
Who Will Have Me?



2 Years
07-05-2014, 11:03 PM

She had wondered around and around, no place to call home, no one to return to. She felt so useless, so alone and she hated it. She was a wolf made for pack life, not that of a loner. She had made it another year but it was getting harder ever since she lost her family. A year ago now and it still hurt so bad. One would think in time it would get easier, maybe that was true if you had friends and such but alone? It seemed impossible. Her tired paws brought her to the small woods of willow trees. The warming spring breeze playing with the thin branches of the trees, their tips making ripples in the water. She might have found it beautiful it she didn't feel so hollow inside. What was she to do now? She had slept under the stars in the open, never stayed in the same place one. At least here there was the promise of fish and water birds.

The thought of food brought some life back into the young earthen colored girl. Silently she crept along, swaying with the breeze. In time she spotted a heron along the water line looking for fish. Scanning the area she judged how much room she had before launching after the bird. Of course the bird became alarmed and tried to take to the air. What the heron didn't plan for was the wolf to launch straight up into the air as if her paws were made of springs and her jaws to close around it's body. Graceful Rohini twisted in the air to land on her paws and give the killing bite, quick and swift. For a moment pride glowed off of her as she admired her catch. There were very few things the girl was proud of. Sitting down she looked around as if any minute someone might come and steal her food, which had happened a few times since Seracia disbanded. She dug into her kill, swiftly pulling off feathers and inhaling the meat.

It had been some time since she had had a full meal undisturbed. Licking her lips she pulled away to go rest against the trunk of a willow. Again the depression of being so isolated crashed down upon her. She doubted she would ever shake off this feeling, maybe her fate was to be forever alone. Even when she was in Seracia she never felt like she belonged, never bonded with anyone but Destruction and Squall, both who seemed to disappear. "They always lie.." She mumbled to herself as she laid her head down upon her paws, green eyes starring off into the distance.



07-09-2014, 09:09 PM

Vi had come here for a walk, for away time from her pack and their pitying eyes. She couldn't handle the pitying eyes. And so she would head towards the woods, skull lowered to help with her balance and tail forever working to try and keep her on her paws. She felt wrong walking, her leg hanging uselessly rather then being curled up to try and put as little pressure on the muscles as possible. Paw was arched up, keeping the limb from dragging on the ground. She moved slowly, still not very stable but slowly getting better. This was the place she had considered claiming but now it would simply be her own place. It was beautiful here, perfect even in the early spring. But what was that? Was that blood? Head would tip as she paused in her movements, nose lifting to sniff at the air. Was someone hunting here? Vi would let out a soft bark, allowing whoever was here to know that she was there as well. Then she would begin her walking again, hobbling forward until the woman came into view. "Do you mind some company?" Vi smiled easily at the woman, she was vaguely familiar. Had they met before? Slowly Vi would lean into a tree, pressing her right good shoulder into the bark to try and alleviate some of the pressure on her paw. It would only help slightly but she didn't yet feel comfortable enough to sit.




2 Years
07-10-2014, 09:50 PM

She had let her mind go blank, not wondering or pondering, just void of everything. Had she been there much longer her eyes would have fallen closed to a light slumber. But alas a soft bark sounded not too far away. Her light green gaze came back into focus, head lifting up slightly to look around. She would have gotten up, maybe slip away in silence but she just couldn't find the once to care. She let a sigh slip from her lips and laid her head back down till the other came into view.

At once the young girl's head snapped up in alarm. What had happened to this woman? And she knew just who this was, making mixed feelings stir in her belly. This was the red woman who had challenged Destruction for her home and won. She was the reason she was so at lose with the world. Had tore down everything she had started to build. Maybe not directly but her taken over Seracia had done it. But at the same time Rohini was no fool to not see she seemed in be very uncomfortable. Her injured leg held in an odd angle. Eyes glanced down as the red woman came over to the tree and leaned against it. Naturally Rohini was submissive and ears went back in respect."No, go ahead.." She replied softly. A spark of an idea hit her and she glanced up before swiftly getting to her paws and going to gather feathers from her kill.

She would return slowly, tail wagging softly but slightly tucked in, head lowered and feathers held in her jaws in a delicate grip. She moved closer and set the feathers down near the red woman's paw. "I..thought..maybe you'd like to rest her leg and paw on something soft." She explained and stepped back about a foot and sat down. Eyes expectant as she waited.



07-12-2014, 01:58 PM

There was alarm in the young woman's eyes and Vi immediately allowed a friendly smile to slid into place across inky lips. Darkness seeped at the edges of her mind and for a moment it tickled at her vision, threatening to take over but no. Not yet. Vi would wait as the woman sorted through whatever feelings the sight of Vi might have brought her. Was this woman a lady of Valhalla? Or maybe old Seracia? It had all be so long ago it seemed. World domination didn't come without its prices and enemies would be a big one. But what happened if this woman turned hostile? Could a I fend her off until help could come? Did Vi even want to fend anyone off? But it seemed that that would not be an issue, the woman folding her ears back submissively as Vi leaned into the tree and the woman agreed to allow Vi to join her. The red woman would nodd gratefully and was about to open her jaws to speak again when the woman hopped up and began gathering feathers. What was she up to?

Once she had completed whatever task she had set out to do she would return her attention to Vi and approach slowly, tail licking at her ankles behind her. There was no threat there so Vi would simply regard her with the utmost curiosity. What was she up to? Feathers would be placed on the ground before Vi and she would explain. It was for her paw? Vi's smile softened further as she lowered herself to her haunches and unfurled left forepaw to place it gently on the bed of feathers. Why had Vi never thought of that? "That feels much better... Thank you. I'm Viridiana Sovari, might I ask your name?" It only felt polite right? Introductions seemed to be in order so Vi could formally thank this woman for her assistance.

Table by Azil



2 Years
07-15-2014, 09:54 PM

She sat there silently like a child awaiting for someone to discover what she found. Watching the red woman a smile lite her eyes, pleased that her idea seemed to be of some help. The relief on the face of the other was enough of an answer for the earthen girl. She took pride in small things and it would show as her body seemed to perk up slightly. So her name was Viridiana, a name she had not gotten that day of the challenge. " Rohini Astraea...former Seracian." She would reply back as green orbs would cast down at her paws. She wasn't sure why she needed to mention what pack she had once belonged to. It was not in spite of the woman, to remind her of what she had done and make her think of what she had down to the girl. No, it was more out of that flickering pride she held for carrying that honor of a title. She had once belonged to something good, great, strong and safe. But like her last name it was like a name of a ghost. A name of someone or something that once was and is no more.

For all Rohini knew she was the last of her blood line, of whatever blood line that was. She had slowly started to come to terms her family was and is forever gone. She had once thought she had been part of another only to have that idea shattered. She would glance up at Viridiana, "Are..Aren't you alpha of a pack? And..if so why are you out here?" One would think a healer would be tending to their alpha and the every least the whole of the pack. Or at least that's how Rohini thought it was suppose to be.