
How bout i do anyway?



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-17-2019, 01:44 PM
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Although the rain had stopped, the runoff slopped over the banks and crept into the meadows of the Rock Garden. The water rushed northward to the ocean. The snow melt off the mountains pushed the water to move quickly, faster than the land could account for. The still frozen ground refused to absorb the moisture and so it continued to build and build. Éldi playfully slapped at a puddle then took a flying leap into a shallow one, sending mud flying into the air. Kylar, his bobcat companion, wrinkled his nose as he leapt gracefully onto a tall boulder. The cat did not care for this wet weather and he wished to remain as dry and mud free as possible.

"Come on Kylar, why don't you join me?" The cat seemed to get very interested in cleaning his paws. "I think not. I'm fine right here." Askr too seemed uninterested in playing in the mud and he perched on a nearby boulder hoping to sun himself in the fleeting bands of sunshine before another cloud obscured them.

Éldi was still recovering from the tournament. Some of his wounds had healed without any trouble but others looked to be struggling. One in particular was red and inflamed and he was starting to worry that it was becoming infected. He would need to see the bands healer, Alfrún, but he was slightly unnerved by the strange woman. Éldi still wasn't as connected to his religion as he knew he should be and sometimes the tales just seemed like stories. He didn't really want to know about her connection to spirits and the realms of the mystical. He liked what he could see and touch and contend with. Even so, it wouldn't do for a wound to make him sick. Such infections could be deadly and put a swift end to even the strongest warrior.

Éldi moved to the river to drink and he quickly did so. He drank deeply as his mind continued to turn and contemplate the future. Kylar was cleaning himself when movement and a soft rumble caught the cats attention. He looked up to see a bear cub waddling toward the boulder upon which he sat. "Uh… guys…. guuuyys." Askr flew down next to the cat and peered at the bear cub before quickly looking around for the mother. He didn't spy anything immediately but he felt like they ought to get out of there immediately.

"I think we should go," said the bird. Éldi looked up and licked the water off his chin before trotting towards the bear cub. "Hey, look at that. I wonder what he's doing here all alone." The cub stopped and stared at him as Éldi took a few steps closer. His nostrils flared as he took in the scents of the cub. His fur stood on end. "Where's its mother?" There was a chance the cub had lost its mother and was now wandering aimlessly. However, there was also the chance that its mother was feasting and the naughty cub had wandered off.

His wondering was soon answered as a large brown bear burst from behind a large clump of boulders. With a large roar it dove towards him. Claws swept through the air above his head as he bit into her back leg. The bear reached down and attempted to seize his back left leg. Éldi was able to move quickly enough to avoid her getting hold but her fangs still cut into his leg. Kylar swiftly jumped onto the bears back while Askr dove towards its face. The tussled and tumbled until Éldi broke away. "Run!" He didn't want to fight yet another bear, especially by himself. He just wanted to get away but the irate bear insisted on coming after him.

Éldi put on a burst of speed as he dove and weaved around the rocks. Askr took to the air above him as Kylar leapt from one boulder to the next before finally landing next to him. The bear was impossibly fast and soon she bore down on him again, her fangs ripping into his scruff. He yelled and flailed as he tried to twist his jaws around to bite his captor. Then Kylar leapt for the bear, his fangs ripping into the creature's ears as his claws dug into the side of its head. The bear roared and twisted. With a mighty shake of her head she threw the cat off of her and dove for Éldi. He managed to dive out of the way, her fangs cutting into his back but failing to gain hold. With another burst of speed he slipped away from the bear. He ran south as fast as he could until Askr called out to him.

"Éldi, she stopped, she's gone back to her cub!" Panting he came to a stop. Behind him Kylar followed, the cat too exhausted to speak. The trio stood there for a moment before Éldi started to chuckle. "Close one, huh?"