
Burn Baby Burn



2 Years
04-02-2019, 09:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2019, 10:58 AM by Locust.)

The sulfuric smell surrounded the femme's nostrils as they twitched in displeasure. Though the smell was rather unbearable, the heat was something that the ebon babe had grown all too familiar with. The same heat and smell that had caused her to lose everything that she once held dear. Though she was used to it, the pain had not subsided and had left a permanent reminder of the incident upon her face...taking away her beauty. However, there was a beauty within the embers as well, the ability to provide light, but also take away something of another if one was not too careful, that was one of the reasons why she had a fascination and respect for fire.

She listened to any possible sound and movement, one that could be familiar to her. However, the only thing that seemed to be a familiarity to her was the fire, and the radiating heat that it gave off. She gave a small huff, sitting her haunches upon the ground and being careful of her surroundings, her eye closed as she took in every sound and smell she could that might be off-putting, even when it came to own heat season and the smell of that mixing with the air, however, she only tried to stay calm and remain vigilant any way she could, her posture staying straight, her shoulders moved to align with her back, her cranium held high and proud as her tail curled around her haunches; showing off as much grace and beauty as she could despite her burn, but, she waited to see if anyone were to grace her with their presence as she seemed to be a traveler and have nowhere else to go anyways.
