
The Hush of Evening



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
03-27-2019, 08:50 PM
I have toured the endless starlight…

Late evening fell over the knolls just as the sun managed to break through the clouds. It cast its amber light across the brown and green grasses. The warm weather was swiftly bringing the meadows of the knolls to life but it still had some time to go before the full lush green would spread out in all directions. She was excited for the spring. For now the spring was rolling in swift and harsh, bringing great storms and torrential rain with her but by the time she was fully laid over the southern territories Aerndis was hopeful for mild, warm wealther. She was excited by the prospect of laying out in the sun after a good hunt.

Aerndis stopped as she spied a pile of deer droppings. Curious she scented them and was pleased to find they were fresh. Stalking along the deer trail she spied a herd of mule deer grazing in the distance. Well now, that was a good group of fine animals. She'd been working hard to feed the pack and it had been a stressful during the winter when prey was scarce. She debated about calling together a pack hunt but she was so used to hunting solo she found the prospect a bit intimidating. She was one of the few hunters, mayhaps the only one and felt a duty to keep her pack well fed.

Rudolph flew above her and called out as he spied the mule deer feeding. He was as excited for a hunt as she was and he swiftly flew down to land in the grass. Aerndis followed suit, her body slinking low as she slipped into the grasses. She quickly coiled her legs beneath her as she settled in to watch the mule deer feeding. She was recovering well from her journey though there was still so much to process. She had a sudden influx of new relatives but in addition to gaining some she'd also lost some. Valentine had told them of his disowning of Rhyme and his pups and while she didn't know the man very well she did feel some loss at the severed ties. Probably just as well, the idea that he'd fooled around with his own flesh and blood bothered her. She couldn't imagine sleeping with one of her kin. She supposed what truly frightened her was the idea that she herself could be cast aside if she failed to live up the Imperialis name. It was a horrifying idea, simply horrifying that she could have found her family only to fail in some measure and be cut off from it. Aerndis had to be sure she did her best.

Aerndis continued to watch the herd. It was a good mix of animals, some young and some old. She spied a pair of fawns scampering through the grass, chasing after one another. There were some older deer in the herd as well. An old doe paused and looked about her, seemingly aware that she was being watched but as she saw now sign of a threat she bent her head to continue eating. She continued to analyze the herd as she tried to select a target. She eyed an older doe but was doubtful she could take an adult alone even though an older deer would feed more wolves. Her eyes lingered on one of the fawns. She could take one of those by herself for sure and even though it wouldn't feed as many of her packmates this was an opportunity that only came around during spring time. Besides, she was willing to bet her grandfather would appreciate the tender meat.

The deer were spread out and grazing throughout the knolls which meant little nearby shelter. The flipside was that it meant less cover for herself. Aerndis crouched down and began to stalk towards the deer. She moved painfully slowly. At one point one of the old doe's was fixed right on her and Aerndis swore she stopped breathing for what felt like forever until the doe was satisfied and continued grazing. Her companion, Rudolph, flew above the herd. She watched him for a minute to pick up his signals before glancing back at the herd. The fawns were tumbling and running and when the circled around between her and the adults she sprang.

The flurry of movement caused the deer to panic. They darted and ran, the fawns trying to catch up with their mothers. Their long thin legs seemed so fragile but they moved so quickly and elegantly. Rudolph dove down in front of one of the fawns, startling it badly. The fawn stumbled and in a moment Aerndis had her jaws around it's throat. Its front legs kicked out at her, striking her chest. They struggled and tussled but she held firm until the creature passed.

Carefully setting down the kill she tipped back her head and howled for anyone who was hungry to join her. Sure, it wasn't much but if the whole pack showed up maybe they could hunt something else in a nearby territory.