
Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall



7 Years
04-21-2019, 10:03 AM

Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel

The bronze-kissed Goddess watched with an unwavering gaze, as a fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the horizon, and threads of light lingered in the sky, mingling with the rolling clouds, dyeing the heavens first orange, then red, then dark blue, until all that was left of the sunset was a chalky mauve, and then that melted away in turn as stygian darkness took over the sky. Sequin-silver stars like the glowing embers of a dying fire winked down at her her slender form, illuminating the atramentous curtain of sky, and then suddenly the clouds parted, and she found herself looking at a lustrous, argent disc casting brilliant rays of moonlight onto the dark grounds. How magical it was, how eerie to be in the presence of such full moon. The babe was laying across the soil at a decent distance from the Waterfall, in order to not crush her auditory system but rather enjoy it like serene music to her ears. There was a power and a brilliance in the tranquility, a place of stillness even in the roar of the water. The white water cascaded down a series of rocky outcrops, giving the effect of many waterfalls rather than just one. Then it flowed on its way, nonchalant, as if nothing had occurred.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
04-23-2019, 10:49 AM

Kai, in some ways, had changed. The shift in the seasons seemed to bring about a change in himself - though he'd always been content to roam freely and without anything to guide him, lately he couldn't help the feeling that things felt.. lacking. He wanted more. Not in the typical ways wolves might want more. He had no desire to settle down, no real pull to start a family as his father had with him, no real need to seek fame nor fortune. But he remembered the thrill he'd felt coursing through his veins when he'd raced down Mount Volkan, slipping over unstable rocks; or the soar of adrenaline he felt perched at the edge of the cliffs to the far eastern coast of Boreas. Perhaps it was the growth of the tusks that sprouted from his upper jaw, just a few seasons ago, that made him feel a newfound veneration for life and his family's way of living. If he was going to live, goddamnit it he was going to live to the fullest. No more playing it safe.

That was why he currently hovered near the top of the falls. He'd made the laborious journey up the steep forest slope earlier and he'd spent a good portion of the evening scouting out the surrounding woodland. Only when the sun began to set did he make his way back to the peak of the falls, letting his paws fall over the edge as he watched the glorious sunset. The spectacle was breathtaking, and he spent a long while admiring the way the colors shifted drastically as the sun sunk below the horizon. Before long darkness fell over the falls, though the moonlight illuminated his surroundings wonderfully. It was a shame he couldn't plunge straight down into the deepest pool at the base of the falls, but instead these falls were broken up into staggered pools that lent themselves more to peaceful swimming than to cliff-diving. But the thought lingered for just a moment longer before he decided on another foolish plan - sliding down the falls! At least where the water ran freely over the rocks, of course, not all the way down them.

Squinting as he stood and judged the descent, he navigated a few meters down and dipped a single paw in the cool water of the spring. Without thinking much longer, he propelled himself forward, gliding quite awkwardly on his stomach over the smooth rocks, though he hadn't anticipated the slight drop that followed as he was sent sprawling into a small pool of water below the ledge he'd been sliding down. He landed with a thud, slamming one of his forepaws against the rock, and let out a loud grunt of frustration at the sharp pain that sprouted through his limb. The injury was minor at best, but it still caught him off guard as he clambered to all fours in the small pool and shook the frigid water from his pelt. Well, he thought to himself with a faint grin. That's one way of feeling alive. There were doubtlessly much better ways of going about it, but hey, this was a start!