though she mentioned she was new Song had no doubt he wasn't much more of a veteran. "I'm somewhat new, I wasn't here at the founding but I did make it to the first meeting." He would have remembered seeing her there he was sure of that. "Not to pry, but I have to know. Are you related to Ignatius?" They weren't the same colors really, but there was enough to assume family resemblance.



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
03-31-2019, 08:17 PM
In truth, Kirsi wasn't one to stand off with a moose. Not that she was afraid to... but fighting things head on wasn't exactly her style. No, she was a much sneakier fighter, and she knew deep down if the moose did reappear she'd be much more likely to haul ass and leave Song to fend for himself than stand by his side and fight. She hardly knew him, after all, and risking her hide for a stranger was also not her style. For that reason she too was a touch more observant of her surroundings than she might normally be, ears swiveling as as she searched for any potential noises that might indicate an angry prey animal stomping back this way to finish its fight.

So far, nothing, but she would still be wary just in case.

She dipped her head to him in acknowledgement when he offered his name, logging it into memory. He admitted he was somewhat new, though he'd been around long enough for a pack meeting. Hm. She couldn't help but wonder what a meeting led by Ignatius would consist of; she knew him in a far different way than these wolves did and seeing him as her superior would take some... adjustment, to say the least. "It's a pleasure then, Song Destruction," she spoke, her voice maintaining that slightly playful lilt she'd held before. The question, though it struck her as strange, didn't make her expression falter in the slightest. "We're not related, though Ignatius is..." He was what to her? Her mate? Her ex-lover? Had they even been technically not together, even in the time they'd spent apart? For a second she felt her smile wilt as she tried to find the words. "You could say we have.. history. I've known him since we were young, though we just reunited recently." That was about the easiest way to explain it, but it was clear there was a lot more to it than that.

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-07-2019, 03:43 PM
The corners of Song's mouth pulled back in a gentle smile as Kirsi expressed pleasure in knowing his name. She didnt answer the question he asked like he thought she was about to either. They were not related, which came as a slight surprise. He realized he would have to stop admiring her so freely as well if she was Ignatius' woman. Song wasn't about that game, but he wouldn't deny her beauty.

If he interpreted her correctly they had a complicated past, which led him to believe they had originated from the same area. There was a lot more that she wasn't saying, but Song wasn't about to push it either. They'd just met, what business did he have with her past or love life.

"I'm glad you've found one another again," he offered with a nod of his head. He figured that was a safe enough place to take their conversation. "Do you like Fyri so far?" it was a young pack, barely fledged. They had a lot of growing to do yet and Song was glad to be there to help.



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
04-16-2019, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2019, 04:16 PM by Kirsi.)
Whether or not he was surprised by her answer, Kirsi couldn't know for sure. The rather drastic coloration of the wolves in her and Ignatius's homelands... well, she was beginning to realize it wasn't quite so common elsewhere. While she wouldn't see similarities between the two of them as Song might, it wasn't an outrageous thought that they might be somehow distantly related, perhaps spanning back dozens of generations. If there was any relation, it was too distant to pay any mind to whatsoever - though she wouldn't be alarmed if he'd phrased his question in a more straightforward way.

"As am I," Kirsi agreed, hardly skipping a beat. She was smiling faintly, deciding there was no possible way to stress just how glad she was that they'd not only found one another, but that Ignatius was willing to give her a chance. To give the truth a chance. They had made miles to go before much progress was made in their reconciliation but both of them seemed content to simply enjoy one another's presence for now, unburdened by their painful history, if but for a short while.

Did she like Fyri so far? Perhaps she had been a bit distracted by her reunion with Ignatius that she'd neglected to learn some of the finer details of this pack he'd created. She made a mental note to connect with him on a more serious note, about his goals and desires for this empire of his. "I do." There's nowhere I'd rather be, she thought to herself, though she knew better than to admit that. Anywhere Ignatius was, she would want to be.  "And what about you? Does Fyri suit a handsome man like yourself?" There was no real hint of flirtatiousness in her voice, despite her words - she knew words were a powerful tool and she'd let Song interpret what she meant to imply.. or not imply. Either way he chose to take it.  "I presume Ignatius's ideals fit with your own?" Kirsi's eyes narrowed curiously as she studied him, a brow quirking.

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-17-2019, 03:53 PM
He didn’t know about their history and he didn’t ask, but there was some relief in her voice as she stated, ”As am I.” He perked an eyebrow, willing to listen if she decided to go one, but she answered his question instead. She made a quick reply, giving him little more than an affirmation before turning the question back to him and added a comment about his appearance. He managed to stifle too big of a grin, but he couldn’t help but think back to the meeting again. Their male to female ratio was off, and that had potential to cause friction.

”The only thing I might change is if there were a few more she wolves like you.” He chuckled, adding nothing but a playfulness to his voice. ”I’m slowly getting to know Ignatius and his.. your?.. customs.” He added the question with a tilt of his head. ”I like where the pack is located, the North suits me well. His goals for the pack seem honorable enough that supporting him is easy.” He told her as he finally started to catch his breath from the exertion earlier. However, his side was becoming more sore th elonger they spoke.



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
05-23-2019, 08:02 AM
It was admittedly strange, to be thrust into a new world, where they could - in some ways - forge out new paths for themselves. For once it felt as though they'd broken free from their pasts, and they were now able to create the future they had once dreamed off, free from the tyranny of Ignatius's brother that had plagued them both for so long. Ignatius had only made her promise honesty from here on out, which she had agreed too... they had much to discuss in the future, but she knew there was no real hurry. For the first time in her life, she felt truly free, and she intended to ride out that feeling for as long as possible.

His flattering comment earned a grin of her own. Being flirtatious was a trait she'd had since she was young, and though she found it more easily reigned in after reuniting with Ig, it wasn't altogether gone. "Ah, well... I'm sure having you here will help that cause," Kirsi teased back lightly, finding it hard to stifle the faint grin that teased her lips at his appealing words. Song went on to admit he liked the lands Ignatius had chosen, and she nodded a bit more seriously now in agreement. "I'm eager to see what the future holds for us. I'm hopeful," she said simply, though her words held deeper meaning - and some of her hopes were more personal than Ignatius's pack flourishing. though the hurt of losing their children still weighed heavily on her mind, she couldn't shake the feeling that maybe that hurt could somehow be undone.

But enough of those thoughts. "I shouldn't keep you much longer. I'm sure you need a rest after dancing with a moose," Kirsi teased, a sparkle in her eye as she let a soft bout of laughter fall from her lips.