
Don't Come After Me Like That



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
03-31-2019, 01:52 PM
All You Have Is Your Fire...

Long, low strips of fog filled the green hollows and ravines near the Redbud Nook. The mists feathered over the creeks and rivers in the early hours of the morning. The torrential rain storm the night before was finally starting to ease up but still the sky sputtered and spit. Pyralis pinned her ears to her head in annoyance as she headed south toward the canyon. Alkali flew from tree branch to tree branch, not caring to linger too long in the rain-filled air. Pyralis' travel was slow and methodical. The rush of rain from the storm in addition to the snow melt was causing numerous rivers to swell. Lowland areas were filled with standing water and fields seemed to turn to glass as they reflected the sky. Surely but steadily she worked her way down off Mount Volkan and into the Redbud Nook proper.

Spring was in full bloom, little pink buds adorning the trees. It was beautiful. The buds would be fleeting and she wished to enjoy the splash of color before the heat of summer moved fully into Boreas. Clouds still scattered through the sky but she could see the faint rays of sun seeking to break through the cover to start warming the earth for which she was grateful. Pyralis sought to do more exploration in Boreas but there was only so much of the harsh Borean winter that she cared to tolerate at a time. Maybe she was starting to be affected by her age. It was a frightening thought to look into the face of mortality. For so long she'd felt like a goddess. Like she was immortal in every way and would never have to face the specter of death. Of course her family had their faith but her faith seemed to roll in and out like the tide.

Sighing she moved carefully toward the edge of the creek to get a drink. She moved slowly, wrinkling her nose at the feeling of cold mud beneath her paws. She bent her head to lap and the cool water. At least she didn't need to worry about going thirsty. Her ears twitched as she thought she heard the movement of something large in the trees but when she looked up she saw nothing and quickly returned to her drink. Bears were rolling out of hibernation at this time of year. She didn't know if any particularly hungry creature might take a go at her.

Pyralis was engrossed in her drink when she heard the sound of movement not far from her. She looked up and saw a bear cub. Immediately, her ears flicked back, her fur stood on end and she growled at the cub. She wanted the darn thing to go back to its mother. She was in no mood to fight an angry mother bear today but she also wasn't interested in turning tail and running either. The cub didn't seem to get the message. It stopped and cocked its head to the side, staring at her with big brown eyes. Deciding it wanted to investigate this new creature it started to hobble toward. Ahhhhh heck…. she was butted up against the water so she tried to shimmy along the waters edge, snarling at the cub that would not leave her alone.

A greater roar ripped through the air and she turned to see the mother bear. Ahhh… shit! The mother bear charged sending mud spraying up into the air. Pyralis scrambled out of the way, ending up nearly knee-deep in muddy water. The bear reared up and stared at her. She swore again realizing that her only way out was forward. She didn't want to try and swim through that freezing, muddy mess behind her. Pyralis tried to make herself as big as possible but it was clear the mother bear was not the least bit impressed. She landed on all four feet and let out another roar as she moved steadily toward Pyralis. She growled back. Dumb bear was fencing her in!

Pyralis leapt forward and as the bear lifted up it's right paw to take a swipe at her she ducked beneath the limb and slipped past the mother bear but oh no…. now she was between the bear and her cub once more. The mother bear whipped around with impossible speed and charged with all the fury her large body contained. Pyralis just missed being knocked to the side but the force of the bear's bulk pushing past her sent her sprawling into the muck. As the bear pushed by she twisted up and bit into the bear's rear end. Once again it twisted around and they danced until she was finally able to break away from the bear, racing through the nook until at last the bear gave up the chase. Panting she turned her head and let out a sigh. She didn't need this stressful exercise. Licking her lips she headed back on her way.

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!