
doin some healin



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-14-2019, 09:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2019, 05:58 PM by Ásvor.)

Ásvor was slowly but surely getting used to living so far south. Her blossoming relationship with Valdis was definitely helping her settle in and enjoy herself here, though she was still getting used to the feeling of caring so deeply for another. She couldn't help but feel faintly overprotective, especially when Valdis was gone for any extended period of time, but the more pleasant feelings that their new dynamic ignited within her far outweighed the negatives. After feeling restless for so many years, at last she felt a sense of peace within herself that was hard to explain, though she was basking in the newfound feeling.

Today, though, her mind was wandering. With the arrival of spring, she decided she ought to work on starting a proper herb stash, now that she was (hopefully) settled down a bit more permanently. Though the north was her domain, and much of it rightfully belonged to her family - as far as she was concerned - the gods apparently simply had other plans with her. While she was in the south, for as long as she remained here, she intended on taking full advantage of the climate and the fertility of these lands. When she wasn't spending time with Valdis, or otherwise helping Legion thrive, she needed to be working on her own personal skills. It'd been a long while since she'd properly gathered herbs, or experimented with them herself, and she knew that needed to change.

Today was the perfect day to begin exploring the further reaches of the knolls, which she was doing at her own ease. It was early morning still, and a chill remained in the air, though it was invigorating rather than uncomfortable. Asvor glided quietly along the ground, veiled by a low-hanging layer of fog that clung to the earth, slowly dissipating as the sun rose in the sky. She kept her head low, sniffing at the scents that surrounded her. Flowers and plants of all sorts were beginning to sprout, and one in particular caught her interest. She wasn't totally sure what it was until she got closer and got a better look at it, but further inspection verified it was feverfew, a flower good for helping with migraines and fevers alike - hence the name. They almost resembled daisies, though had far smaller petals, though the leaves were what was used the most. Asvor studied the flowers for a short while, nosing through the small young plants in search of the more fully-formed stalks.

Words so far: 418



5 Years
04-25-2019, 07:02 PM

Now that her den was properly made it was time to stock it with herbs. The essentials and hopefully some of the more rare ones. She had spent yesterday getting a good group of the common herbs. and had already had her little stock started. Today she was hopefully to get some uncommon ones, maybe even find some that she had never used before. She would need to get cracking on her task since she was starting so late within the season. She headed out to the knolls where she felt there would be a more abundance of herbs compared to the range. It wasn't long in her travels before she had caught sight of a familiar, yet unfamiliar face. She recognized her from the pack, but on a personal level Delaney had never met her in person.

She seemed to be foraging for herbs as well, by the looks of it. Delaney would smile and head over to her letting out a soft bark to let her know she was approaching. She didn't want to spook and possibly ruin a herb she was harvesting. When she was close enough she spotted what the other female was looking at feverfew, she knew the plant but hadn't realized that it had healing properties.

"What does this one do for healing?" she asked as she looked at it.

While she waited for an answer she looked around the nearby area in search of more nearby hoping to help the other healer and to maybe even collect some herself. She found another plant nearby and glanced back to the other female with a wag of her tail.

"Here's another one, would you like another one for your stash," she asked with a light smile.

Looking back to the plant she noticed another plant nearby that she had actually noticed. It was one she had experimented with before and knew that it was indeed a herb. It was a cluster of little white flowers that looked like mini Daisy's, but it was in fact chamomile.

"This Chamomile here would be good to have too. It's used for Anxiety and relaxation. It's also good for wound healing and inflammation. When using it you can either apply it like a compress or take the dry leaves and stew them within hot water to drink it" she said with a grin.


Word count: 388
Current total: 806
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-27-2019, 02:40 PM

Though Legion was a small group, she knew getting to know her packmates was something she needed to work on. It wasn't that she was shy - no, far from it - but she was inherently an independent creature and small talk had never really been her thing. Either way, she found herself relieved when she saw someone out of the corner of her eye and they approached her first before waiting for an invitation. Likewise, she seemed to skip ahead through any possible formalities or greetings to start asking about what herb she was studying, which Asvor appreciated. She knew her name - Delaney - and that she was a packmate, and that was good enough for her.

