
nobody knows how the story ends

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-04-2019, 09:53 AM
Rhyme hadn’t had both of his raven’s with him on patrols since before the eggs had hatched. Now that mid spring was upon them the baby ravens were old enough to linger in the nest by themselves. It was warmer now too, and they were fully feathered and looking cute from what he could see from the ground. Hopefully they’d start fledging soon. Already Poem had made friends with one that had both black and white feathers. Rhyme had little doubt the two were going to become a team.

He smiled as thoughts of his growing children played in his mind as his icy paws carried him over the borders of Abaven. Patrolling was a good way to keep his mind from the dark corners he so regularly sought.

Shaye had sought him out the other day, and found him at Darilnor’s grave. The conversation had not been as productive as Shaye had thought it would be, but they’d aired out more than one concern. They still weren’t back to the way things had been, but they were back on course at least.

Rhyme paused to mark the border and Solitude landed on his shoulders with a flurry of wings and a gentle alert that they had company.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-05-2019, 02:27 PM

He had been distancing himself from Abaven. A decision that weighed heavily on his mind and heart. He couldn't deny that he would miss the pack. Miss Shaye and the friendship that they had started to forge. But he knew he couldn't stay. His ideals and hers clashed too much, and he wasn't one to stay under those who wished to control him and berate him for every decision he made. He had decided he wouldn't be one of those wolves anymore...not after what had happened in his birth pack. Granted, Abaven was far from that sort of thing, but he simply just couldn't remain somewhere feeling like he'd be walking on eggshells. His dispute with his nephew was his alone, not Shaye's. He, of course, didn't like the fact that she stepped in and took control of the whole thing. He had a plan that he had set into motion, and she had come and ruined it. Hell, she hadn't even asked him what his plan was. And that alone was enough to make him believe that her words she said the day he had become emotionally vulnerable were just meant to try and make him feel better.

Now though, he didn't feel like there was any truth to them.

Acere returned after several days of scouting Northern lands. He shook off any lingering snow or debris from his coat as he approached Abaven borders. He stopped before them for a moment, suddenly feeling like he was a stranger that didn't belong. He toed the line, and with a heavy sigh, he just stood there for a long moment. He wasn't so sure that he wanted to return. But he wouldn't abandon Abaven the way his brother had abandoned Ruina. So instead, took off to find some water and hoped that a few more minutes would calm his thoughts.

As he returned to the border again, he spotted Rhyme marking them. Crimson gaze watched the man, remembering that he had also been a victim of Shaye's shaming and embarrassment that day. He, of course, hadn't told anyone else what had gone through his mind that day. And considering Rhyme and Shaye's affairs...he could only guess that the alpha pair had worked it out. They were mates, after all. Or so he still assumed. They had tried to keep the whole thing a secret, but keeping secrets never worked very well. Especially in such a large pack. And especially when those secrets were shared. Still, he would keep quiet about it. What Abaven did wouldn't be any of his concern for much longer, anyway. The alabaster titan approached the border, acting like he hadn't just been standing there moments ago and drew closer to Rhyme with a polite dip of his head. "Rhyme. How are you?"

They were still pack mates for now. Rhyme was still his alpha. So he would continue to be polite and respectful while maintaining his distance and decided it would be best for him to speak to them as if they were acquaintances, and nothing more.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-10-2019, 09:28 PM
[ooc]sorry Rhyme got a little rambly, but yay character development![/ooc]

With Solitude’s warning Rhyme knew someone was out there watching, and by the raven’s tone also knew the presence was a friendly. The Slate alpha wasn’t one to go rooting around in the member’s business and continued on about his own tasks until the wolf wished to make their presence known. Or not.

In all honesty he hadn’t thought much about what the wolves of Abaven thought of him now that they knew the parentage of his two daughters. He was a novice healer, he knew the dangers of continued inbreeding. At the same time he couldn’t have been more proud of the little accidents he’d made with Shaye that day. Though he had felt embarrassed at being called out on multiple fronts in front of every wolf in Boreas and Auster he couldn’t deny how real his feelings for Shaye had been. Now though, with everything that had happened it hurt to much to acknowledge it. They weren’t together, their small stint of bliss had been cut short and Rhyme felt better pretending it had never happened. Except for Motif and Poem.

Those two and their siblings were what kept him going, they were the only reason he was still in an alpha position today. Rhyme had been forced to forget his shortcoming and focus on being better. He worked harder and expected more out of himself than the day before.

He pulled his head up from the greening ground at the sound of approaching footsteps. He’d lost himself in thought, but at least he had pushed his sorrow of Darilnor to the side. The man tried to keep himself immersed in raising his offspring and continuing to better his pack. Otherwise he tended to lose sight of what was really important.

