
My Chemical Romance



7 Years
04-13-2019, 10:19 PM
sometimes I feel like weeping, awake and when I’m sleeping
The river winds through the forest, welcoming stray flora that comes its way. It is part of this place, integral to life, yet also a thing unto itself. The river is always flowing, taking its willing passengers onward to the great ocean beyond. At the edges it tempts the rich soil to join the cool waters just as much as the humble leaf litter that lies on top.

The nature in these Southern land does not care for sentimentality, it does not give to a person who cannot take for themselves. It hides its bounty below bark and soil, its secrets not for the casual observer or the frivolous visitor. It cares not that you are sentient, it will welcome your nutrients to the soil as well as any other creature of Gods. It is for you to find your place in the food chain, in the ecosystem.

Year of experience had thought the cinnamon mistress that in this world it is either hunt of be hunted and she was going to win these survival games in which the one that adapts the quickest wins. It was one of these days that she would be found hunting for small prey for the devilchops that she took a moment to halt at the spot, not too long ago, she had met and saved her brother, Seker.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
04-13-2019, 10:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2019, 11:01 PM by Setekh I.)
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
Sounds of rushing water reverberated in the brute's lobes. How these lands had brought back so many memories for the beast, however, they had their moments of being undesired. How he missed the soft feeling of his love beside him, her sweet voice and her voluptuous form. But, the desires that once did dwell within the male were beginning to diminish the closer he thought he had come closer to finding Nephthys. His analysis as to where she could be was wrong every time, and the thought alone began to make him grow ravenous and impatient, eyes of fire holding even more when angered as he snapped at a few overgrown grass strands that were growing alongside the water's edge.

However, before he could fantasize about tearing into some more lifeless forms, his nostrils happened to catch a scent off in the far distance. Even though the water was somewhat shielding it, the scent still had enough potency for him to catch a sliver of it. An eyebrow rose from his slightly narrowed optics, thinking what could possibly be piquing his interest. Normally a stranger's scent he wouldn't pass a single glance over...but now? His mind began to wander with different possibilities with what could be lurking off in the distance as his pace somewhat quickened, long tail lashing from side to side as he came across a small hill.

The shadowy form thought that his eyes were playing tricks upon him. This God that had spent a long time trying to rekindle his relationship with his loved one, only to have possibly found her here of all places? It would seem quite a few of his half-siblings happened to relocate here after being dropped upon the Earth, but, the thought was quickly swept aside when he saw the lithe and elegant form of the woman he'd been searching for. But, he knew that it might take some time to get back within her good graces once more, but desire and lust quickly began to take that thought away from him as he approached, his step high and mighty as he stopped at a good distance and gave a slight bark of acknowledgement.

"It has been quite some time, love," he spoke, his baritones sharp and cold, however despite how he kept himself, his eyes were gentle when it came to her. Gods only knew what sort of Hell she was going to rain down upon him now, but, he would take everything seriously for this was definitely he who had left her.




7 Years
04-13-2019, 11:24 PM
sometimes I feel like weeping, awake and when I’m sleeping
She never once thought it was possible. Not now, not ever. Yet here he stood, like a predator in his prime, the year that passed by barely showing. And she? Well, the warmth evaporated from her fiery orange eyes. Her customary warmth gone faster than summer rain. Even her focus was somewhere on the tree behind him, as if he had become invisible to her or she could not bare to see him at all. Fires of fury and hatred were smoldering in the small narrowed eyes as the vixen weighed the pros and cons of the various and creative means available to her for exacting revenge. You have no right to be here. the usual purrs turned into venomous hisses of rage, turbulent, toxicity rose and became palpable between the two. Not after you left. disgust was clearly shown upon her beautiful visage to which time hold no candle. Her muscles tensed upon seeing him,even her succulent, ebon lips peeled back to display murderous canines. Her heart wasn't merely broken, it was a shadow of what it used to be and fading a little more every day. Like a drug addict dying from an overdose. It seemed like it some of the days they were together, though it was not long, they were like heroin to each other until the day he vanished from her sight, until the day he abandoned her and turned her heart to stone. I should tore you limb from limb. a thunderous snarl was released from th eback of her throat as anger boiled within her veins. There was a moment were she thought that he was the one, the one and only, but that was before he abandoned her like her older sister. Before she realized she could be more, do more and look at her now, a mate that understood the wicked parts of her mind and three spawns of her own to continue both Klein and Ithuriel legacy and rule as they grow.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
04-13-2019, 11:39 PM
Venom on my tongue
fire in my veins,im cold-blooded
His blood started to boil slightly from the harsh words and tone that his love possessed. The shadows that lingered within his mind began to haunt him once again and torment him for such actions that he had done. But, he did not care, he hardly had a care in this pathetic world besides the woman that stood before him. To him, she meant more to him than anything. His desires continued to plague him even when she wanted him far away from her murderous sight. Her canines ever present to his eyes as he shifted his gaze, too stubborn to back down from her words.

