
No, not spring Cleaning



5 Years
04-23-2019, 09:37 PM
It was now the most proper time for her to dig a den and get herself completely settled in. Moving here in the winter made it a difficult time to make a den and the women had been living under the one pull in shed. She had been dragging her feet since springs arrival, but she had to get it done so that she could say she was fully committed to staying. She had woke up early within the morning to start knowing this would not be any quick process and knowing she needed all the time the day could provide. It had been dark as she wandered through the range looking for a good spot to claim for her den. She steered far from the tractor, not wanting to invade in Valentine’s space and had been sure to keep far from any others dens from the members of Legion. She wanted her privacy, her space, a desicion she would make all in her own. She had been familiar enough that she could have settled within the barn like she had the last time she was here, but she didn’t want to be sulking in the memories and feelings that she would never have again.

She had fully given up on Mortar ever returning, like every other in her life he had up and faded away, without a trace. She felt like it was all because of herself, that some curse must be upon her and these thoughts had kept her hesitant of trying to form any relationships with anyone in the pack. Chaos had been the one she had spent the most time with out of anyone and even her alpha she tried to keep things just simple and friendly. She had given up on other ideas and dreams too, ones that she would never consider discussing with anyone. She was set to just live her life, do what she could for Legion, and eventually die when her time came. It was as simple as that and she was growing to accept it.

Once she had found a spot, far on the edge of the range, right close to the knolls she had found a good spot to start digging. The digging process took her forever, but she had to ensure it was spacious enough to store her herbs and big enough that her patents could spend some time here if they needed to be monitored. With the large sized wolves within the pack it took her a lot more extra work. When she was finally satisfied with it, it was nearing mid evening and she was spent. She had settled outside of her den and just laid there looking at the entrance, relaxing and stewing over what all she needed. She had no herbs yet and that in itself was a big job. She also had no pelts for a bed and it would take her forever to gather enough moss for a bed. She sighed realizing it was another night to sleep on cool dirt.
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[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
04-25-2019, 12:10 AM
It was a nice day, and an even nicer evening in the South, and Lyra was appreciative as she strolled through. For once, it wasn't raining and pouring , and it had been dry for a few days, leading to the mud going away somewhat, and her feeling clean for the first time in weeks. She knew it wouldn't last; it was fading into summer quickly, and with that, the summer rains, but she could appreciate the break while she had it. It was making things bloom again too, and the prey that had been hiding had crept out again, leading to days of good hunting as the creatures ventured out into easy sight.

Of course, hunting could still be good IN the rain too, but it was slightly more inconvenient. Much more nice to huddle in a nice, spacious den staying dry, though that was how she died of boredom. Unless it was a particularly lazy day for her, it was hard to just sit still and nap. Hunting, training, tracking - those were all time consuming activities that she needed to tire out her brain, though... eugh. Doing the same thing, day after day after day, was damned frustrating.

She paused in her stroll as some freshly flung dirt caught her eye, and she followed the trail, coming upon a packmate rather quickly, and she tilted her head to assess the small woman. "New den, eh? Need any help or anything for it?" She was bored, damnit; might as well socialize.