Acere greeted him politely, his head dipping as he offered a simple greeting. Shaye had mentioned the pale warrior’s upcoming plans, and Rhyme wondered how long he might be subject to Abaven’s rule. ”Hello, Acere.” He offered in polite if not somber vocals. ”Better than I deserve.” Rhyme added in answer to the question that had followed. ”I hear you have ambitious plans ahead of you and your charges.” He mentioned, implying both the young foxes and his niece and nephew. Losing his apprentice would be the hardest of it all. The boy held huge amounts of potential and Acere was lucky to have him.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-21-2019, 04:19 PM

The slate alpha greeted him and followed with an answer to his question. Better than he deserved huh? Well, he wouldn't pass his judgment on Rhyme. It wasn't his business, anyway. While he loathed the idea of inbreeding, maybe it was just how the Destructions were. All speculation of course, but he did wonder from time to time just how in the hell the family got so big and all resembled each other so much. He knew genes and stuff could be passed down, but literally, every Destruction he encountered so far it seemed like all had the same if not similar, markings. He didn't respond to that, however, and instead pricked his ears forward when he spoke again. So, his plans had gotten out eh? He supposed it was to be expected. Secrets didn't stay secret for very long when living in a pack as big as Abaven's, and he didn't doubt that his niece and nephew might have mentioned it to others.

"Yes, I do. I plan on trying to start a pack of my own in the near future. I've already talked it over with Ignis and Actaea, and they are okay with that. Of course, I've not forced them to go with me. They're choosing to go of their own accord." He raised his head to get a better look at him, "It's nothing personal with you. I just feel like my ideals and that of Abaven's...or Shaye's, rather, are on completely different levels." Of course, he was sure Rhyme knew that already. There was no need to mention what she'd done at the battlefield that day. It was still a sore spot for him, and he hadn't talked to her since.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-21-2019, 10:08 PM
Acere had little reaction to his words, likely he had been expecting to be confronted. Not that Rhyme had outright said what the plans were, but Acere assumed the important ones and Rhyme was perfectly alright with that. The pale man made an effort to mention that his niece and nephew were coming of their own volition. Rhyme would have never kept them within Abaven against their will. Nor would he have accused Acere of doing the same. Rhyme nodded, knowing the two were old enough to start making their own decisions. He hoped they used the knowledge they gained in Abaven wisely.

”You’re a strong man, Acere. I’m sure whatever path calls to you, you will succeed. Actaea and Ignis are lucky to have you as an uncle.” He spoke proudly of the two praetor yearlings. Rhyme had gotten to know both of them, and Abaven would be poorer for their loss. ”Do you have a time frame?” Rhyme wanted to be able to plan ahead, and know the when would help ease that task.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-28-2019, 06:00 PM

He turned his full attention to Rhyme's word and praise. He had hoped he'd been doing a good enough job with his niece and nephew, and someone saw that. He dipped his head in acknowledgement and respect. "Thank you," He was trying his best and evidently succeeding. Part of him still felt bad that he was choosing to leave. But every chapter had an end, and his time in Abaven was nearing that. "I don't have a time planned, exactly. I suppose I'm just sort of waiting for the right moment. It could be today, it could be tomorrow. Maybe a week or a month if not a season from now." Truth be told, he didn't know when exactly.

"I must confess, I'm not entirely keen on leaving. Abaven has done us a great deal of good, looking after Actaea and Ignis. I was proud to serve as the lead warrior as well. Even so, at some point it'll be time for me to move on. Perhaps when I find those that wish to join me is when I'll know for sure that I'm leaving." He still had a lot of work to do. Recruiting heads to start his pack, and planning for that moment.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-02-2019, 06:34 PM
Rhyme felt glad, but also relieved that Acere might leave Abaven on a good note. He knew that the pale warrior had clashed with Shaye, but Rhyme still felt a deep respect for a man he might have considered a friend. The slate marked wolf had little time for such relationships with his pack and his children, but Acere had come to hold a special place in Rhyme’s heart.

”"I don't have a time planned,” Rhyme nodded as the massive wolf continued. Raising a pack from nothing held its difficulties, but even without certainty of when Acere still seemed confident. There was much work to be done, but Rhyme had to be ready at a moments notice for Acere to leave. There would need to be more promotions, and the slate mark wolf would have to think about recruiting his own heads to replace the valuable ones leaving.

”It certainly won't be the same around here without the three of you.” Rhyme had his own offspring to fill the void of apprentice now. He hoped that what the two yearlings learned from him proved to be useful.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-08-2019, 10:16 PM

He had a lot on his mind, that much was obvious. His thoughts tended to linger on his future goals, and not so much on Abaven anymore. He didn't blame Rhyme for it, but Shaye. Had she not interfered in his business with his nephew...he probably wouldn't have considered leaving. Or at least not so soon, anyway. He didn't have the heart to tell Rhyme that he planned on leaving sooner rather than later, but even he wasn't completely sure when that would be anyway. Like he had said. It could be today or tomorrow, if not later. He had an idea of what lands he wanted already, though what he wished to do once he had his pack was more or less still up in the air.