"Yes, you have every right to be hateful of me, love. I left you without a warning in the world, but, I only left to learn more and how to help take care of your desires as well as you. I only did all of that for you!" His tone was loud and serious, however all he wanted was her. The world could be in utter chaos yet his eyes and mind only focused on the one thing that seemed to plague his mind and soul. Despite the rage and pain from some time ago that plagued his dreams, she was the only one that truly made him feel sane and and more at ease. "I promise you with my life, Thys, this is the last time I shall leave your side. Not a day had gone by that I did not think of you and how your life has been. And...I apologize for making you think I left you permanently," This woman alone had made him feel like he was the lowest of the low, which he more than likely considered himself to be, but that was something the male never pictured him doing nor thought about, but with her...he couldn't help himself as his eyes stayed locked on hers as his expression stayed somewhat pitiful but still held a strong sense within him, even if one could not see it as his eyes stayed locked on her own.




7 Years
04-14-2019, 12:24 AM
sometimes I feel like weeping, awake and when I’m sleeping
The cinnamon vixen could not believe the words she was hearing. Is he trying to imply he left for her? That he abandoned her for some greater good theory? Hate colored her soul the very moment he ended his sentence, his excuse. It spread throughout the entire of her system, shutting down all other feelings, and becoming central to intent. The love that had been inside the bronze mistress when they first reunited had been crushed. It's a lie that given enough pressure coal becomes diamonds and it's a lie that a woman's love treated with disregard will self-repair. Each person the mistress seems to had offered her Gods given love to left it to wither and die like a common garden weed. She often hid behind a smile and reinvented herself over and over again, she learnt how to be charistmatic and pry inside other minds to manipulate them all the while keeping the appearance of a lady, learning the keep her sentiments inside, if she was left with any. The hurt she felt the day he abandoned her lodged in that sweet heart like a slow acting poison and before long she became a toxic snake. How dare you stand there and lie? How dare you make excuses like a coward mouse? she spatted her venomous words, foreign-kissed tongue holding onto her grave accents as the levels of toxicity rose even higher. You abandoned me, repellant worm! she took one more step closer, growling and snarling with each word, You both fucking did. her tail trashed behind her in a sign of aggression. And now you have the audacity to come before me with that?


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
04-14-2019, 12:44 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2019, 12:50 AM by Setekh I.)
Abandon. The word continued to roll inside his mind like a record going on a continuous loop with no end in sight. Never in his life would he think that Nephthys, the woman who was there for him and whom he was there for through thick and thin would ever throw that horrid word upon him. A slight snarl shown upon his maw, his eyes slightly narrowed but his tail tucked between his legs despite him trying to be a bit more serious. He didn't want to be harsh with her, but it would seem his 'cowardice' happened to take a turn upon him.

