
I'm not ready



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - GayBeevent
03-25-2019, 11:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2019, 05:52 PM by Octave.)

The boy had been wandering for a long time, he'd only encountered his sister once, still no sign of his brother or parents. In truth, he was tired of not having a solid place to turn in and he'd been working up the courage to approach the border of a nearby pack. He'd woken up that day sure today would be the day- but as it turned his courage had failed him. So instead he set about exploring a nearby oddity.

"You'll be fine tomorrow, I'm sure." Noko encouraged him from his back, the tiny lemur nestled in her usual spot between his shoulder blades.

"You've said that every day for the last week." Octave sighed, giving his pelt a quick shake, feeling Noko's finger's digging in and she squeaked. The boy supressed a smirk.

"That's because it's true every day. You're a lot more capable than you give yourself credit for." Noko said, sounding perfectly indignant. "Now please warn me before you do that again."

Octave nodded, sighing. "Hold on, I'm going to jump up there." He gave Noko a second to tighten her grip and then leapt easily onto one of the lower rocks. He cast his violet gaze over the field, a small smile spreading across his lips. When his nerves were getting the best of him finding something new really helped to sooth him.

Octave & Noko

[Image: dPPg3BE.png]
Octave mostly speaks through his Red bellied Lemur companion Noko, assume she's with him unless explicitly stated otherwise
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



3 Years

Treat 2019
05-28-2019, 05:29 PM
The day grew more mature as Ox walked slowly over the rock strewn plains. As far as his garnet gaze could see more grass more rocks. Though the grass was quite prolific and made plenty of food for tiny morsels. Rodents of all kinds seemed to make their home here and Oxide amused himself by snapping them up as silver paws carried him onwards. A few boulders lay strewn like a tall staircase before him, the shortest leading up to one that towered over the plains.

The stone was a dark mottled gray, flecked with tiny bits of white. It was a hard substance, and he had no doubt he could easily blunt his claws upon the material. Carefully he scaled the long pill shaped stones. Rust marked features looked about him as the boy reached the height of the stones. Garnet gaze peered out over the horizon, unsurprised that all he could see was plains for miles.

He turned slowly, facing North at first. He thought he had been able to glimpse a glimmer of white from a far off snow covered peak but he wasn’t sure. As he turned eastward the smell of the sea reached him, and he knew in that direction he would find ocean. Southward he turned and could see the hint of a mountain range, as he shifted Westward more plains and maybe a hint of sulfur, he thought he had seen a volcano in that general direction. What really caught his attention though, was the alabaster wolf he could see scaling a similar formation.

Ox was eager for a bit of amusement, the plains held little of interest and he cared not for torturing small rodents. A fight would make the boy’s day, from here the stranger seemed the same build as himself at this distance. The Nightingale boy was young, and much too confident in himself. Eagerly he descended once more and started in the direction of the pale wolf. He didn’t do anything to hide his approach, and his youthful cockiness was obvious in his exaggerated gait. He only stopped when he reached the base of the stone Octave had scaled.

The rust colored boy looked wolf and lemur over, garnet gaze critical as he roved his pale form. As far as Ox could tell, this was no warrior. ”See anything interesting, friend?” He started, not wanting to scare him off quite yet. However appealing the thought of sending the boy squealing felt.