
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer



7 Years
04-21-2019, 10:15 AM

The succubus stumbled through the meadow, all about her it was cast a pinkish orange hue. The small river that passed through flowed free it was striped in bands of red and black that rippled in the spring wind. Above her the sky was ablaze with fiery colours, only broken by long trails of cloud, but for all it's brilliant flame the air remained frigid with a hint of more rain to come. The sun, now a sallow shadow of it's daytime self, had sunk low to the hills and was semi-eclipsed. She wrapped her tail around herself and trudged onward, each calculated step bringing her closer to the place she promised to meet Toth the other night. As cold and dark as it was now, it would be nothing as compared to the blackness to come. The moon had waned to almost nothing this past month and a partial view of the stars would be no help at all. The joy she felt that time through her bones was not something she had imagine, it has been genuine , something shared between the two of them like shivers before warmth took over them. She felt a connection that she had not felt in a long time and for that alone she was willing to try and allow them time to bond and further learn to understand each other and brother and sister. Her pace lessened before the babeleaned her regalia backward to release a thunderous, heartbreaking howl that called forth for Toth; she allowed herself to come to a halt within the clearing they had first meet and wait for the boy to make his presence know as a devilish smirk tugged at her lips.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-21-2019, 04:14 PM
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

The golden brushed boy had remained in the redbud nook since finding his sister Nephthys the day before. There had been plenty of plants to keep him occupied as he enjoyed the alone time. He had a promise to keep, and a promise he hoped to see kept. He had thought a bit about what he might do if his half sister did not appear before him this night. He didn’t know if he'd be able to trust any of his siblings again. The young wolf tried not to dwell on those what-if’s. Nephthys would show, she had to.

His long royal form lay regally beneath the red tipped trees as the sun winked behind the horizon. His crossed paws twitched as he felt his nervousness manifest physically. His heart beat fast before hearing that anticipated call, right on time.

Eagerly the boy jumped from his place and loped elegantly towards the clearring they had met in before. He couldn’t help as the corners of his golden brushed lips pulled back into a soft smile. He lowered his ivory head as he drew more near, the most obvious sign of his fast respect for her. ”Nephthys,” His whispery voice was warm as her greeted her. Pale thighs coiled beneath him as she took a seat before her greatness. ”What have you planned for us, tonight?” He was curious, golden tipped ears perked at attention as precious metal gaze watched her eagerly.


Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
05-02-2019, 11:40 AM
She was all of the
deadly seven sins
on the Devil's playground
She was taken aback by her mate failure to provide them with a secure land to call home for themselves, their family and spawns. She felt lost and confused even in his brother presence but his warmth started to embrace her and soon enough she found herself drawn to it, only to close the distance between them -- plush tongue, coral, softness tha touched the forehead of her brother, if allowed, only to allow herself a tender gesture, filled with familial affection. Right on time. sultry and soft words, melocious in their low timbre, meant to tickle and send shivers down one spine. Elegant, suave was her form, shoulder blades aligned with her slender, feline-like spine only to result in a small waist-line to accentuate her femminity and lethal sensual forms, pure sex. My mate has failed to provide us a secure home for ourselves and our families. she announced with a sight leaving her foreign-lips before fiery jewels locked into his. Every coming season the Ithuriels have always performed cleansing rituals to purify our celestial spirits that remain trapped within the mortal vessel. she explained, her attention shifting towards the river to their right, Water is being used to clean our mind, body and spirit. With the right incantation the water help clean ourselves of the filth from the mortal world. her attentioned returned for a moment before she departed towards the river edge, I can teach you, if you want, Toth.

Are you worth your weight in gold?


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-02-2019, 09:00 PM
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

His sister was quick to help close the distance between them, and the two of them came together like they had been born in the same litter. He aimed to press his chest against hers affectionately as she kissed his head lovingly. He felt his golden gilded lips pull back gently as she spoke softly. She told him of the failure her mate had suffered, but also of ceremonies and rituals. He had been trained in the spiritual arts, but his mortal body only knew the bare minimum.

She teased him softly with promises of lessons and his precious metal gaze sparkled with intent. ”Will you, please sister.” He asked her quietly. ”My training had only just begun when I left.”He let her know. His age was increasingly evident, but he had Nephthys to guide him down the correct path. He backed away from her a couple of steps, showing he was ready to follow her in the demonstration.


Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
05-08-2019, 01:10 AM
She was all of the
deadly seven sins
on the Devil's playground
The they touch it was like a weight lifted from her shoulders , as if her mate failure was nothing but a pebble in a pond. She walked taller ever since they met. And as she made her way towards the river, turning on her heel as he spoke, her stride was lighter, more carefree. A girlish grin spread onto her beautiful visage as she gracefully placed on teacup in front of the other like a blackbird's melody. Regal, condifence pouring in strides over her frame, I will teach you our ways and then.. fher reagalia turned towards him, fiery orange pool locking into his, will meet the others. the ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of her vampiric lips. Her pace lessened through the moments as the river was getting near, There are more of us now, Toth. her heart missed a beat to her own statement, We are a family. the smile that was there moments ago was not just a memory -- replaced by the stone cold facade of a serpent. But we are at war with out own. Blood against blood. melodious were her tones, angelic in their resonance -- purring them out as her chest rose and fell with each life-giving breath. Ra and his sister want us gone, brother. she came to a halt near the edge, locking their gaze once again. She found it only fair to let him know what he is getting into -- maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not this season, but a war it will be and it was just around the corner.

Are you worth your weight in gold?


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-13-2019, 03:16 PM
She was quick to tell him that she would teach him the ways of their people, and once they were through he would meet the others. Already he knew of Anubis and their brother Setekh, but many more half siblings awaited him. A smile played on his sister’s lips as they continued closer to the river. She went on, and warned him about blood on blood feuds. They were at war with their sire, the man had betrayed too many of his offspring to get off without retribution. While Thoth was no fighter he would learn for the sake of his Pharoah if he needed to.

”Whatever you need of me,” he told her, honesty in his voice as he met her gaze. ”Though I am more valuable for my mind than body,” He teased, letting her know subtly that he was no warrior. ”I will fight for my right to exist on the mortal plain.” He assured her, eyes locked before turning his focus to the river.

”Teach me the ritual.” He would never seek to control the Pharoah, and his voice projected the statement as a question as his liquid metal eyes returned to Nephthys features pleadingly. Thoth yearned to gain in his knowledge, and Thys was the key to that.
Where My Demons Hide