He just hoped he did a good enough job leading. ”It certainly won't be the same around here without the three of you.” He carefully looked over the slate alpha. Maybe things wouldn't be, maybe they would. He knew at some point they'd forget about them, probably sooner rather than later. He felt Shaye was already on that path, but it didn't matter. He internally growled at himself for thinking about her and what she thought about it. Did she regret her actions? Did she still stand by them? Did she still think he was in the wrong? Maybe Rhyme knew. They were close after all. Close enough that they even had kids together. He still didn't know what to make of that..."Perhaps not. But I'm sure things will go back to normal once we're gone." They always do...

speech action

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-10-2019, 03:11 PM
Rhyme couldn’t help but wonder what Acere was thinking as his bright red gaze returned to his form. He respected Acere, he and Shaye had disagreed about the events on the battlefield that day. Rhyme didn’t see the benefit of stripping Acere of his rank, he had proved himself in the slate alpha’s mind. Shaye hadn’t seen it that way though. Tensions had been high, and to be honest Rhyme’s attention had been too split to make any kind of decision like that. ”Perhaps not. But I'm sure things will go back to normal once we're gone."

Rhyme managed a chuckle at the statement, even though the general mood was anything but jovial. ”Normal.” He started, his blue and lavender gaze lingering on the horizon as he tried to even define what normal was. ”My life is anything but.” He offered another amused scoff. ”I think I might prefer ‘quiet’ at this point.” He hated to think about how old he was getting, how much time had been wasted while he was a captive. Rhyme couldn’t delve too deep into those thoughts, they just depressed him. He clung to all the good that happened since gaining his freedom, it was better than slipping into the welcome arms of darkness.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-12-2019, 11:55 AM

"Normal." Ears flicked at the response. "My life is anything but. I think I might prefer quiet at this point." Now it was Ace's turn to chuckle, a small grin showing. "Aye, life isn't easy. Especially since we're getting quite old. And no offense, but Abaven is pretty quiet." When Shaye wasn't getting involved in things, that is. The pack was too peaceful, and even with Shaye's supposed goal of it being a pack for warriors to protect the weak, the amount of members Abaven held that didn't know how to really fight or had been in true fights or war was unsettling. As large as the pack was, it was still a target should someone decide they wanted to siege. Especially with the lack of trained fighters.

"I won't lie, Rhyme. I respect you. Probably more than I respect others, and I did enjoy my time here and serving Abaven" But all things good came to an end at some point. And his ties to Abaven would come to an end soon. Granted, there was still the potential of allying with them when he had his pack, but that all depended on how things played out between now and then. He didn't want to treat them as an enemy unless absolutely necessary, but he doubted it would come to that. "Asides from all the shit we've been dealt have things been? How's...Shaye?" He hadn't been in pack lands much since the day at the battlefield. Nor had he spoken to Shaye since. It was fair to say he still cared to a degree, though probably not as much as he used to.

speech action

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-13-2019, 12:33 PM
Acere reacted with a good natured chuckle as Rhyme made vocal his desire to have peace. ”...but Abaven is pretty quiet.” The alpha couldn’t argue to heavily, ”At least since the threat of slavers was dealt with.” Acere probably had little idea how tense Rhyme felt with his family and the huge potential for violence that lingered to the west. Shaye had already talked him down after his mother had appeared at the border. Rhyme felt foolish for his emotional response now, but the pain of that betrayal was hard to let go.

Acere continued though, and Rhyme nodded respectfully as the pale man made voice to how Rhyme felt as well. He respected Acere. ”how have things been? How's...Shaye?" Rhyme’s blue and lavender gaze found Acere’s brilliant rubies as he asked, the alpha didn’t miss the hesitation. The relationship between himself and his alpha partner was slowly being patched up, but the one between her and Acere had not been given that chance.

”Busy, the pups are growing faster than I’d like.” Also not fast enough, the sooner they were grown and able to defend themselves against those that sought them harm, the sooner Rhyme could sleep again at night. ”She is well, though in a similar position. Trying to keep up with much too adventurous children and work to keep Abaven moving forward.” Though they still hadn’t decided on a wolf ready to be lead warrior there had been many promotions this season.

”I haven’t had time to check in with Ignis recently,” A problem he had every intention of resolving soon. Maybe with a trip to Auster. ”How is he doing?” The boy had been promoted from his apprentice rank for his bravery and skill during their fight with the snow tiger. Rhyme was still proud of him, and hoped he was still training with the other warriors or his uncle.