
Let the Fur Fly



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-17-2019, 12:51 PM

The sodden ground sucked and pulled at her paws as Valdís set out on her morning patrol. Spring had brought rain to the lands of the south and it was relentless. If felt like the sky had been gray for weeks and this morning was no exception. Gray clouds blanketed the sky in a smooth even coat but she could see the brassy rays of sunlight trying to break through and give some of spring's warmth to her morning. The deluge of rain had caused lowland flooding here and there where the ground couldn't work fast enough to absorb the water. Valdís had been pleased that the logs and other precautions she'd taken with her den were holding up in the rainy weather. She was also pleased with herself for choosing higher ground when digging her den in the first place but even so. If the river to the south of them flooded much more she'd be in a real spot. It was definitely different from the harsh, rocky terrain of Fenrir's Maw where water was inevitably pulled downward. Of course on the maw one had to be careful of rockslides and mudslides that torrents of rain could unleash.

When the weather stabilized she planned to take Ásvor to the maw for a picnic. Something nice to enjoy the spring and terrain they were more used to. She planned a nice hunt for mountain goat and if that failed there were other options. She knew of a few herbs that grew in the Maw that might interest her lover. She did plan to take a quick venture over to the maw but she was wary of bringing anything back. Knowing her luck she'd bite right onto something poisonous.

Valdís worked her way north as she crossed along the border of the Buffalo Knolls just south of Locus Obscuro. She paused for a moment to eye the dark mountain. The sun had yet to climb over it and the mountainside seemed cloaked in shadow. She tore her eyes from it and continued on her way, rolling her shoulders lightly as she slowed her pace. Valdís was recovering well from the tournament. It had been a good experience and made her realize what areas she needed more practice in. It had also been eye opening to see what fighters would do to gain an advantage. She saw some fighters with multiple companions and others with stranger armor and weapons. The companions in particular caught her interest. It was difficult to fight when outnumbered and she could see some benefit into making a friend. As such she tuned down her aggression and began paying more attention to the various animals that lived around her. As luck would have it she'd managed to befriend a young red fox named Jynette. While they both had different interests they did have common ground and a friendship started to blossom naturally. The fox had lived in the southern lands all her life and had valuable information to offer in return for the protection of a wolf companion.

Valdís slowed to a stop as she spied a small clutter of bobcat kittens playing amongst the rocks at the base of the mountains. The were cute, she had to admit. Little balls of fluff that tumbled and tore after each other. Carefully, she crouched down to watch the kittens. She didn't even hear the bobcat until she felt claws in her butt. A cry slipped from her lips as she whipped around, her jaws flung wide as she nailed the side of the cats head. In a flurry of fur then tore and tussled. The cat had its fangs and claws deep in her left foreleg as he fangs seizes over the creature's scruff. Valdís shook her head violently as the cat yowled. With a final tug she was able to remove the cat from her body but with a well aimed smack to her face she dropped the mouth. With a snarl and a hiss the pair of creatures broke apart and initiated a stare down.

The mother bobcat stood powerfully with her back arced and her fur on end. Valdís held her ground, her hackles raised, her ears pinned back much like the cats. She'd only been watching the kittens but she could understand that, crouched down as she was, she probably looked like she was hunting them. The cat took a tentative step forward and Valdís growled and took a step back. She could probably take the bobcat out but she didn't really want to risk it. She had a patrol to finish for one thing. For another she knew Ásvor would not be pleased for her to come home with yet another bundle of injuries. She had a few light and moderate wounds. If she pressed the fight she'd wind up with more serious injuries even if she did gain victory. Valdís carefully backed down and slowly but surely the mother cat retreated back to her kittens. The pair of animals parted, both constantly looking over their shoulders to keep an eye on the other. When the cat disappeared back into the mountain with her kittens she carried on with her attention fully devoted to finishing her patrol.

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