
dangerous roads



3 Years
Extra large
03-12-2019, 11:18 PM

*:・゚✦ Raquel's gaze was glassy, pointless, nearly dead as she retreated into her mind and, for the first time, gained solace in thoughts that she often tried to throw away. The glorious temptress did not know just how deeply her thoughts would carry her, but she knew they were deeper than what she could even care to admit. For at times like these, shrouded in silence, were times she could look back on the many events that happened throughout her life. Yes, hell, her father was sure to create a world of absolute havoc for the young maiden and she hopes one day when she has children, that she won't subject them to a cruel and heinous life that she had lived - and still is living. Although pushing aside the thoughts of her father, came the wandering images of her twin brother, the bastard who prayed to the Gods of lovely death - decapitation or skinning, Poseidon was never too creative in his kills. A small smile canvasses her countenance, eyes fluttering open as the images of her beloved, yet loathed brother melts away.

It wasn't easy being the eldest daughter of a King. Actually, it was stressful, to say the least. Being the next in line for the throne was hard to comprehend, better yet, it was a burden to let that weight fall upon her shoulders. On all deaf ears, she would have ruled over hounds who wouldn't appreciate her, nor respect her. Howbeit, she planned to change that, oh how she wanted so badly now to be at the head of any Empire. She wanted the crown, it was rightfully hers after all and if she were to be the one who wears it and sits upon the iron throne - then so be it.. Power was a gift from The One God, the almighty Dragon God whom was the first of his kind, forged from the pillars of nothing and plucked from the galaxy to mend all Realms; that is who Raquel worships to the best of her ability.

Raquel stalks, prowls, the eternity of the realm - hoping for some sort of companion. Whether or not that was a mere squirrel or even a pup.. she yearned for companionship - now more then ever before. Being away from her family was something new to her, she despised the feeling of loneliness and she hated being alone..

ooc; this is shit x.x my muse blew towards the end of this so i wrapped it up lol i'm tired




3 Years
03-12-2019, 11:29 PM
The spider-witch was sitting on the beach lulled by the languid flowing of the tide. As she watched the waves carelessly dribbling onto the sand she couldn't help thinking about the scenes she beheld the days before. Her own brother, th eheir of their Empire, her King, got taken away from her. He became a slave or God knows what to the religious fanatic.

What she saw in the smooth twilight of the Battlefield was something that would conjure powerful images in her mind for days to come. The spirits were enraged by the acts performed on that day. She sat transfixed watching the sky just above the horizon not knowing what to make of the vision that was unfolding before her eyes. Then dusk came, followed by night accompanied with a soft breeze gently stroking her ghoulish face.

The gurgling and the gushing of the waves brought her back to reality. Alone on this soft golden sand beach hemmed in by jagged cliffs she wanted to find a new resolve, she had to find a way to get to Hannibal. She had to find her way back to reality and start her quest after the stolen horizon, after her stolen brother..


Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.