"Don't ever say that putrid word to me! I wanted to make you feel safe, Nephthys! I love you with every fiber of my being, and if I was not speaking truth to you I would have stayed hidden from you!" Though his voice was harsh; it was filled with pain of his own. He hated a lot of things, but right now he only hated himself for causing her such turmoil and sadness. She had every right to say everything to him even if his words never hit their desired mark. "You can hate me all you like, but I'd never stop loving you. You're my only true desire and the only one I consider a lover, and that will never change no matter if you toss me to the side. Think of me as you will, an impudent worm or anything else, but I promised myself and I promise to you now with the God's watching, I'll never leave you again." He stated, his eyes more calm than they were before as his words were genuine, his body becoming more free and fluid than before as he took a step closer to her, ember eyes never leaving her purple ones.



7 Years
04-14-2019, 05:31 AM
sometimes I feel like weeping, awake and when I’m sleeping
She remembers it so clearly. After the long days of being so alone, the pain ebbed. The babe thought she would feel the knives in her back forever, the long blades slicing into such sensitive flesh. There were days were her brain felt electrocuted, so violently defocused and the pain, the emotional pain, was so all encompassing she simply existed as a matter of will power. They say you come out of these things stronger, and she guessed that's true, if she were to look back at all the things she mananed to do. But her heart was not for everyone, was not for the ones who threw the knives. Another thunderous growl was released as a warning as she moved forward another step, slowly but steadly approaching him. There was a scream from deep within that was trying its hardest to forces its way from her pretty maw but she kept it concealed, it was as if her terrified soul has unleashed a demon. All that was felt was anger, betrayal that cut like daggers through her soft tissues of skin. Don't dare feed me any more of your lies, toad. she snarled to his face. You left because you are a coward! Because you are a weakling! You bring shame to our name. she spatted venomous words meant to cut deep within his vessel if only they could.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Setekh I


6 Years
04-14-2019, 07:38 AM
The vicious words that she spat at him seemed to impale his own heart. He may seem like a coward, and surely he had been gone for a long time, but that never meant that he had forgotten her or wanted the dame to suffer such heartbreak. The words continued to linger in his mind as he was close to being broken. Like a knife her insults continued, trying to cut him down like a wounded soldier struggling to hold on in their last ditch effort to be heroic for the one they cared for. Seth gave a rather frustrated huff, his words obviously not reaching her stubborn mind, believing only what she wanted to as his eyes stayed serious and narrowed. He would be patient with her, she deserved that much at least, especially with how much time had passed since they've seen each other.

"Your words do cut rather deep, love. I deserve them, but if you wish to call someone weak after they were going to learn more about how to become more educated with herbs and tactics, than by all means say it. Scream it to the heavens if you have to, but I won't back down from you." His tone emanating raw and serious emotion, his long tail lashing from side to side, sweeping the grass with how much he was doing it. His expression stayed emotionless and monotone, not wanting her to see him break and not giving her the satisfaction, all he knew was he needed to hunt and see something suffer to make him feel more at ease with the world. "Note that this won't be the last time you'll be hearing from me. After all of this I still care about you even if you say and think otherwise. You have yourself a pleasant day, Thys," he spoke, soon walking off to give her some space.

-Exit Setekh unless otherwise stopped-



7 Years
04-20-2019, 01:08 PM
sometimes I feel like weeping, awake and when I’m sleeping

Venemous words filled her auditory system, along with all promises that he was keen to shot her way. Her violence was in the babe words with this one. The bronze mistress knew everything about him, every perceived flaw, every vulnerability and she knew where to put the pressure. Like twisting a finger in a bullet hole he reminded still and let her pretty, succulent maw rant the anger that was boiling inside. She would rather be dead than believe a word the beast was saying. The lies, the guts he had to even think to return , to even think to get near her. Unbelievable. She doen well enough for herself. She had pups and a mate and a decent enough place to establish for the time being. She. Done. Well. The moment he began to approach even more was the moment she had enough of his man-child before her, it would simply seem that he will not back down; she was going to be the bigger person. Drop dead. her acid words erupted from her ebon lips like a volcano before she turned on her heels, distancing herself from the rascal with a tango of her hips.



Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together