She proceeded in pulling one of the plants from the ground before answering Delaney, gingerly sitting it down next to her. The stalk wasn't necessary, but she had no way to transport the petals on their own and traveling with the entire flower was a far easier method. She studied the single plant she'd harvested for a long moment before tilting her head toward Delaney. "Most people think feverfew is used only to help curb fevers, but it's also good for helping migraines too," she explained briefly, trying to remember if the plant had any other uses.

When Delaney found another stray plant nearby she offered it to her, and Asvor nodded, smiling faintly in appreciation. "Thanks," she replied slowly. The other female's slightly upbeat demeanor was unusual for her to interact with, and a far cry from her own, but Asvor appreciated the company more than she'd expected. Delaney was a fellow healer, so time spent with her would be useful regardless of how she felt about her personally.

Her gaze lifted to follow Delaney as her attention shifted elsewhere. "I've heard a bit about chamomile," she replied easily, finding the words were coming more easily now. "I didn't know it was good for healing wounds, though," she admitted, pulling away from the small pile of flowers she'd collected to sniff at the chamomile. "Most of my experience with herbs lies in.. recreational herbs, rather than medicinal," Asvor explained nonchalantly, as if worried that Delaney might frown upon her lack of knowledge.



5 Years
04-30-2019, 09:06 PM

Delaney was very intrigued to learn about the plant Asvor had taken, noting that she had taken the whole plant. She was happy to hear it had more then one purpose and noted it mentally so she could store it away in her memory bank. She also did want the plant she had found and Delaney carefully mimicked what Asvor had done, taking the stalk and up with the plant. Visually Delaney would take in the plant as she harvested it. She did this to try and memorize what the plant looked like so that she could recognize it. She would also take small whiffs of the plant with her nose to try and memorize the smell of the plant. Delaney did this with each herb she learned about she she had not one piece, but all information she could take in.

"Do you use the whole plant? Or do you use the petals for feverfew" she would ask before picking up the plant gently in her mouth.

She moved back over the lay the plant beside the one Asvor had harvested. She would then go back to carefully harvest the whole plant of chamomile for her own stock as Asvor would speak. She perked hearing that Asvor didn't know the plant was used for healing. The chocolate and blue women had never learned about recreational herbs. In fact she could never remember anyone mentioning it to her so she was interested in the knowledge.

"What have you heard about chamomile?" she would ask curious to whatever purpose it had no matter what it is.

She mulled over what Asvor had said a little longer. She was curious about these recreational herbs for the simple knowledge, plus if it gave her a chance to bond with Asvor then that was even better. Even if Delaney never had to use the knowledge it would still be good to learn about.

"I havn't learned anything on recreational and I would be willing to learn if your up for teaching me," she said looking to the pale women.


Word count: 340
Current total: 1,515
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-04-2019, 06:04 PM

"From what I know, the flowers as well as the leaves can both be used," Asvor explained briefly as the two of them moved on to focus on the chamomile. What had she heard about it? Hmm. She cocked her head briefly to the side as she tried to recall what she knew.  "Mostly what you said first. That it's useful for anxiety and inducing relaxation." Other herbs had similar uses, but.. different side effects, particularly the recreational types, and she knew not all were favorable.

A slight smile tugged at her lips at Delaney's words.  "Some are dangerous to experiment with, and if you don't have a good teacher.. well, the results can be.. interesting." Briefly she thought back to the few times she'd consumed too much of a psychedelic plant, and what the effects had been - enlightenment and visions from the gods, of course, but with it came a loss of self-control that could be alarming. "One useful herb I've found growing around here is called cannabis. It's good for helping manage pain, and stimulating appetite, but it does have psychoactive effects.."

Asvor's words trailed off as she abandoned their patch of chamomile to sniff at the air. Luckily enough, a small cluster of wild cannabis was growing not far from where they stood, only a few dozen yards away. She made a metal note of where they'd laid their herbs earlier, letting out a bark to signal Delaney to join her, if she hadn't started this way already.  "Luckily, the only real effects of consuming too much are that you might get lethargic and fall asleep, but I'd suggest you experiment with it yourself if you want to see," Asvor grinned, slightly amused at the thought. Might as well grab some for myself too, she thought to herself as she set out to gather a small bunch to bring back to her den.